Group Glossary
****1/11/2017: New groups added! We are having some minor technical difficulties with Chapter 14; apologies for the inconvenience!****
This is a comprehensive glossary of all the clubs and groups currently active at Hogwarts is Here and the Student Lounge zetaboards. Clubs and Groups are organized into chapters based on what category they fall into. Don't see your club or group anywhere in the glossary, or noticed that some of the information is wrong? Want your club or group removed from a chapter for whatever reason? Please contact the Editor! This glossary will be updated monthly, at a minimum, to ensure that all clubs and groups are properly catalogued and defined so that students are able to find the ones best suited to their interests. Please spread the word and share this with your fellow students!
Last Updated
Official Groups & Clubs
Chapter 14
This chapter was last updated: December 12th, 2016 and has 0 listed groups or clubs.
All clubs that are considered “Official” on either the Student Lounge or here at the main site can be found in this chapter. You will notice that many of these clubs are also listed in their appropriate chapter by category. They have their own separate listing here in the Glossary to allow students who are looking for Professor-run or Staff-endorsed groups and clubs a quick, easy way to search for something that interests them. Please remember that there are no differences between “Official” Groups and “Unofficial” Groups on the main site other than professor involvement! If you feel that a group has been listed in this chapter by accident, please Owl the editor with the correction and it will be relocated within 24 hours. Groups are listed alphabetically by name.