Diary Of A Ravenclaw Malfoy
Follow the adventures of Draco's daughter, Julia, as she becomes the first Malfoy to ever be in Ravenclaw. Her problems go further than older brother, Scorpius, who tries to protect her from well, everything or her grandfather who questions every choice she makes.
Last Updated
A Little Bit About Me
Chapter 1
Hi whomever is reading this, my name is Julia Malfoy. Well, it's actually Julia Narcissa Cassiopeia Malfoy, but hey that's a mouthful and it's ridiculous. My father Draco have this weird concept about naming children after stars, but my mother wouldn't have any of it. She told him, in these exact words: "Draco Lucius Malfoy, in no bloody way in hell will I be naming another child after a constellation!" So she named me Julia and my father was allowed to choose the middle names. My father however calls me Cass, or Cissy. My birthday is on the 14th of August, and my favourite colour is blue. My brother, Scorpius and I fight all the time. He's a Slytherin, and a model student. I've met his best friend Albus a couple of times, and friends are constantly coming over to the Manor.
I know, when you hear the surname Malfoy, you immediately think "Death Eater" "Evil" "Dark Arts", but my family is not like that anymore. My grandfather and my father have learned from their mistakes, and now we focus mainly on our happiness as a family, not on who is the best in the wizarding world.