Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 5
Chapter 7
Good Morning,my diary,I just woke up.Its Sunday,and definitely a holiday.I am looking forward to some Sunday mystery and Sunday mischief.The book A History Of Magic is still open beside me,and my wand is still alight,atleast no battery problems like Muggle battery operated torches or flashlights,and I use the Nox charm to extinguish my wand before putting the book back on the bookshelf.I check my social media next,and there are no updates,in case you were wondering and I never mentioned earlier,the Hogwarts magical social media is also called HiH in short or Hogwarts is Here,in expanded form.Headmistress Oshiro's book "The Guide to the HiH Library" is a pun intended to confuse you,if you always pick social media to spend time in,over reading books in the Hogwarts library.I then freshen up and take my diary down to the library section of Hogwarts administration first thing in the morning to ask them to add the new text I have written,in the printed book version.They use the Geminio charm once again,to copy my diary,and smile at me saying it will be done.I realize there is no current Hogwarts librarian because all this while I didn't have to inform any such person for the publication of my book,or I have never ever seen a librarian in the Hogwarts library.But,in either case,Hogwarts is a place where mysteries are protected by magic,and hence I don't think it is a good idea to forgo discipline in the library just because of the absence of a librarian,as Hogwarts administration's as well as Hogwarts castle's own little mysterious magical ways of enforcing some basic(I only said,basic) discipline may surprise you.
I head down to breakfast at the Great Hall and eat two pieces of toast,cornflakes and milk,and wash it down with two cups of coffee.Next,I dodge Lacey and Rose,who are also busy preparing in their own ways,gathering information and brainstorming for our quest on the Marauder's Map,and head to the library to get a copy of The Standard Book of Spells - Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk,latest reprint in the Hogwarts library by Selena(earlier a textbook for first year charms at Hogwarts).I then take it to the Gryffindor common room,enter Gryffindorm,pick up my wand and over the next two hours practice hard and master all the simple spells in the book except Lumos and Nox which I already knew,such as Alohomora and Colloportus on my Hogwarts trunk,almost mastering these two spells,Incendio on little pieces of paper before tossing them into the Gryffindor common room fireplace,suceeding in using this spell correctly too,Wingardium Leviosa on Hedwig two's fallen feathers,then on quills and pieces of parchment and then on books,succeeding until now(Hermione Granger's famous quote on this charm appears on my HiH social media profile picture by the way)and then on my trunk,but fail miserably,Reparo on things after purposely breaking them such as the water jug in the Gryffindor common room(but I failed to refill the water),a bit of glass on the stained glass windows,someone's spectacles,torn pieces of parchment and stomped on pieces of cauldron cake(Reparo didnt work on the cauldron cake),and it worked on all others fairly except the food,and then Diffindo to slash through parchment,or clothes and curtains,succeeding in it too and then Reparo to patch them up again.I do this because for the Marauders Map quest,we require to perform some advanced magic for which we will need some spellcasting abilities and some expertise in charms,so I decide to excel in these basic charms first to not make a fool of myself with advanced magic.I am sworn in to secrecy by our group and am not supposed to give any more details about what we discuss about the quest or do,but you will find it all in the "Mysteries of Hogwarts" book by Rose Peterson,when published.Then,I finish the A History Of Magic book by Bathilda Bagshot to completion over the next hour.Its almost time for lunch but I take a bath in one of the bathrooms in the Hogwarts castle,and then attempt to read the Magical Drafts And Potions book from my dorm bookshelf for about one hour in my dorm beside the stained glass windows before leaving for lunch.
For lunch,the Great Hall has tables laden with soup,stew,stoat sandwiches,tripe,mash and cereals,kippers,and rice pudding.I wave to Lacey and Rose when I get there and they wave back and after lunch I plan to do some mischief as all this working on quests and studying is beginning to get to me and overwhelming me and the whole morning of spellcasting with a lot of new spells has tired me out too,so I choose to explore the Hogwarts castle and its grounds for the next few hours and owl to Lacey and Rose saying that our next meeting for the quest is called off until tomorrow evening after class.They owl back telling me not to worry and that I have taken up a lot on myself,but I just owl back saying that I appreciate their concern and lie to them via owl that I only need some rest and plan to read some textbooks this evening.
I have another owl though and its from Professor Aspen,Herbology Professor at Hogwarts and he has sent me a long letter with detailed responses to the questions I had asked him via owl,and all my queries are satisfactorily cleared.One of his answers being,there has not been any Hogwarts librarian for quite a long time now,the library is magically maintained and automated,to my question of how to contact the Hogwarts librarian.If you want the answers too and/or have your own queries to be cleared,you can always take more Herbology classes and/or owl Professor Aspen as well.I owl back to Professor Aspen thanking him immensely for his valuable guidance and help,and telling him I am looking forward to learning a lot more in Herbology classes.
I then head out into the dimly lit afternoon sky,as the sun is now hiding behind the clouds to explore the Hogwarts castle grounds.I choose to do the Hogwarts castle second,after the castle grounds,because it will be easier to explore the grounds in daylight.I explore my various options-the great lake,the Forbidden Forest and Hagrid's cabin behind the greenhouses,and the Quidditch pitch towards the Hogwarts castle gates which lead out into Hogsmeade.The Quidditch pitch doesnt excite me and the Forbidden Forest definitely excites me more than the lake.So,I make my way towards the Forbidden Forest(I know I am getting myself into some big trouble here both from the Hogwarts administration for my big mischief and from the Forbidden Forest with its dangers,but I really need to take a break from my life and get my mind cleared up) passing the greenhouses beside the vegetable patches and then find Hagrid's cabin,it looks like it has been repaired and redecorated into a resort-like structure,and I must say the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor has good taste(In case,you didn't know,the Care of Magical Creatures Professor is also always the Hogwarts gamekeeper and Hogwarts groundskeeper nowadays,and lives in Hagrid's cabin after refurbishing and redecorating it to taste).The Whomping Willow is visible nearby roaring and wailing and flailing its branches.I ignore everything and walk into the Forbidden Forest and immediately something seemingly unnatural happens,the ground makes noises and the leaves on trees are rustled and something not visible appears to pass by me into the forest and keeps retreating deeper into the forest.I am scared at first but then realize it must be a thestral.I check my wand inside my robe and take a look at my surroundings to scan for any discernible threats and keep walking deeper and deeper into the forest with long stamping strides hoping that it will help me release any inner negative emotions into the forest and hoping that the atmosphere of the forest will scare me enough into wanting my relatively safe life back at Hogwarts castle.I decide to keep walking on a straight path,never taking any of the other branches of the pathway in the forest and also decide to mark some of the trees but then decide against it as they are creatures and creatures of the Forbidden Forest.It gets dark as I enter further into the forest,and I know its not evening yet,because I have been out of the Hogwarts castle for hardly a few minutes.Then,suddenly I hear a noise something like a click and the noise of a hoof.I take my wand out and dash behind a tree and duck to hide and see what may be the cause of the noise.I see a beautiful white creature in the distance that flashes like a streak of light faster than any predators and appears to come towards me.The beautiful white creature then prances out into the clearing on the darkly lit forest path and trots majestically,kicking its golden hooves into the hair,and landing them on the ground.At first,I think I may have been around dementors because the reason I came into the forest was that I wasnt feeling in my best spirits,and I may have somehow cast a patronus charm in the forest and the majestic white creature must be my patronus.Because I feel weirdly quite happy when I look at it.But then I realize I have never said or even thought about Expecto Patronum since morning or even once thought about the patronus charm casting spell.I suddenly realize this majestic white creature must be a unicorn.The majestic white creature is so beautifully light and white against the darkness of the forest,that it appears to light up the darkly dim forest corridor with its bright white light,and its milky white aura makes it look like an apparition in the forest corridor,like it may not be real,and its pure white self appears to look at me with its majestic eyes sparkling with purity and innocence right through the bark of the tree I was hiding behind,like it magically sees me and knows my existence.I come out slowly from behind the tree,slightly aware that the creature might have known about me being in the forest and entering the Forbidden Forest for quite a long time.I ask for permission,bow(as I have read in books about Harry Potter in the muggle world that it is to be done in front of magical creatures,though I dont know if it needs to be done for the unicorn) and stroke the unicorn gently near its eyes and its beautiful horn.It looks at me with loving eyes and eases all my pain,making me feel beautiful,accomplished,and a worthy witch again and refreshing my mind,energy and spirits and rejuvenating me with new hopes and new energy.It could well have been a patronus for the way it eased my pain and majestically made me feel better.I look deep in its eyes with gratitude and it seems to silently accept my gratitude and suddenly disappears away in a streak and flash of light.I thank it mentally again and start walking out towards the Hogwarts castle from the forest as my purpose of feeling better has been fulfilled.
I go back to the Hogwarts castle and think about the majestic unicorn,for some more time,smiling to myself and saying to myself it was worth it,even if for detention,and then instead of exploring the Hogwarts castle,I finish the entire Magical Drafts And Potions book and then also head to the library to pick up the book A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration and I also find a book called Diary Of A First Year by [No Name] which from the description on the back cover of the book appears to be a record of the adventures of a first year at Hogwarts,published in the library and I bring it to my dorm to read it for entertainment after dinner before sleeping as a bedtime story.
I head down to the Great Hall for supper and supper includes potato jackets,fried potatoes,baked potatoes,stew,cereal,baked beans,meat pies and fried eggs.I stuff myself full with as much as I can and need to rest and hence go back to my dorm to have a read of the first years' diary on my bookshelf and then to sleep.I finished reading the entire diary written by the first year to the end,and then go to sleep.