Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 4 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 17
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Fire crabs-mostly discusses fire crabs,why they are wanted by magical people and muggles,their beast classification by the Ministry of Magic,some laws,their endangerment and preservation and current habitat,uses of their shells,why they are dangerous and how to defend against them,with a short addition regarding how all creatures cannot possibly be covered in Defense Against the Dark Arts classes and how to defend against such creatures which are not covered.The beginning of the lesson also had a short part where Professor Jericho Penrose warned us about the final examination and told us to study and also told us that this lesson is the last lesson included in the syllabus of the final exam and that the next lesson will be important for our future as well as in class but not included in the syllabus for the final exam.Assignments:-"Fire crabs"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Fire crab Sanctuary"(Essay assignment,asking us to design by drawing or digitally creating,a new design for the Fire crab sanctuary due to certain reasons,and submitting our design for the assignment).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Blast-Ended Skrewts and the Final-mostly a lesson as a treat,describing the anatomy,history of breeding and creation,breeding,offense and defense mechanisms of and how to defend against Blast-Ended Skrewts.This lesson is excluded from the syllabus for the final term examination,but the notes from this lesson are supposed to be re-read on the day of the final examination as a treat,for the purpose of relaxation.Assignments-no assignments for this lesson.
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-At the Core I've Forgotten-lab lesson teaching us about the Forgetfulness Potion,history related to it's invention,it's effects,uses and side effects,precautions of use,and possible bad effects,and practically teaching how to brew the Forgetfulness Potion and how to use,mature,store and label it,and when to discard it.The lesson also included a part discussing the Lethe river water,it's source,composition and molecular structure and their comparison to the same of other mundane water,it's properties,effects,muggle mythology associated with it and theories on the source of it's magical properties.Assignments-"Forgetfulness Potion"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "In the Middle of My Thoughts"(Essay assignment,asking us to imagine ourselves as a healer and write an essay imagining a hypothetical situation in which we might use the Forgetfulness potion on a patient,describing the patient's diagnosis and symptoms,the effects of the potion overall,how the potion could be beneficial to the patient and how it could be harmful to the patient,what our final decision would be as a healer in terms of administration of the potion to the patient and why,and what was the outcome we would expect,according to a given rubric).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-The End Is the Beginning Is the End(Final Exam)-lesson talking about topics to be discussed in Potions classes in second year at Hogwarts and a general overview of what we learnt and were expected to learn and take away from the Potions first year syllabus and how to approach Potions now,ahead and in future and similar things.Some of Professor Draekon's favorite Honeydukes candies and sweets were distributed to all of us during the class,to enjoy as treats after writing the First Year Potions Final Term Examinations.The Professor also told us that the First Year Potions Final Term Examination will have no time limit and that he hopes to see us in Potions classes in our next year that is second year at Hogwarts.Assignments-"A Letter Home"(Essay assignment,asking us to write a letter to a mentor,friend or to someone other among the given options,describing our experience in potions class throughout first year and how it changed our perception of potions and other given things,according to a given rubric).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Herbology(We usually have Flying class in the afternoon on Thursdays,but since the Flying class course for first year is over and the First Year Flying Final Term Examinations have also already been conducted,any Flying class periods in the afternoons are to be replaced by Herbology)
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Grouping Your Garden-lesson mostly on various type(s) of plants,categorization of plants on the basis of sunlight,making plant profiles and labelling plants and their parts based on standardized formats and standardized guidelines and why standardized labelling was implemented and is important and dates and outcomes of the two meetings of the Herbology High Comission.Assignments-"Filing Your Flowers"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Classify Me!"(Essay assignment,asking us to pick a plant taught to us in Herbology classes except the wild rose and make a standard plant profile of it according to the standardized format and write it down according to the given rubric and to write down the same for another plant according to the same rubric for extra credit).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Herbology Intertwined-lesson mostly giving a general overview of topics taught in Herbology classes to first year students at Hogwarts and the same for second year students at Hogwarts and then discussing in detail the overlap between herbology and other magical subjects, then ending with mostly a sneak peek into how Herbology classes in second year at Hogwarts will be like and into a little something very interesting that we will have to do in our second year at Hogwarts for Herbology classes as second year students at Hogwarts.Assignments-no assignments for this lesson.
Owls Recieved:-From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-a parcel with a tray of sweets and a message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"More on A.M.E.".Feedback note from the Professor for me for the assignment reads,"Well done. Help yourself to a sweet from the tray!".I helped myself to a sweet from the tray and found it delicious.I distributed the rest of the sweets in the tray among some of my fellow Gryffindors in the Gryffindor common room.
From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-message saying that I recieved 80 marks on and 8 house points for the assignment titled,"Planets".Feedback note from the Professor for me for the assignment,reads,"Well done! I'm glad you enjoyed the lesson.
5. There are actually four planets in our Solar System that have rings. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Most are just less visible than those of Saturn. While this isn't in the course, you might find it interesting that an asteroid called Chariklo also has two rings!
10. Isaac Newton was the one who figured out what makes the planets move according to Kepler's Laws.".The numbers 5 and 10 on the feedback note actually indicate the question numbers of the questions in the quiz for the assignment,which I answered incorrectly,and these numbers are followed by the information that I required to know or correctly remember or interprete,in order to have answered those questions correctly and some extra information.
From Potions Professor,Professor Draekon-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Forgetfulness Potion".Feedback note from the Professor for me for my assignment reads,"Excellent work!".
From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 11 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Observing Planets".Feedback note on my essay for the assignment for me from the Professor reads,"Good job! You would have lost 5 marks for not saying that you distinguished the planets from the stars because stars appear to twinkle and planets don't. Instead, I docked you one of the 2 extra credit points you earned so that you'd have 100% instead of 95% to go along with 11 house points. You earned 2 extra credit points for the angular sizes of Mars and Venus. The Sun is above the horizon, Venus is in the gibbous phase, and Jupiter's angular size is only about 30 arc seconds because it as about as far from Earth as it can be in the image on the web site to which the instructions provide a link. You can retake the assignment, and it would be a good idea to keep retaking it until you get 15 house points because for your practical O.W.L. at the end of Year Five you'll have to redo it and also get more information from a different web site. If and when you do retake it, find a date and time during which all three planets are above the horizon and the Sun is at least 10 degrees below, and use the above-mentioned image plus the one in the instructions to estimate the angular sizes of the three planets (the closer they are to Earth, the bigger their angular sizes are) and Venus's phase".I am not satisfied with the house points and decide to rewrite the essay to retake and resubmit the assignment for more house points.
From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 13 house points for my essay for my first resubmission of the assignment titled,"Observing Planets".Feedback note on my essay for my first resubmission of the assignment for me from the Professor reads,"Better. Jupiter is now the right size, but Venus should be in the gibbous phase and Jupiter does set before the Sun sinks at least 10 degrees before the horizon. To get all 15 house points you'll have to choose a different date so that all three planets are above the horizon at the same time as the Sun is at least 10 degrees below, and then all the angular sizes and Venus's phase will be different.".I am obviously still not satisfied as the assignment mentioned a suggestion of retaking it until the maximum possible house points,that is 15 house points are recieved for it.
From Astronomy Professor,Professor Robert Plumb-message explaining some concepts required for the Astronomy assignment titled,"Observing Planets",and explaining some of my mistakes in my essay for my first resubmission of the same assignment,denying any hot tips from his end for me to be able to do the same assignment better.
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-1025.
Important Events Today:-I asked Rose about how far her writing and publishing of the book "Mysteries of Hogwarts" has progressed via owl post,using my pet owl Hedwig Two or Queenie for it.She owled me back asking me to meet her in the library where on reaching,we talked about the compilation and publishing of the book,and I designed and created the cover page illustration for the book and she continued her compilation of the book for publishing.
I retook the Astronomy assignment "Observing Planets" correcting my mistakes in my first essay for the assignment and rewriting it,with help from Professor Robert Plumb's feedback note on my first essay for the assignment.I did not use a time-turner this time as I already had the required observations from the time and date I used for the assignment and only had to fix some calculation,observation and interpretation errors.I then resubmitted the assignment to Professor Robert Plumb.However,I recieved an owl from him soon after resubmitting the assignment,carrying a message saying that I got awarded 13 house points for my essay this time for my resubmitted assignment(2 house points more compared to the house points I got awarded the first time for my essay on the assignment,thus increasing the house points earned by me for Gryffindor to my name,by 2 house points) and including a feedback note on my essay for the resubmitted assignment from the Professor for me,but I was still not satisfied as I did not recieve the maximum possible house points that is 15 and the assignment mentioned that it was suggested to retake it until 15 house points are awarded for it for certain mentioned reasons.The content of the message that the owl brought is mentioned in the "Owls Recieved" section of today's diary entry of mine in this diary.Therefore,I owled Professor Plumb telling him and describing and explaining in detail my difficulties with doing the assignment which were that I could not find an appropriate date and time fulfilling all the requirements for the assignment and asking him to provide his valuable assistance,help and guidance and if he could provide any tips for me to be able to do the assignment better.He owled me back soon after, telling me that he had no hot tips for me to be able to do the assignment better as the point of the assignment is for me to find the appropriate date and time for the assignment and not for him telling me the same.However,his message by this owl included a lot of information that cleared my concepts and explained clearly and in detail the conceptual and other mistakes in my essay for my resubmitted assignment and this proved to be a lot of help for me and for the clearing of my concepts required for the assignment and for my understanding of my mistakes and how exactly to fix and correct them and how exactly to do the assignment correctly and better.This owl is also listed with a mention of what the message it brought was about, in the "Owls Recieved" section of today's diary entry of mine in this diary. I replied to the owl via owl thanking the Professor in a few words and then visited him and borrowed his time-turner again.I used some muggle sources to find an appropriate date and time for the assignment and did some brainstorming.I found a time and date fulfilling all the requirements of the assignment and then used the time-turner to reach the time and date I chose and visited the Astronomy tower on that time and date and rewrote the essay for a second resubmission of the assignment,this time applying my newly cleared concepts and understanding required for my second resubmission of the assignment.Then,I left the essay in a secluded spot that I marked and returned to the present.In the present,I retrieved the essay from that spot and resubmitted it for the second time as my second resubmission of the assignment.My essay for my second resubmission of the assignment awaits grading.
I repotted some of my plants in my greenhouse plot this morning.I also harvested some Valerian sprigs this morning from the Valerian I had planted in my greenhouse plot.It was a bright and sunny day perfect for harvesting(We were taught in Herbology classes that the best day for harvesting is one when the weather is dry).I dried and kept some of those sprigs with me,as I knew that we would be taught to brew the Forgetfulness Potion in today's Potions lab class,and that I would want to compare the ones I harvested with the ones I would be given from the cabinet containing ingredients in the Potions class.I also harvested and dried some nettle and silverweed as herbs.To see what I did in my greenhouse plot in the greenhouses today and how exactly I did the harvesting and the drying of my harvest in my greenhouse plot in the greenhouses,you can refer to my records in the greenhouse.While going to Potions class today,I carried the Valerian sprigs I harvested this morning inside my robes and compared them with the ones from the cabinet containing ingredients in Potions class.The only difference I found was that the ones that I harvested looked fresher in comparison.After Herbology class in the afternoon,I visited the greenhouses again to write some plant profiles and make them into labels,according to standardized guidelines as taught in today's Herbology class,and to stick these labels near my plants with the Sticking Charm to label them properly,as we were taught today in Herbology class.I also made standard labels for my harvested plant parts using standardized labelling guidelines and standardized labelling formats,taught to us in today's Herbology class and labelled my containers containing my harvested plant parts with these labels,sticking them on with the Sticking Charm.You can see records and descriptions of me doing the labelling and some of my labels in my records in the greenhouse.
I have an update to share about the Hogwarts library.The DADA textbook from the times of Harry Potter,'The Dark Forces:A Guide to Self Protection' by Quentin Trimble is present in the Hogwarts library currently,contrary to what I said about it's availability in the Hogwarts library earlier.It is available in the Hogwarts library as a reprint,reprinted and edited by ภครђ ק๏ttєг.I discovered this accidentally when I visited the library today to lift the protective charms I had placed in a certain corner of the library to protect my Charms journal, which I used to maintain and often write in, in that less frequented corner of the library that I used to keep secret from everyone.I uploaded a post on my magical social media wall sharing this update of mine about the Hogwarts library.
I dismantled my secret corner in the library,which was a less frequented corner that I had chosen to write my Charms journal in and that I kept secret from everyone including Rose.By dismantling the corner,I mean removing the writing provisions I had left there for writing my Charms journal and lifting the protective charms I had placed there to protect my Charms journal from being copied by other students.I did this because I have already written in and submitted my Charms journal for my first year at Hogwarts for the last time as part of my Charms assignment,"Final Journal Turn-In",like I mentioned earlier.
Before sleeping at night,I posted the following on my magical social media wall:-"I am very glad and excited at having harvested my first plant parts this bright sunny morning at my plot in the greenhouse.I harvested flowerless Valerian sprigs,nettle and silverweed and dried,stored and labelled them using the standardized labelling guidelines.The records are available in the greenhouse,where I wrote them.".