Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 11 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 24
Our First Year Final Term Examinations started today.I have been studying hard for my First Year Final Term Examinations of all subjects until now.I will be describing very shortly with a heading and a small overview,each of my exams from now,starting from today,in place of my classes,at the exact broad time in which they were taken such as morning,afternoon or evening.I am also going to add a very short overview of how I felt after writing the exam in one or more sentences and/or a short phrase.
The First Year Defense Against the Dark Arts Final Term Examination
It was held in the DADA classroom,with exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our DADA Professor,Professor Jericho Penrose.It involved answering a 26 question question paper headed "Final Examination" with multiple choice and open short answer questions set from all the lessons except the last lesson taught to us in DADA classes until now.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be medium as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for DADA and other subjects at Hogwarts.We were given blank parchments to write our answers on.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and feel moderately good about the exam.
The First Year Potions Final Term Examination
It was held in the Potions classroom in the dungeon with an exam appropriate seating arrangement,under supervision of our Potions Professor,Professor Draekon.It involved answering a 15 question question paper headed "Potions 101 Final" with multiple choice and open short answer questions set from all the lessons taught to us in Potions classes until now.I found the difficulty level of the question paper to be easy as compared to the assignments we had to solve in class for Potions and other subjects at Hogwarts.We were given blank parchments to write our answers on.I answered all the questions in the question paper to the best of my ability and feel quite good about the exam.I had preserved some sweets that were distributed to us during our last Potions lesson until now at Hogwarts to eat after the exam and enjoyed them after the exam.
Owls Recieved:-None.
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1172.
Important Events Today:-No important events happened today.