Quidditch: A History
Have you ever wondered how the Golden Snitch came to be, or how the Bludgers came into existence, Quidditch: A History is the book for you!
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The Broomstick Game: The Quaffle
Chapter 2
A Game for a broomstick needed to be invented. Jackson Valor, a wizard inventor, took the challenge. He thought of balls first. What balls? Enchanted balls. He decided to create a large scoring ball. What to score in? He also decided to make hoops or baskets. He sketched out many designs. He named it the Quaffle. The original ball was leather and not enchanted. It often had finger holes or straps. The goal was to get it through the goal posts. How would the game end? A timer maybe? No one knew. The Quaffle was still being made. Valor could worry about the end later. He made many more prototypes, (also on display at the Quidditch History Museum), they became bigger, then smaller, then thicker, then bigger. It kept going on and on like that. When the first Quaffle was made, it was a large leather ball with a strap or finger holes.