A Student'S Guide To Socialisation On Hogwarts Is Here

written by Lilia Le Fay

New to HiH and lost for ways to try and make friends? Daunted by the social groups that already exist? Shy to get involved? These problems and many more and tackled in this brief guide for students who are having trouble making friends or simply socialising on HiH. Of course, how you make friends is up to you, but on HiH, a small and close-knit community, there are some tips and tricks that will help you become more familiar with those around you.

Last Updated






Meeting People

Chapter 4

-Meeting People-

We’ve already talked of posts and off-site chats, but how do you really set the foundations of meeting people? As a newcomer to the site, you will have no newsfeed and no new friends and will possibly be unsure of how to make them. So, here are a few tips for different kinds of students on meeting people.

For the new students among us:

Look on the forums for new posts fro other students and just add everyone you can. Also add professors and prefects, and look on your common room feed. It is likely a member o your house will welcome you and offer any help you need.

Once you;ve got a fairly substantial amount of people added and a good main feed, start to post yourself. It may seem like there are to many other students who are posting and you will feel shy, but just go for it! As said, it’s the first way to make friends.

Once you’ve got a few people regularly posting on your posts/feeed who you like, start talking to thm via owl and so on and perhaps meet up I the student lounge. From there, you can make many friends.

For those who have been on a while but never seemed to have been able to make friends:

Once again, start posting and adding people! Make yourself heard and you’ll soon start making some new friends, especially if you already know the ropes. Also befriend newbies and you can start creating social circles.

For the ones who have been gone a long time and find that many of their old friends have gone:

First, try and find the ones that haven’t. You may feel lost and lonely, but you’ll soon find that there are many other veterans you may remember faintly, and by having something in common with them, you can start making friends with their friends. Also, of course, post!

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