Third Years Guide to Ace Defense Against the Dark Arts: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for DADA-301. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Lesson Eight: Werewolves Study Guide
Chapter 9
When human, werewolves are a Being. When a werewolf, they are a Beast. They are rated XXXXX by the Ministry of Magic. Lycaon tested Jupiter by killing a servant & serving them to Jupiter. Jupiter turned Lycaon into a wolf, where he could never change back into a human. True Wolves are less likely to attack humans, but will attack if you run. Werewolves will, on purpose, attack humans. Due to being a werewolf, your taste buds change as well. When in wolf form, they keep their morals, but lose all human sense of right & wrong. Werewolves have short snouts, while True Wolves have long snouts. Werewolves have small pupils, while True Wolves have large pupils. Werewolves have short & tufted tails, while True Wolves have long, bushy, & full tails.
In the Muggle world, Lycanthropy is a mental disorder. In the Wizarding world, Lycanthropy is a non-curable disease of a human transforming into a wolf. The Wolfsbane Potion can only aid in the amount of pain one goes through during the transformation, as the werewolf is able to keep their human mind while in wolf form. A few days before a full moon, a werewolf will look pale & do not have a normal balance of strength. They may be bedridden for a few days after a full moon.
Types Of Werewolves
Shapeshifter ⊱ Human to wolf
Wolfman ⊱ One way change, part human, part wolf, becomes infected with werewolf venom
True Wolf ⊱ Monthly transformation on a full moon, forced change, very dangerous wolf instincts to harm or kill
Fun Facts
⊱ In one C.E., Ovid recorded a myth in his book called Metamorphoses.
⊱ Some believe that Lycanthropy represents all non-curable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS.
⊱ It is not possible to transfer this disease to offspring. However, if two werewolves mate during their wolf forms, their offspring will be true wolves.
⊱ The wolf will see it as a chase & will capture & harm you due to wolf's pride. If the wolf does not engage in the hunt, it will be disgraced by its own pack.