Categories of spells
Chapter 7
Static spells are defined as “spells wherein one no longer has influence over the condition of the target once the casting has finished.” What this means is that static spells are spells that, once cast, have an immediate effect that you cannot change until the spell is complete.
Dynamic spells are defined as “spells wherein the caster may maintain some connection to and/or influence over a target, even long after the casting has been completed.’ This means that dynamic spells are spells ones where you must maintain a flow of concentration with the spell in order to keep the spell going.
The severing charm
Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shaped down and up, ending with a swish in the direction to
Concentration: Moderate; The place to cut and depth of the slice
Category: Dynamic
The softening charm
Incantation: Spongify (SPUHN-jee-fye)
Wand Movement: S-Shape
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate;The target object
Category: Static
properties of the target object, making it a bit squishy and slightly bouncy like some plush toys, but not soft the way a stuffed animal is. The object grows slightly lighter in weight, but it's closer to the consistency of a rubber ball than anything else.