Little Scarlet Riding Hood and the Werewolf at Hogwarts:The HogwartsVersion
Little Red Riding Hood is now Little Scarlet Riding Hood after being sorted in Gryffindor. She is brave, daring and chivalrous like all Gryffindors. Are these truly desirable virtues in the life story of Little Scarlet Riding Hood? Or is her bravery going to get her eaten by the wolf she trusted to be her grandmother?
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Lucius and his Backstory
Chapter 9
"I come from a long family of Legilimens" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood had managed to get Lucius to talk this much out to her, "It is a family art, though I hadn't practised it for a long while until a few days ago." .
Little Scarlet Riding Hood knew what he meant by "a few days ago" , he meant that he had used it on her in the library to know that she had seen him in his werewolf form on the night of the Blood Moon and had also tried to fight him. "I- I was scared." , she said, not knowing whether it was appropriate for her to say what she was saying, and not knowing what to tell him regarding trying to throw him off his feet using the Knockback Jinx. To her surprise, the werewolf she thought would withdraw into himself again, said, "I am sorry." . Little Scarlet Riding Hood bit her lips, suppressing her urge to blurt out why she was in the wrong place at night and about her Veritaserum.
She was walking with Lucius along the corridor just outside the library, talking. "I am sorry for using Legilimency on you. I promise I will never do it again." , Lucius said, some sort of regret in his voice. "I understand your emotions were heightened" , Little Scarlet Riding Hood said, but Lucius had started walking fast and though she tried to follow him, he had disappeared into a classroom with the agility of a cockatrice and the stealth of an ashwinder.
Later after class, Little Scarlet Riding Hood wrote a letter to send to Lucius, hoping to try and make friends with him, her curiosity piqued by his indifference, the lure of the unknown, but as she was about to tie it to her owl's leg, a majestic snowy owl with a crown of feathers on his head landed on her desk with a rolled up parchment. She thought it was from Professor Draekon, chastising her for leaving a phial of Veritaserum out in the open that night, but it was a letter from Lucius. There was a small package attached as well.
"Li'l Scarlet,
I am a werewolf as you already know. I am sorry for what happened on the night of the Blood Moon. Here's a phial of Veritaserum from me, fully matured. I brewed it myself.
In case you were interested to know my story, I come from the Carvalho family, a Muggle family, and I originally live in Brazil which is my father's ancestral home. My mother Olivia Amanda Greengrass was the first witch to marry into my father's Muggle family and I am the first magical offspring in the family. My mother is a pureblood witch from a family with generation after generation of adept Legilimens and a Slytherin and she passed the ivory amulet you had, on to me. I was supposed to take care of my little Squib sister with the help of the amulet when my mother died. My little sister was with me on a camp near the Amazonian rainforest near Brazil, when we happened to be attacked by a werewolf. There was also a cockatrice attacking from another side. While we looked into a green pool in front of us playing, my sister looked into the eyes of the cockatrice in it's reflection in the pool and was petrified. I was trying to escape with my sister but couldn't, my sister was bitten by the cockatrice and died to it's venom, while I happened to be bit by the werewolf, who eventually died by looking into the eyes of the cockatrice. I managed to escape but I lost my little sister.
It was all my fault. I used to spend most of my time in camps on my own, seeking adventure, under the impression that I was building hardiness for my future career as an Auror. After my mother's death in the Battle of Hogwarts, I was terrified and focused too hard on becoming a hardy Auror. I worked on suppressing my emotions and improving my Legilimency. My little sister who was too close to me began to feel lonely and neglected. I also did not trust her to be safe under the protection of my father's Muggle family, so I took her with me on my expeditions, but failed to actually listen to her emotional needs and wants. The last words I heard her speak were 'You are so distant, brother' and then she suddenly couldn't move as something flew through the air, that my senses other than sight, guessed to be a cockatrice. As the cockatrice carried my sister, I was attacked by the werewolf. I escaped, but bloodied and bit.
I have been transforming every Full Moon ever since. I break curfew on every Full Moon. But I saw you at Hogwarts last month, and you looked like you could be the type to make mischief and break curfew. I was scared because no one else has ever been seen during curfew until now, except me whom Professor Draekon has not managed to catch yet. I stealthily steal out of the castle and run towards the Forbidden Forest when I realise it's time for the Full Moon to appear in the sky. For this reason, I keep my eye on the Daily Prophet for news. I never miss a single article in the Daily Prophet, especially ones about the Full Moon or lunar eclipses.
I have been watching you since the first day. Your eye color and your cherry red lips make me angry for some unknown reason. Your insatiable curiosity and your tendency to involve in everything mysterious annoys me. I am still not over my deepest secrets and the death of my mother and little sister, and you remind me of them, prodding into everything and everyone's mysteries. You remind me of my little sister and her curiosity and of her pushing for my attention while I stayed aloof and busy. You bring back my pain to me. But I am grateful because you made me finally confront my past and decide to work on my feelings. I do not want to hurt yet another human being. And I do not want to read your mind anymore because it is full of so much emotion, empathy and similar stuff. There is so much in your little head that it hurts me to even think or know about it. I do not want to be around you ever again. Because I will be tempted to use my ability.
Here is Veritaserum for you from me, and please never go out on a Full Moon again, and do not try to retrieve the phial of Veritaserum that you left out in the open.
You will go a long way, Li'l Scarlet Riding Hood, and you will stay away from me.
Take care,
Lucius Costa da Silva Carvalho."
Little Scarlet Riding Hood dropped the Veritaserum accidentally, shaking in surprise and still processing her emotions. After a few minutes, she picked the phial of Veritaserum up, luckily the phial hadn't broken. The clear liquid inside swirled gently and looked as clear as glass. The phial was stoppered with a cork stopper and the label read Veritaserum. How had a werewolf brewed Veritaserum though? Wouldn't he be out in the open? Wasn't he supposed to be transformed on the night of the Full Moon? She guessed he had stolen the Veritaserum from Professor Draekon's personal stores, as she couldn't think of any other good enough explanation. Why had he not stolen Wolfsbane then and who was Professor Draekon brewing Wolfsbane for?
Little Scarlet Riding Hood wrote many more letters to Lucius, hoping to talk to him again, and hoping to explain that he could deal with his emotions over time, but she recieved no replies, nor did she ever see him in the corridors again or even in the Great Hall, except when he was grimly having his meals surrounded by his friends and Slytherin girls who drooled over him.