My Handbook of Duelling

written by Hiya Debnath

This book was created by me as a handbook of duelling using information from all the lessons covered at Hogwarts in different subjects from the first year to the seventh year at Hogwarts along with my personal tips for duelling to guide others and me and help others and me in my duelling practice and in my duels in the wizarding world. You will not find the rules of engagement in this book, because I believe you already know it, but you will find a lot of basic and advanced information about and for duelling, that will be helpful and useful to you and me.

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Duelling Runes

Chapter 72

You can use runes in duelling too. While you may often need to have knowledge of ancient runes to translate inscriptions on your opponent's weapons or property and to identify the dark purposes of objects charmed with negative runic enchantments, you may also need it to send secret messages to your friends or others or to charm your weapons or other objects or locations with runic enchantments. You can use them both offensively and defensively. You can place runic enchantments on your weapons or use runic enchantments for protection. Here are some runes from the Elder Futhark runic script, that you can use in duelling(The runes which to me seem to have no purpose in duelling have been excluded from this list, but not from this chapter. I have included all the runes of the Elder Futhark runic script after this list to aid you and me in transcription and translation for sending and recieving secret messages and for deciphering your opponent's 'runic' moves and/or plans and for detecting and identifying magical objects or dark artefacts with runic enchantments.) : -

From Freya's aett (runes of Freya's aett are symbolic of nurturing and concerned with concrete matters of daily life):

ᚠ- Fehu (f)- wealth or cattle- Schreiber’s corrections- Fehu stands for fortune in both the material and immaterial sense of the word.

Upright-richness and gain of spirituality or individual happiness.

Merkstave- opposite,loss (both personally and materially) as well as the negative forces that come with wealth: greed and poverty. 

Magic- stabilizes our magic and reduces the chances of backfire and side effects. 

Use in Duelling- use Fehu upright to stabilize magic and reduce the chances of backfire and side effects, particularly if you are casting complex spells. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon magic being stabilized.) 

ᚢ- Uruz ('u' as in rune)- aurochs or a type of horned cattle- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber noted the pictographic translation to be that of a Graphorn, which is incidentally the symbol for the number two in arithmancy.Bravery and strength.

Upright- Associations with this rune include bravery and strength.

Merkstave- slowness, dullness, and potentially even cowardice depending on how it is combined with other runes.

Magic- In magic, Uruz can be used to bolster and enhance the effects of a spell, though precautions must be taken as side effects can also be juiced up. For this reason it is not uncommon to find Fehu and Uruz inscribed together.

Use in Duelling- use Uruz upright in combination with Fehu to bolster your duelling spells. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon spell being bolstered.)

ᚦ- Thurisaz (theta,'th' as in Thor)- the god Thor, the giant (or Jotun) race- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber’s corrections tell us that the standard form of this rune is used to denote the giant race, and it has been used in this sense on maps to mark the territories of giants. This use eventually became so common that the rune assumed the more general meaning of danger as well.

Upright- change, constructive conflict, and defense. 

Merkstave- unbridled destruction and danger, as well as unresolved conflict.

Magic- most commonly used in its merkstave form to bolster defensive spells and decrease destruction caused by offensive spellwork. On rarer occasions, Thurisaz upright can be used to strengthen offensive spells. This is highly discouraged, however, as the results cannot really be predicted or contained.

Use in Duelling- use Thurisaz merkstave to bolster defensive spells like the Shielding Charm and other protective enchantments and decrease destruction caused by offensive spellwork. This requires a great deal of skill and concentration as the defensive spellcaster must keep both the spell and the rune in mind while building the defenses. However, even the best work is not impervious and the spell will eventually shatter if enough offensive magic is thrown at it. As an example, in the Battle of Hogwarts in the Second Wizarding War, the professors used the merkstave Thurisaz alongside strong protection spells to build a defensive wall around the school. On rarer occasions, Thurisaz upright can be used to strengthen offensive spells. This is highly discouraged, however, as the results cannot really be predicted or contained. (Use defensively as Merkstave or offensively as upright.)

ᚨ- Ansuz (a)- directly related to the meaning of the word ”Aesir”, which is ‘god’ or ‘gods’ in Norse mythology- Schreiber's corrections- the Nordic magi”. Ansuz therefore also stands for higher powers, and specifically communication with this higher power, e.g. through prayer.

Upright- speaks to the spiritual and magical side of human nature and also stands for higher powers, and specifically communication with this higher power, e.g. through prayer.

Merkstave- Merkstave, Ansuz speaks to delusion and misunderstanding, and it may be used in conjunction with memory and befuddlement charms to increase their effectiveness.

Magic- hold Ansuz to refer to advice and communication as well as wisdom, and the rune can be used to enhance the effects of divinatory tools and spell craft. It may also increase the effects of communicative devices, though to what extent is still unknown. Most widely known are the quills inscribed with Ansuz that promise to “increase information retention!” when used for notes. 

Use in duelling- Use Ansuz merkstave to have effects similar to the Confundus Charm to confuse your opponent or with the Disillusionment Charm or Bedazzling Hex or with the Fidelius Charm to effectively stay hidden and befuddle your opponent. (Use defensively.)

ᚲ- Kenaz ('k' or sometimes 'c' as in cat)- disease- Schreiber's corrections- disease, and extends it to also include magical maladies. There is some speculation in the divinatory aspects, however, that may suggest a more accurate reading is “torch” (we will talk more about this particular rune and its divergent meanings next year), but when it comes to using Kenaz in spellwork, the primary effects noticed are in relation to health and disease.

Upright (or leftward-facing)- weakness, ill health (often mentally), and confusion.  

Merkstave (rightward-facing)- to promote vigour, health, illumination, and creativity.

Magic- Kenaz lends itself to potion creation more so than wand work. For hundreds of years, potioneers have carved the rune into cauldrons and phials, and even St. Mungo’s has Kenaz placed around the wards to promote health. It has been suggested that the late Potions Master, Severus Snape, used Kenaz to enhance the efficacy of several of his signature potions. Certainly for anyone desiring to become a healer, this rune may be of great use when performing your duties. Ancient Runes Lesson 4, Second Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Use in Duelling- use Kenaz upright (or leftward-facing) to weaken or confuse your opponent. Use Kenaz merkstave (or rightward-facing) to heal quickly from opponent's attacks and to promote vigour and vitality. (Use defensively.)

ᚷ- Gebo (g)- gift- Schreiber's corrections- Sophia Schreiber opted to leave interpretation of this rune open, as little is known or understood about Gebo. “Gift” is possibly an all-inclusive word for theorized interpretations such as sacrifice, companionship, and generosity; those are generally the accepted understandings. Ancient Runes Lesson 4, Second Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Upright- sacrifice, companionship, and generosity. 

Merkstave- may represent the dark side of these qualities: greed, loneliness, and selfishness.

Magic- Using Gebo in spellwork is not recommended. 

Use in Duelling- Do not use. (I included this rune only to warn you against using it as the more adventurous ones may misinterpret me leaving it out as a careless mistake on my part, though it would actually not be. Therefore, I included it instead of leaving it out to make it clear that this rune is not to be used in duelling. It is not recommended to use this rune in duelling and this is a warning against the same. Go back to "Know the Repercussions of Your Actions" listed under my duelling tips in the second chapter of this book to understand. ) Runologists are still arguing over the practical aspects of this rune and nobody is quite sure of the effect it has. In my own research, I suspect it was used in spellwork during times of perfect planetary alignment, possibly with human sacrifice to seal the work. Since all of these forces are incredibly powerful, these were spells most likely meant to bring destruction to rival civilizations or influence the course of history within a kingdom. As such, you should never use Gebo in your work, lest some undesired consequences result. Ancient Runes Lesson 4, Second Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

ᚹ- Wunjo (w)- joy- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber and the Muggles both agree on the basic interpretation of Wunjo: joy. This rune deals specifically with emotional states, and healers at St. Mungo’s often place Wunjo in wards with mentally unstable patients to bring calm, happiness, fellowship, and clarity.

Upright- calm, happiness, fellowship, and clarity.

Merkstave- represents the opposite: sorrow, anger, delirium, and debilitating mania. 

Magic- Wunjo works to enhance any spell that requires emotion to function, such as the Patronus Charm (which requires happy memories) and the Riddikulus Charm (which requires humor and laughter). There have been several instances throughout history of Wunjo being used, both positively and negatively. It is said that the former Headmaster Albus Dumbledore placed the upright Wunjo around his office, causing a sense of calm and happiness to overtake those who entered. On the other end, Morgan le Fay, the infamous witch of the Middle Ages, is rumored to have used the merkstave Wunjo to depress those around her, ensuring her total power during her reign. From the tale of a rebellion mounted against her, we can learn that upright Wunjo can effectively cancel out merkstave Wunjo, allowing whole peoples and areas to immediately begin to feel like themselves. Ancient Runes Lesson 4, Second Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Use in Duelling- use Wunjo upright in amulets to face boggarts and dementors, to make it easier to cast the Patronus Charm or Riddikulus Charm. Use Wunjo Merkstave to make it difficult for your opponent to deal with boggarts and to depress them, however, it is not recommended to use such cruel psychological methods, without appropriate ethical consideration, in duelling. (Use defensively as upright and use offensively as merkstave.)

From Heimdall's aett (runes of Heimdall's aett represent the forces of nature and the cycle of life.In magic, the runes of this aett often have two-sided effects, and are generally more specific in their purpose than the runes of Freya’s aett.): 

ᚺ- Hagalaz (h)- hail (the precipitation), Hagalaz is the first rune of Heimdall’s aett, ruled by the Norse god Heimdall, guardian of the roads of the universe. - Schreiber's corrections- this is expanded to mean the forces of nature; be it weather, humankind or time. It can also be expanded to mean transformation and homeostasis, for the forces of nature are controlled by these.

Upright- the forces of nature; be it weather, humankind or time. It can also be expanded to mean transformation and homeostasis, for the forces of nature are controlled by these.

Merkstave- represents natural disaster, a turbulent mind, and chaos. 

Magic- Hagalaz is a rune most often used in weather magic, but due to the thousands of intricate threads associated with weather phenomena, summoning or dissipating weather events is best left to the most knowledgeable of witches and wizards. Playing with weather is a tricky thing as it often brings unintended effects along with it. Sometimes Hagalaz is combined with Fehu to provide protection during birth and natural illness.

Use in Duelling- Do not use. (I once again included a rune in my list to warn against using it as summoning or dissipating weather events is best left to the most knowledgeable of witches and wizards.Go back to "Know the Repercussions of Your Actions" listed under my duelling tips in the second chapter of this book to understand. )

ᚾ- Naudiz (n)- need- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber expands that definition to include survival, physical needs, and necessity. The need signified by Naudiz is the need to endure and to survive, it represents the basic will to live common to all life. Using Naudiz is typically reserved for those moments when needs must be met, whether it summoning animals for the slaughter of food or casting a circle of protection. In fact, this rune was one of many that are placed around the school and were used during the Battle for Hogwarts.

Upright- survival, physical needs, and necessity. Naudiz is associated with sacrificial ritual of our ancient past. In times of great need or matters of survival, animals were given up to the gods for protection, to end famine, and to curry favour when displeasure was perceived. These sacrifices were then burned on the “need-fire,” which Naudiz represents pictographically, thus bringing the magic into the corporeal realm. In translation, using Naudiz would represent this sacrifice and the following runes will typically detail the outcome of the ritual, either positive or negative.

Merkstave- represent the opposite: deprivation and death, both physically and emotionally.

Magic- Naudiz is associated with sacrificial ritual of our ancient past. In times of great need or matters of survival, animals were given up to the gods for protection, to end famine, and to curry favour when displeasure was perceived. These sacrifices were then burned on the “need-fire,” which Naudiz represents pictographically, thus bringing the magic into the corporeal realm. In translation, using Naudiz would represent this sacrifice and the following runes will typically detail the outcome of the ritual, either positive or negative.

Use in Duelling- Use Naudiz merkstave to cause destruction to your opponent and use Naudiz upright as a protection spell in times of dire need like the Battle of Hogwarts. (Use offensively as merkstave and defensively as upright.)

ᛁ- Isa ('I' as in ice)- ice and blockage- Schreiber's corrections- obstruction, delay, challenge, and stagnation. 

Upright- While it can be thought of in more positive terms, Isa is largely used in writing in its negative context, usually representing the problems the writer has encountered. Isa can refer to mental blocks as well, such as biased and clouded thinking. In this context, Isa may be written to convey a warning to the user of a spell or potion about either the state of mind the user must be in or potential side effects or backfire effects of the spell or potion in question. This rune encourages caution, a clear head, and some level of expertise in the subject matter at hand.

Merkstave- Isa has no merkstave meaning.

Magic- Isa may be written to convey a warning to the user of a spell or potion about either the state of mind the user must be in or potential side effects or backfire effects of the spell or potion in question.

Use in Duelling- Use Isa upright to delay your opponent or block their mental functions and abilities. (Use defensively.)

ᛇ- Eihwaz(æ)- "yew-tree", the timeless Norse symbol for death and rebirth- Schreiber's corrections- it concerns itself particularly with regeneration and death, as the components of the yew tree are incredibly poisonous, yet the tree is evergreen and can live for 2,000 years. Even new trees grow from the remains of a dead one. In texts, Eihwaz is another that may be used to notate the passing from one life into the next. It can be used when describing preparations for battle or represent the yew tree itself, as weapons were often created from the poisonous wood.

Upright- regeneration and death.

Merkstave- destruction and weakness.

Magic- When used magically, Eihwaz serves to protect one’s life, often at the expense of another. Therefore, protective magic would often require a sacrifice; the greater the sacrifice, the greater the protection. Eihwaz would most often be used in conjunction with Naudiz during ritual sacrifice. However, the rune would also be carved into the weapons of warriors (sometimes made of yew) and placed on homes around the villages to give strength and resilience. 

Use in Duelling- use Eihwaz merkstave to weaken your opponent's defences. (Use offensively. )

ᛈ- Perthro (p)- "dice-cup" or "womb" - Schreiber's corrections- luck, femininity, and fate. Being associated with the feminine means this rune concerns itself specifically with life and birth as well as the typical concepts associated with “feminine mysteries” in days of old -- secrets, the Moon, twilight, and so forth. In texts, Perthro may be used to mark the birth of a child, the beginning of a new season, the full moon, or a female magi or priestess. It may also be used to connote magic that is powered by nighttime or moonlight and involve luck or fate. This magic largely takes the form of potions, including the popular Felix Felicis, or "liquid luck".

Upright- luck, femininity, and fate.

Merkstave- dullness, degradation, bad luck, and ill-fortune.

Magic- By and large, however, Perthro is used positively to increase the efficacy of moonlight magic and magic involving luck and happiness. You can find Perthro-engraved phials at specialty potions stores to infuse a finished potion with the power of the rune. This magic largely takes the form of potions, including the popular Felix Felicis, or "liquid luck".

Use in Duelling- Use Perthro upright for yourself to be lucky in a duel and to brew the Felix Felicis potion. Use Perthro merkstave to decrease the luck of your opponent and cause bad luck. (Use offensively.)

ᛉ- Algiz(z)- elk- Schreiber's corrections- protection, strength and guardianship. Algiz has the power to protect a spell caster from harm, both physical and mental, as well as their property and possessions. Along with other aforementioned runes, Algiz was used during the Battle of Hogwarts to strengthen the shield summoned by the Hogwarts faculty.

Upright- Algiz is a rune of protection, strength and guardianship. 

Merkstave- danger and trouble.

Magic- When reading a text, Algiz is used exclusively to refer to some sort of protection or defence - whether it speaks of magical defences or soldiers, or protecting self or property. Any account of battle will include Algiz in some form or another. In older times (and in the modern world on occasion), the rune would be used to create a circle of protection around a caster, both to protect themselves from enemies and to diminish casualties in the case of a backfire. As we know from the robes of the magi left to Rowena Ravenclaw, they sewed Algiz along the hems to act as a protective circle. Algiz is often found paired with Sowilo, the victory rune, in invocations to the gods and the valkyries, where soldiers and magi prayed for protection from and victory over their enemies.

Use in Duelling- Use Algiz upright and possibly in conjunction with Sowilo upright to achieve strength and victory and to obtain protection. (Use defensively.)

ᛊ- Sowilo (s)- Sun- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber extends this definition to include common associations: victory, power, masculinity, good health, and clarity of thought.

Upright- victory, power, masculinity, good health, and clarity of thought, success and well-being.

Merkstave- stand for its opposite: defeat and darkness, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. The phrase “dark days lie ahead” has often been attributed to merkstave Sowilo.

Magic- Success and well-being are the best-known understandings of this rune, and using them in magic significantly increases the rate of success of a particular spell or potion. It is particularly good to use for tricky or complicated magic, especially in the fields of charms and transfiguration.

Use in Duelling- Use Sowilo upright in conjunction with Algiz upright to achieve victory and obtain protection. Use Sowilo upright for casting any duelling spells or for any duelling magic and for duelling in general to achieve victory. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context.)

From Tyr's aett (The final family of runes is named after the god Tyr, also known as Tiwaz. This aett is different from the others in that it contains the names of two Germanic deities namely, Tiwaz and Ingwaz as the names of runes. This aett with the world of ideas and concepts. More prosaically, these runes can be associated with the world as seen by humans, and contain meanings that take on specific significance in their relationship to mankind.In magic, the runes of this family are associated specifically with psychological and spiritual effects, as well as emotions and human interaction more generally.): -

ᛏ- Tiwaz (t)- the god of law and reason, 'Tiwaz' or 'Tyr' , his Norse counterpart- Schreiber's corrections- justice, reason, leadership, and neutrality. More than anything, Tiwaz represents what is objectively right and fair. It is a popular rune to find in courthouses such as the Wizengamot at the Ministry of Magic, and whenever a new judge is sworn in, they place their hands on a book of law with Tiwaz inscribed on the cover.

Upright- justice, reason, leadership, and neutrality

Merkstave- stands for the opposite: injustice, imbalance, and irrationality.

Magic- Throughout history, Tiwaz was inscribed on weapons such as the famous Excalibur, and they could only be wielded by those with justice and fairness in their hearts. Godric Gryffindor inscribed the rune on his sword, which found its way into the hands of both Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom at one point. It is not correct to say that Gryffindor was the only one to value fairness, however. Helga Hufflepuff believed in fairness above all else, with the possible exception of kindness. She was also a major proponent of balance and often served as a mediator. In fact, it has been posited that Hufflepuff helped bring Cnut the Dane and Edmund II, King of England, to treaty in 1,016 CE after the Battle of Assandun. Tiwaz is used today by Aurors, judges, city officials, diplomats, and even historians looking to maintain impartiality. It is not commonly used to enchant objects or enhance certain spells, although a piece of jewelry may inspire its wearer to remember the cause for which they are fighting.

Use in Duelling- use Tiwaz upright to fight for a just cause and not just to win, can be used in formal duel arenas to hold just and fair duels. (Use neither offensively nor defensively but to uphold your own morals and ethics, more on morals and ethics in one of the later chapters in this book.)

ᛖ- Ehwaz (e)- horse- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber expanded the meaning to represent man’s relationship with the horse: teamwork, partnership, and transportation. At its core, Ehwaz is about progress made with the help of others and the change that comes with progress - whether it is physical, mental, or metaphorical. Like the horse, Ehwaz’s strength comes from the strength of the bond with its caster.

Upright- teamwork, partnership, and transportation.

Merkstave- represent recklessness, discord, and unwillingness to work together.

Magic- Ehwaz has been found on Viking ships to promote teamwork amongst prisoners responsible for rowing the ships. As your book notes, the rune has remained popular for this purpose throughout the centuries; sports teams today still use Ehwaz on their various pieces of equipment to coordinate collaboration, including the Hogwarts Rowing Team. For equestrian lovers, Ehwaz is the go-to rune to inscribe on saddles and horseshoes as it facilitates a strong bond between horse and rider. Ideally the rider of the horse would be the one to carve the rune to make the magic personal and, consequently, more powerful.

Use in Duelling- Use Ehwaz upright for team spirit among the ones in your team in case you are duelling in a team against your opponent or opponents. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context to strengthen your duelling team and promote teamwork in your duelling team, when fighting in a team.)

ᛗ- Mannaz (m)- man- Schreiber's corrections- Mannaz is the rune of humankind, and it represents everything that man does: creation and destruction, life and mortality, happiness and despair, emotion and reason.

Upright- embodies the best of humanity, life and self-awareness would characterize the upright position.

Merkstave- represents the worst. Apathy and mortality are both characteristics of merkstave Mannaz.

Magic- Mannaz will tell you what is in your soul. When written, this rune will be charged with whatever true intent lies in your heart, and it will respond to intelligence and self-reflection. This is not a rune for the impulsive user; rather, Mannaz asks for patience and thought. Indeed, it has been a favourite rune amongst journal crafters throughout the centuries, and it is favoured by those interested in intellectual pursuits. Mannaz is carved into an object to be used as a talisman for objectivity, intelligence, and reason (particularly favoured by scholars, judges, and researchers). As mentioned above, journal crafters also use it to promote thought and self-awareness amongst their journals’ users, and wandmakers find it handy in developing the bond between wand and holder. Some recent research has suggested that the rune may also be used to help rehabilitate prisoners, working on their general lack of human connections and instilling the feelings of human connection in their hearts. This remains conjecture as more research needs to be done to qualify these findings, but it serves as a reminder of how relevant runes are today. Mannaz can also represent pride and greed, and those who are filled with either, when using Mannaz, may find their spellwork to be less than perfect or, in some cases, completely ineffective.

Use in Duelling- use Mannaz upright for spiritual knowledge and to decide whether the duel is worthy to fight. (Use neither offensively nor defensively, but to get spiritual clarity and self-reflection on whether the duel is worthy to fight.)

ᛚ- Laguz (l)- lake- Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber’s correction for this rune can be seen as a deepening of the mundane meaning of this rune, as it is often said that “still waters run deep,” and so the rune for water is also the rune that stands for intuition, the unknown and the profound as well as the subconscious.

Upright- intuition, the unknown and the profound as well as the subconscious.

Merkstave- stands for madness and fear, as a consequence of trusting false intuition.

Magic- Laguz is useful in magic that attempts to discover the unknown such as amulets and charms intended for truth-seeking. It is a rune well-loved by Slytherins for its association with the element water and many claim that wearing jewelry with the rune Laguz aids them in fulfilling their potential. Another use for Laguz is in healing, especially with regard to mental illness, where it can be used by therapists to help a patient understand the underlying or subconscious elements that may be contributing to their situation. It can also be used to discover hidden talent, particularly when it comes to magic. It is rumoured that the admissions registry at Hogwarts, which lists all the students to be newly admitted in the following school year, is imbued with the magic of Laguz on every page.

Use in Duelling- use Laguz upright to discover your hidden talents and your hidden abilities and skills that are unknown to you to use them in duelling and be a better dueller. Use Laguz merkstave to drive your opponent to insanity, instill fear in them and shake their confidence. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context.)

ᛜ- Ingwaz (ng)- the god 'Ingwaz', the Earth god, who represents fertility, peace and plenty.  - Schreiber's corrections- The rune Ingwaz stands for the hero and all he embodies: maleness, home and virtue. In Schreiber’s corrections, this is further expanded to signify common sense, humility, caring, and relaxation. Ingwaz stands for the hero and his positive virtues, as well as for the Earth. It is the rune of hard work and fair play.

Upright- signify common sense, humility, caring, and relaxation. Ingwaz stands for the hero and his positive virtues, as well as for the Earth. It is the rune of hard work and fair play.

Merkstave- signify sloth and unfairness, as well as a warning against too narrow a focus on details.

Magic- As the rune associated most closely with the Earth, as well as with common sense and hard work, it is not surprising that this rune is a favourite of Hufflepuffs. It can be found all over the Hufflepuff Common Room, and embodies the virtues so cherished by Helga Hufflepuff in her students.In spellcraft, Ingwaz is often used to increase the power of tools and objects that require hard work, either to manufacture or to use them, such as hammers used by smiths or the metal ores they work into weapons and tools. It can also be used to increase a sense of fair play, and supports justice and common sense in the workplace and in government.

Use in Duelling- use Ingwaz upright for hard work and fair play during duelling. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context.)

ᛞ- Dagaz (d)- day, “dag” in the Nordic languages and “Tag” in German. - Schreiber's corrections- Schreiber expands Dagaz’ mundane meaning of “day” to include associated concepts such as clarity and breakthrough, as well as balance.

Upright- clarity and breakthrough, as well as balance.

Merkstave- stands for endings and completion (like the end of the day), as well as hopelessness and blindness.

Magic- Rowena Ravenclaw made use of Dagaz in the Ravenclaw Common Room, as it is known to encourage creative thinking, and it can also be used in memory charms. Similar to Laguz, it can draw out knowledge and ideas that have lain hidden, and for this reason is also often used as a decorative element for brainstorming sessions and in research environments to encourage breakthroughs and new discoveries.

Use in Duelling- use Dagaz upright for clarity and breakthrough as well as balance to help yourself duel innovatively, creatively and with a balanced mind. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context.)

ᛟ- Othala (o)- heritage or estate or possession- Schreiber's corrections- It stands for birthplace and heritage, and evokes tradition and long-standing associations. Othala is the rune that signifies community, as well as the homeland and ancestral property. It is a rune associated with communally shared property and traditions, with social connections and a long-term sense of shared purpose and belief.

Upright- communally shared property and traditions, with social connections and a long-term sense of shared purpose and belief.

Merkstave- these positive values are turned to their extremes, leading to intolerance, prejudice and clannishness, as well as unwillingness to help others, particularly when they are different.

Magic- Othala is especially useful as a rune used in magic that relies on and affects larger groups or communities, as it can draw on their shared strength while also sharing that strength among them. Othala cannot be used for an individual, which can make it a dangerous rune; curses that target a whole family or clan are often powered by the use of Othala. However, as Othala is equally able to share power for positive purposes, it still is used quite frequently on buildings that serve particular communities. Salazar Slytherin himself used it to strengthen the community spirit here at Hogwarts, and in turn used the community spirit to bolster the defences of the castle through Othala. Whether for right or wrong, Othala works by uniting a community against those outside it.

Use in Duelling- use Othala upright to promote harmony and community spirit in the community and to promote family spirit among your ancestral family to help instill the "fight for each other" attitude within a community or a family just the way all the students, staff and teachers of Hogwarts fought together against Voldemort as a community with the help of Aurors. (Use offensively or defensively depending upon context.)

You may need to generally have knowledge of ancient runes to be able to read secret messages from your friends or the ones on your side and send secret messages to your friends or the ones on your side for duelling, to recognize runic enchantments on magical objects used, obtained or left by your opponent and to access the knowledge in ancient tomes and manuscripts which may give valuable information and knowledge that may help in duelling. Thus to help in the transcription and translation of the runes in the Elder Futhark runic script, on all three levels, here is the quick cheatlist, refer under each heading in the same order: -

Runes - ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲᚷᚹᚺᚾᛁᛃᛇᛈᛉᛊᛏᛒᛖᛗᛚᛜᛞᛟ

Phonetics (Sounds) and Latin equivalents- (f), ('u' as in rune), (phi or theta or 'th' as in Thor), (a), (r), ('k' or 'c' as in cat), (g), (w), (h), (n), (i), ('j' or 'y' as in yew), (æ), (p), (z), (s), (t), (b), (e), (m), (l), (ng), (d), (o)

Names (reconstructed)- Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Naudiz, Isa, Jera, Eihwaz, Perthro, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Dagaz, Othala.

Mundane meanings- wealth or cattle, auroch or a type of horned cattle, the god Thor and giant, one of the Æsir gods, to ride or to journey, disease, gift, joy, hail (or precipitation), need, ice, year or good year or harvest, "yew-tree" , "dice-cup" or "womb" , elk, sun, the god 'Tiwaz' , birch tree, horse, man, water or lake, the god 'Ingwaz' , day, heritage or estate or possession.

Magical meanings (Schreiber's corrections)- Fortune (material or immaterial), Graphorn (a magical animal with two sharp horns) , the giant race, the Nordic Magi, Transformation (additional meaning), Disease including magical maladies, same as mundane meaning, same as mundane meaning, weather or natural forces or disruption or trials or crisis, willpower or survival or necessity or delay or resistance or needs or self-reliance, halt or stagnation or challenges or blocks or grievances, fruitfulness or fertility or peace or prosperity or life cycles, defense or life and death or resilience or strength, fate or luck or creative force or femininity or fertility, protection or instincts or shield or guardian, willpower or victory or daylight or health or power or fire, justice or authority or triumph of reason, fertility or birth or (re-)generation, teamwork or gradual process or transportation, the self or mankind or humanity and it's features, intuition or the unknown or the profound, common sense or humility and caring or relaxation, breakthrough or clarity of direction or balance, homeland or ancestral property or community.

To activate runic enchantments, the Activation Charm must be used. 

Spell Block: - 

Incantation- Venenate, pronounced as VEH-neh-nayt.

Wand Movement- clockwise circle around the entire design with a stabbing motion towards center.

Willpower- Low (though more can be applied, many find it difficult after expending so much energy on concentration).

Concentration- High (desired meanings of each rune must be help firmly in place, as well as how they relate to each other).

Counter-spell: - The Deactivation Charm.

Incantation- Devenenate, pronounced as deh-VEH-neh-nayt.

Wand Movement- counterclockwise circle around the entire design with a pulling motion away from center.

Willpower- Low

Concentration- Moderate (must direct focus towards all magical runes, or unpredictable effects will remain. This is often how a red glow occurs).

Spell to Check if the Runic Enchantment is Correctly Activated: - The Enchantment Revealing Charm. This charm can also be used to reveal existing active runic enchantments or those cast by your opponent.

Spell Block: - 

Incantation- Specialis Revelio, pronounced as speh-cee-AH-lis reh-VEH-lee- oh.

Wand Movement- Point your wand at the rune design.

The Enchantment Revealing Charm should have one of four results: -

No result- not active.

Amber or Bronze Glow- successfully activated.

Red Glow- the runes are activated; however, there is something wrong with the rune or rune set.

Pale Blue Glow- there is some form of enchantment or spell on the runes, although it is not clear what it is.

If the runes are not glowing amber or bronze, however, it is in your best interest to consult with an expert and proceed cautiously if at all. It may indicate a milder enchantment of some sort has been placed on the runes, or it could indicate a far more insidious spell at work.

Remember that runic enchantments can take a while to activate and are not the best to be used in quick duelling. They can be used in long-standing duels when you have time to create runic enchantments or they can be used to make amulets or jewelry to be worn during duelling or inscribed on weapons and activated to help in duelling or can be used to reinforce or give protection to a building or your house or your property or possessions from your opponent or can be used on a charmable magical object which can either provide protection or be slipped as a gift to your opponent to cause long-term harm. Also, remember that it is not recommended to inscribe wands with runes, except by a skilled runologist and skilled wandmaker, skilled in both wandlore and runology, as it can be dangerous. Remember that runes have long-lasting, permanent effects, if not appropriately deactivated, and can cause long-lasting consequences to not only your opponent but also to others and not only in the present but also in the future. Therefore, it is important to use runic enchantments with caution. Also, runes can have multiple meanings and can be difficult to interprete even for a skilled runologist and runes also have different meanings in upright and merkstave form. Therefore, it is important to keep these in mind and interpret runes correctly, in case a runic enchantment is intended to be used.

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