Lily Dumbledore

written by Lily Dumbledore

This is my story as a girl who had a lot to live up to, my uncle being the famous Albus Dumbledore. Written by me and my best friend Davis (who isn't supposed to be writing in it but sometimes I allow him to take over a few chapters in which case it will be clear that he's the narrator.)

Last Updated






The truth, or so I thought

Chapter 11

Hey guys, Lily here. I finally managed to rip the quill out of Davis' hand. I'm going to be narrating this chapter because Davis wasn't here when this scene happened.


I ran out of the library and "walked" as fast as I could. I reached the two gargoyles that garded my uncle's office.That's when it occured to me that I didn't even know his password. Dang it! I calmed down and concentrated. What would he put as a password? My uncle was the sort of man that liked to mess with people in a fun way. I smiled to myself and said the words pumpkin pie. The gargoyles slid aside to reveal a marble staircase. Typical, I thought. My uncle's favourite desert and my nickname when I was a kid. 

If right now you are thinking Awww that's so cute, I will curse you for the rest of your life.

I climbed up the stairs two steps at a time, and stopped short in front of a big wooden door. Two people were speaking inside: I recognized Professor McGonnagall's and Albus' voices. I pressed by ear against the door to hear what they were saying.

"But what if we're right?" McGonnagall was saying. "It's possible and extremely dangerous for her."

I sense of foreboding crept over me.

"She tougher than she looks Minerva.She can handle it."

"But what if she can't? She's just a kid Albus. And she's your niece. She needs you to show her the way and make sure she can control it. It's your job. What about the pro-"

"That had nothing to do with this."

I'd had enough. "To do with what?" I asked as I burst in.

Albus and McGonnagall turned around in suprise. My uncle as always looked at me as though he knew I was there all along. McGonnagall looked at me furiously and said: "Lily, you cannot burst in here whenever you like! And how on earth did you guess the password?"

"Maybe you should tell your boss to make it a little less obviousand cheesy."

Albus chuckled behind McGonnagall. "I thought you'd like it."

"I wouldn't o as far as that," I retorted.

"Enough you two," said McGonnagall. " Youn know what Albus, I've got some work to do I'll let you handle this." And she marched out of the door.

I winced slightly as she slammed the door, then turned to Albus, shrugged, and said: "I like the office. Though the decoration's a bit outdated if you ask me."

Albus just chuckled again.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked.

"What were you talking about with Professor McGonnagall?"

He studied me with his "knowing" gaze then said: "I think you already know half of the answer and I don't think there's any point in hiding the rest from you. You've been having dreams haven't you?" I nodded. "Care to show me?" He gestured towards the pensive. "Just touch the water and think about you dream." I obliged. Beneath my eyesmy dream unrolled itself, but this time Albus was beside me. 

When the dream was over, he gestured me towards a chair in which I sat down. He sat down opposite me. He no longer had that twinkle in his eyes. He was dead serious.

"I'm going to explain the dream to you Lily, I just need you to listen."

And what I heard was worse than I could ever imagine.





Just kidding. I'm not that cruel. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow, so hang on in there. They say patience is an important quality, and it's one of my uncle's favourite words.

 If you like my book, don't forget to comment on my wall post, and if you have any ideas for future chapters, don't be afraid to share them too!

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