Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 3 Part i
Chapter 4
Good morning,diary.I hope you had a good night sleeping on the bookshelf,and didnt get mishandled or misplaced.Or I hope you didnt get made fun of by other students or hated, while read,that would be on me,cz I am responsible for your content.I am glad I found you in the same place where I left you without any visible damage or scratches on you.I cannot tell whether the fingerprints on your edges have increased and whether you have been read because now there are too many fingerprints to distinguish one from each other,but from the intensity of fingerprints,I can guess that either only one or two people read you last night,or noone did.Anyway,I hope you will get more readers in time,you already have a lot of them.
Okay,my readers,good morning.So I had a good night's sleep,a nice long dreamless sleep throughout the night in my cozy dorm bed and woke up in the morning and came straight to the library to check on my diary after freshening up.Before I start my day,I may as well describe what I did last night before sleeping.I read the book Magical Drafts And Potions by Professor Draekon,supposed to be the third printing of the book by Arsenius Jigger,edited with appropriate footnotes by Professor Draekon.The book has 19 chapters.I read the first two chapters and they were interesting but I was reading in bed and then I fell asleep with the book in my hand.The Hogwarts library books have a magical index(called the Chapter Selector,if you have a habit of reading books from the Hogwarts library,you will know that these have magical indexes called Chapter selectors,where you can just tap on the chapter you want to read and the book automatically turns to the required chapter,that is why the Hogwarts library books do not require page numbers,but only chapter headings.),that you can use to read the book easily.It took me a little time to figure out though how the magical index or chapter selector works,and I had written a message to Professor Draekon to ask him about it,and decided to owl it in the morning,but since I figured out on my own,I tore up the message and tossed it in the common room fireplace.
This morning,in the library,my eyes went straight to the section containing books by Headmistress Oshiro.And I noticed a book called "The Guide to the HiH Library".I picked it up and its an unfinished book about the rules and regulations and guidelines of writing and publishing a book in the Hogwarts library and also says where the librarians or other relevant people can be found in case of any queries or for filing reports against books that go against the library guidelines or rules and regulations.I immediately read all of its content to help me write and publish my diary correctly,but I am not sure if my diary meets all the requirements yet.I decide to owl a librarian when my diary is finished before publishing it,to clear my doubts and be able to check if my content is at par with the guidelines,rules and regulations of the Hogwarts library.I am pretty sure I may not need to shift it to the restricted section if at all it is published,but I cannot tell if my content is appropriate to be published at the Hogwarts library.
Okay,now I must head down to breakfast at the Great Hall.I take my diary and quill with me and go to the Great Hall,the aroma of food wafts to my nose,the usual chatter of students talking and discussing about different things is both annoying and familiarly pleasing to the ear.I am early down to breakfast and the tables are fully loaded.The weather is pleasant,bright and sunny as visible through the enchanted ceiling.Being early,I found a lot of untouched food items as options to try and hence chose to eat kippers,fried tomatoes,cereal with milk,mash and coffee.After breakfast,I found the owl post arriving with loud shrieks and landing on the tables with furious animosity,carrying messages for Hogwarts students tied to their legs.There was an owl post for me too,just as I was wondering if I have any messages to read,a cute tawny owl landed right next to me and tiptoed funnily towards me and stopped right in front of me next to my finished breakfast plate,making me worry every moment if he was going to accidentally tip it over and break my breakfast plate.I carefully untied the string and the message from his leg,stroked him,ruffled his feathers and looked into his keen eyes and then began to read the message.It was from Lacey Lestrange,my new friend saying good morning,sending greetings and affirming our friendship,saying she may have the same classes as me.I dip my quill in ink,and scribble on my parchment,affirming our friendship too,telling her about my diary and where she can find it in the library to read and saying that I am looking forward to seeing her in class.I ask her if the cute owl that brought her message is her pet,because the owl is really cute,then sign the message,and fold it up and tie it with a bit of string and lightly kiss the owl's back before tying the message to the owl's leg and telling it to take it to Lacey Lestrange.I wave the owl goodbye as its eyes reflect its understanding of the job and it quickly but lightly spreads its wings and soars into the sky to fly to Lacey with my message.My next owl comes from my family with the usual queries and I write back immediately to my family with the details about my stay at Hogwarts and how I am doing well here and they dont need to worry about me.I ask about them,wish them luck and send the letter to them through an owl via the owl post.In case you are wondering how Muggles send letters via the owl post,they dont,their letters are magically intercepted in the muggle post offices,and changed to magical letters and sent to the required places via the magical owl post,if the letters are meant for a witch or wizard,and vice versa,that is the same happens when a witch or wizard tries to send letters to his or her muggle parents.We write the letters via owl and the magical owl just leaves the letters in a nearby non magical post office,close to the area where the Muggle recipients of the letter live,magically changing the address of the sender on the letter and its envelope and making it look like it came from that area itself or from some other area(and also the memories of postal staff are magically modified to avoid doubts in their mind in case of certain discrepancies like the sender's address,which has been magically changed to a muggle address,and the reciever's address being the same or just two blocks apart,though the muggle postmen barely care and are too busy to notice,but for the occassional curious muggle postal staff,this may need to be done),then the letter is delivered by the muggle postman thinking its a normal muggle letter to the required muggle recipients.
I leave the Great Hall after scanning for any more owl posts for me(because some of my assignments are awaiting grading and I am anticipating owls with my grades for my previously submitted assignments from my professors or their assistants team)because I realize its time to prepare for class otherwise I will be late to my first Transfiguration class.My first class in the morning is Transfiguration,and I immediately remember the serious face but lopsided funny smile of Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter's time in Hogwarts,and feel a little funny and excited in anticipation of my Transfiguration class.I walk up to the Gryffindor common room and head to my dorm to collect more parchment and quills,double check my ink pot and my uniform,and check my hair and appearance in my small hand mirror,and then leave for Transfiguration class with my wand in my hand.On the way,I quickly enter the library and leave my diary among the other books in a conspicuous portion of the library and then head off towards Transfiguration class.
I came back to the library after Transfiguration class to write my diary and am going to describe my experience in the class.Once I reached class,I began to look around for Lacey Lestrange but failed to find her among the sea of many faces and couldnt particulary look for her clearly among the chaos.So I gave up and sat on the empty first bench,waiting for the Professor.Our Transfiguration Professor is Professor Mitchell and she entered the class with bundles of parchment,quills and wand in hand.She is a wizened looking woman with burgundy to reddish brown coloured curly hair in waves like sea waves,wears small wide rectangular thick black framed glass spectacles over her large wizened eyes with sparkling light blue pupils,has thick furrowed arched eyebrows and medium sized brown puckered lips,and is speckled with freckles on her face in the area below her eyes and over her nose.She is a Ravenclaw(and I love Ravenclaws).She wore a white shirt and though looked younger,quite resembled Minerva McGonagall.I immediately stalked her on social media and followed her.She looked towards the class and nodded to us a few times,as we all stood up to greet her "Good Morning",then she said "Good Morning,class.Have all of you arrived?" and scanned the room,noticing a lot of empty benches.Then,she motioned for us to sit down and took her seat,saying "We must wait for all of us"and then began to read and re-read her notes and course material,clearly nervous,while patiently waiting for more students to file in one by one and take their seats.Her dedication towards her job of teaching and imparting knowledge impressed me and I kept watching her secretly,clearly inspired,and wishing I had something to do too,such as an assignment because I have never before felt so inspired to be studying in class or reading notes,like she was re-reading her notes and course material,intently.I caught some other students stealing glances at her too and she clearly had the same effect on them too,impressing the entire class with her effective presence and impressive demeanour.A few more students walked in after asking permission,greeted her "Good morning" and took their seats(I can't blame them,we were quite early and Professor Mitchell definitely entered the class ten minutes early,and also started the class exactly on time),until the classroom looked full and then Professor Mitchell stood up and began the lesson with perfect poise and delivered the lecture on the first introductory lesson of Transfiguration.It was mostly about first the syllabus,rules and regulations and procedures of assignment submission in Transfiguration,what will and what will not be tolerated in and related to class,and then what transfiguration is,the transfiguration formula and how it can and cannot be used,the different types of transfiguration,and the different types of transformation and the dangers of transformation.I was thoroughly impressed by the lecture and very interested in the class all throughout.It was the first time I have been impressed by and totally felt interested in and excited about both the theoretical and practical aspects of a class,and for not one minute did my attention waver until the end of the lesson and I was still excited and enthralled even after the lesson ended and would have loved to hear and learn more.I think I have found my favourite subject at Hogwarts and I am looking forward to learning more of it and trying to excel in it,despite knowing its dangers.I may even one day want to be an animagus like Professor McGonagall,though I know its difficult magic,I will try it atleast once in my life,when I have learnt a lot in Transfiguration and some other branches of magic like Charms and am feeling more confident.That reminds me of the Marauders map being my favourite magical object,because its one of the most brilliant inventions of magic,and can provide a sneaky way to know everything about other people's whereabouts from the comfort of my room or any hiding place,and totally is my kind of mischief,the only kind of mischief I may be upto(otherwise I am not very fond of mischief,and am a calm person who likes to stay out of trouble,but I am willing to get into trouble for the Marauders map)and I am in awe of its creators,the four Marauders-Padfoot,Moony,Prongs and Wormtail(they were animagi too,a dog,a werewolf,a stag and a rat) and in real life they were called Sirius Black,Remus Lupin,James Potter and Peter Pettigrew,and I am right now uploading a post on my social media wall regarding my favourite magical object being the Marauders Map,and my favourite Marauder is perhaps Moony.And I am also uploading my favourite subject to be Transfiguration,as I promised to upload and update my favourite subject at Hogwarts soon on social media,though I still have the first class of History of Magic left to attend before I can say I have attended the first classes of all subjects and can fairly decide,but I am pretty sure it will still be Transfiguration anyway.I have a new follower on social media called Rose Peterson,she has a lot of house points to her name,as is visible on her social media profile(house points are now as and when acquired by Hogwarts students or staff,magically updated automatically on their social media profiles and the same even on mine,you can check my social media profile to know how many house points I have acquired until then at any point of time and the same is true for any Hogwarts student or staff,including you if you are one)and she is from my country,she is a Ravenclaw(and I love Ravenclaws)and her first name is the name of my favourite non magical flower,Rose,so I dedicate a post to her on my social media wall too and follow her back.I also owl her saying hi and that she is from my country and that her first name is the name of my favourite non magical flower.In case you are wondering,how the magical updating of house points doesnt break the muggle internet we are supposedly using,let me tell you,our social media profiles are not visible to muggles,because they arent muggle social media at all.We have a separate magical social media account in a magical social media only for witches and wizards,which runs without the muggle internet via magical energy(as you will not find muggle internet connection working inside the Hogwarts castle anyway,and your muggle phone wont have network either),and this magical social media account when open,is the only thing on a muggle phone or any other device,that works inside Hogwarts castle.Nothing else is functional on a muggle phone or any such device inside the Hogwarts castle as trying to do anything else on the device just causes the device to go haywire and/or break.Muggle born witches and wizards can bring their devices into the castle and install the magical social media on their phone by typing Hogwarts is Here on their phone on the usual search button that they use for muggle browser searches,and then the only thing that remains operational is the magical social media until they go out of the Hogwarts castle premises and anything magical such as the Hogwarts express and/or the 9¾ platform,and then once they are back on muggle ground,the magical social media crashes and doesnt open again even on typing the same thing on the browser search(even when tried later with a fully functional muggle internet connection)and simultaneously the muggle internet connection or normal muggle phone network connectivity is restored.Witches and wizards from wizarding families seem to have taken inspiration from muggles and carry these similar muggle-like devices(which I do not know they get from muggle stores or buy from someone in the wizarding world itself,who makes it or buys it from muggles)with only the purpose of using magical social media.The magical social media looks a lot like muggle social media too,except the profile pictures are moving photographs,like magical photographs,and the house points on profiles are updated on their own magically and owls are still more popular than using social media,as owls allow us to send private messages(magical social media has only place for posts and comments and profiles with profile information,but no message sending platforms for communication,I do not know why,maybe for magical reasons).Okay,my social media is updated and I am back to my diary.So at the end of the Transfiguration lesson,we were given two assignments,one objective and short answer quiz assignment and an essay assignment,called the Introduction Essay in which we were told to introduce ourselves,write about what we are looking forward to learn in Transfiguration class and also about anything we would like our Professor to know.I completed both my assignments and submitted them,and they are awaiting scrutiny.After class,as the students began to file out,I once again started looking for Lacey Lestrange while staying rooted to my spot and then I spotted her.She came over to me and told me she recieved my owl and that she is looking forward to reading my book in the library.She also told me that the cute tawny owl who brought me her message in the morning was her pet and she called her "Feathery",while we walked out of Transfiguration class.I asked her if I can add our encounters to my book and whether she would mind,reassuring her that I will never write anything that negatively reflects on her or her personality and that she can always read the content of my diary in the library and owl me or directly confront me if she doesnt like the content or a part of it,and/or wishes to be edited out of my book for whatsoever reason,anyway.She immediately agreed and looked happy while she told me that I could write anything about her in my book and she will be looking forward to reading it.I thanked her,gave her a smile and told her that in all our little moments,we were creating scenes that were to be written in my book and that I was looking forward to making it interesting.I gave her a hug and promised to meet her in the History of Magic class or at lunch in the Great Hall,and she slithered off towards the Slytherin common room while I sped towards the library.I made my way to my usual writing table,brought my diary from its shelf and here I am.By the way,an owl is waiting beside me for quite some time now,I stroke it gently and get the post from its leg.Its from Rose Peterson,saying her favourite flower is rose too,and asking me where exactly in the country I live,as we are from the same country.I answer her question and ask the same to her and send the owl back with my reply tied to its leg.I am going to leave my diary back in the usual spot and come back after my History of Magic class or atleast after lunch.
So I am back to the library after finishing History of Magic class and lunch,and grab my diary and begin to write.When I left the library the last time,I took a visit to my dorm,where after grabbing some more parchment and drinking some water to cool myself,I checked my appearance in my hand mirror,and then left to visit the nearest bathroom,following which I headed straight to History of Magic class.I was expecting a boring looking teacher,but as I entered I found a very interesting looking Professor for history,she was already there before me,and nodded as I asked for permission and entered her class.I spotted Lacey on a bench with an empty place beside her and she silently waved at me,and I went and joined her.Lacey told me that this is Professor Everby,a Canadian Hufflepuff,and asked me,"Dont you admire her golden brown hair?She is beautiful,and almost looks Korean,except for her big eyes."I agreed,nodding and observed that her thin red lips with her fair complexion made her look even more Korean and she was really beautiful.I casually touched Lacey's arm and asked her,"Dont you think Professor Draekon,our Potions Professor,is handsome too?"Lacey gave me a suspicious look and then half glanced at me with a questioning smile,saying "umm,yeah?He is definitely handsome".I said,loosening up a little,"He looks so Western,he apparently does have an American father,and a Japanese mother from his social media.I think he is so hot,he could be illegal.".Lacey broke up into a full smile and said"Ohh yeah,he seems to be already blowing up cauldrons with his excessive heat,especially maybe he's blowing up yours.".I blushed immediately and got a little shifty,but she leaned closer,and asked,"So,what's brewing?".I told her that I have a crush on the Potions Professor,Professor Draekon but I also mentioned that its only a light crush and before she could respond or we could continue our conversation further,Professor Everby lightly rapped on the table,while a few boys filed into class and noisily took their seats,and said,"Okay,I think that is all.Lets start.".I prepared myself for a long drawl of a History class,but interestingly,Professor Everby speaks nothing like I was expecting my History of Magic professor to be.Instead,she introduced herself and gave a very beautiful and interesting background story of herself to us,including how she developed her interest in story telling and how she was initially interested in another career in the world of magic that had nothing to do with history of magic,but later shifted into this field.She emphasized throughout the lesson how history is more about the people of the past,their culture and the motivations behind their actions which is more important than dates and numbers.She also told us she would be excusing us for not knowing the exact dates in History of Magic as long as we know around when in the timeline,the particular event took place and that the people of the past and their stories,and their culture will always be more important in History of Magic class.Now,that sounds most interesting.She also advised us to always take notes in the History of Magic class,as otherwise,the dates,places and names can get mixed up.So,I pulled out my quill and parchment and kept them at the ready until the end of the lesson while I listened attentively for information worth noting down in order to remember.The first lesson was an introductory lesson and most of it was about the syllabus and requirements,telling us about the exams and assignments and rules and regulations to be followed for History of Magic class and about the importance of studying history.It ended with a single essay assignment on the importance of history,in which we were asked to list and describe atleast two reasons why history is important,supporting them by citing atleast one example with references to the magical world.It was a very interesting assignment for me,as I had already developed an interest in studying History of Magic after the introductory lesson and now knew why studying history,especially the history of magic,could be important.I saw Lacey beside me interestedly scribbling on her parchment,furiously writing away,almost very close like a few words away to the minimum word count,which was 150.I had only written half a page by then,and bringing my concentration back to my own parchment,I started writing again,and giving myself some aching fingers on my right hand in the process,I completed the assignment to the best of my ability writing somewhere between 1500 to 2000 words,and then I submitted it,and its awaiting grading.Lacey had finished her assignment too,and before we walked out of class,Lacey asked me if I was reading the A History Of Magic book by Bathilda Bagshot.Professor Everby had mentioned the A History Of Magic book by Bathilda Bagshot available in the Hogwarts library in the lesson,but she also said that it is not necessary for completing the History of Magic course,though she would always welcome us reading it as it certainly has some valuable information.She also said that in case of discrepancy with the book,we should defer to the lessons,because of later updates which may be in the lesson,but not in the book.I told Lacey that I did pick up the book from the library,as it was the first textbook I found in the library,but I hadnt started reading it yet.Instead,I was reading the Magical Drafts And Potions book by Arsenius Jigger,the third printing,edited with relevant footnotes by Professor Draekon,that I got from the library,as well.Lacey shot me a look,and I know why,but giggled and picked up my things to leave class,asking her if she would like to join me for lunch.She said,"Certainly." and followed me down to the Great Hall.The aroma of food was mindblowing and I told her I will catch up with her as soon as I finish eating.There was no Professor Draekon at the table,but thats usual,I have very rarely seen him down there,I wondered when he ever eats,maybe he eats really early or really late and either leaves too soon or too quickly.I caught Lacey shooting me a furtive glance from her table and giggling,as she saw me watching Professor Draekon's empty chair.I blushed and smiled and sat down to lunch.Lunch looked and smelled delicious today,and there were lamb chops and steak and kidney pie and mashed potatoes,and I was delighted.All the meat looked and tasted delicious and the mash was yummy too,I helped myself to a lot of rice pudding,served for lunch today, as well and I think this is one of the foods I really like at Hogwarts too.I love the elves for these ones.After stuffing myself full,I took to the nearest bathroom and then invited Lacey to a game of Hogwartle as I noticed her ready after lunch to come find me.We then played Hogwartle,battle style,in the abandoned corridor besides two other groups of students and she won two games among the three we played,and I won one.We both loved it,and Lacey said,"That was awesome,but you can do better",I told her I was only nervous and that I was really good at it.Lacey asked if we could always sit together in class from now on,I gladly agreed and then I told her about Rose Peterson,the Ravenclaw girl from my own country,and asked her if we could invite Rose to sit beside us in class,adding "Its always helpful to have a Ravenclaw beside us in class😉"with a wink,and she laughed and agreed.I then headed up to the library and she headed towards her dorm and I am here writing this down in my diary.Now I need to go back to my dorm and get ready for my Herbology class,second lesson.I am looking forward to seeing Professor Aspen again.But before I can leave the library,I recieve an owl from the Transfiguration Professor with a message saying that I recieved a 100(full marks) on my Transfiguration Lesson One Quiz,the objective and short answer quiz assignment for the first introductory lesson,for which I was awarded 10 house points,and also a 100(full marks) on my Introduction Essay,for which I was awarded 12 house points.I am delighted and give myself a mental pat appreciating myself for my grades until now and then leaving the diary in the usual spot,head up to my dorm.See you soon,diary.
So,I just returned to the library from Herbology class,panting from the heat in the greenhouse.As soon as I enter and grab my diary,I have an owl from Rose Peterson telling me where exactly she lives in my country and I owl her back asking her to meet me at the Hogwartle corridor after breakfast at the Great Hall tomorrow morning,so that we can have a chat before class and I can introduce her to my Slytherin friend Lacey Lestrange,and also inviting her to sit with us in class tomorrow,if she would like,as Lacey already thinks its a good idea.Our Herbology class today covered the second lesson in first year known as "Tools of the Trade",which mostly covered the self protection tools(and dressing recommendations and requirements) and plant care tools needed in Herbology,then finished off with a bit about cauldrons and the properties of the different types of cauldrons and their interactions with various types of plants.It was followed by a quiz assignment which I hopefully did well in or can have moderately or even mildly messed up(I am not sure),and then turned in for grading.It was an assignment which did not allow for resubmissions so I hope I did well.Throughout class,I had Lacey right beside me,and after paying attention in class throughout it,when class was over and we had turned in our assignments,we took a moment to look at each other's plots in the greenhouse.Neither she nor I had any plants yet,but we just took a look at the positions of our plots and both of our plots are healthy looking ones and that planted a question in my mind about how the plots should be prepared before planting anything,and if there are any specific preparations needed or any precautions to take in general.I may be worrying too much because it is possible we will touch up on this and more in our future classes and get to learn about soil preparation specific to plants,and in general,but I am just intrigued and curious,also what if we dont,though thats not likely.And I also want to know,if it is required to and if yes,how to,segregate the plot of land for magical and non magical plants,or can I just simply grow a rose between or beside a Knotgrass and a Fluxweed.I saw Professor Aspen walking out of the greenhouse swarmed by students like bees seeking nectar and followed closely at his heels by his Professor Assistants' team,and realized its too late to run after him with my question,without looking like an idiot.So,I decided to owl him with my question later and simultaneously Lacey pinched my arm and pulled me out of being lost in thought as I was standing with a serious face staring at the now quite far away Professor.I asked Lacey if she knew the answer to my question but she calmly told me not to hurry and/or worry as I will get to know everything eventually later,but I was still curious,and asked out loud addressing my question to the remaining students at the greenhouse.Out of the corner of my eye,I noticed Ross Geary,a Slytherin student,tending to one of the plots(I believe I saw him in the greenhouse earlier),but nobody answered my question so I left the greenhouse with my arm through Lacey's,following which I headed up to the library.There's an idea brewing in my mind as I write my diary,when I suddenly spot Lacey in the library with a copy of Professor Oshiro's A History Of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot and wave to her.She comes over to me and says that she came to pick a copy of that book,and she tells me that she wrote a book called "What Hogwarts house are you in?" recently and that has already been published in the library.Now thats what I call Slytherin cunning,shes been writing a book all this while,and I never had an idea,she's a true Slytherin.And I am not turned off,but totally impressed.It doesnt hurt to have a friend who can be cunning and ambitious like that.So,Gryffindors and Slytherins can be friends after all,irrespective of how Slytherins were villainized in the past especially when Voldemort was still alive.I agree that the villainization of Slytherins has now decreased to a great extent,and I am glad for that.I pick Lacey's book from the library,after searching for it by its name and I am thoroughly impressed by its writing.You can all check it out if you like.It already has a lot of reads.My next surprise comes when I see a girl wearing the Ravenclaw uniform walking towards us and then I recognize her to be Rose Peterson.I introduce Lacey and Rose to each other,and I joke about how we are friends from all the three houses and we could have a Hufflepuff join in and then we will be complete with all four houses among us.They both agree and Rose even says she could introduce one of her Hufflepuff acquaintances to us and see if she wants to be friends.I am delighted and point out how this table in the library always remains empty except for me because its in a corner and dimly lit,and I have always cared more about solitude and peace,rather than anything else,even reading light,which is why I chose to sit in this corner,away from the student crowds,even in the library.I decide that we can meet here every evening after class,as noone will disturb us here,or at free times to discuss classes,chat or just have some conversations and relax.Both Rose and Lacey delightedly agree.We decide to call this corner "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner".And we decide to make it a students' group of our own by that name,and enroll it into the list of Hogwarts Groups and Clubs and put it up on the noticeboard for everyone to see,also mentioning that our group is open to join,so that more interested people can join us(and we also mention in the group description that we are particularly glad to accept a Hufflepuff,😉wink,because that will make us a perfect combination of people from all the four houses)and we immediately set our plan into action,and voila,its done with all the formalities completed except one,every group needs a set of written rules to be recorded,especially if its listed in the Hogwarts list of Groups and Clubs,so I quickly jot down a list of rules on some parchment being the group admin myself,and Lacey and Rose make copies,one each on their own parchments,to be submitted to the Hogwarts administration and to be put up on the noticeboard with our group description,respectively,as per the rules.
Here's what I write as rules for the group:-"No rules except the basics,that is treat each other with respect and be good to each other.We will be helpful towards each other and anyone who breaks these basic rules will be kicked out of the group and reported to the Hogwarts administration.Also,we need anyone who joins the group including ourselves to maintain the basic library decorum and follow Hogwarts library rules and regulations as we are in the Hogwarts library,we are not looking for trouble.More rules may be added in the future,depending on the circumstances,and upon mutual agreement and decision".
My day 3 diary being too long,day 3 being a long day for me at Hogwarts,I am going to shift to the next chapter to write the rest of it.