Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 3 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 16
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 6-Smoke to Dagger-a lesson mostly teaching about and how to perform the transformation of smoke to dagger,with a guest lecture from a hit-wizard and former Magical Law Professor,Mr. Apollo Magnusson,about the practical applications of the spell.Assignments-"A Smoky Quiz"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Smoke to Dagger Practice"(Essay assignment,asking to write an essay describing the practising of the smoke to dagger transformation spell in today's class).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 7-Fork to Quill-a lesson about and how to cast the fork to quill transformation spell.Assignment-"Got Your Quill?"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Spellcasting Summary-talks about spell creation while summarizing the spell casting components,and teaches two dynamic charms,the Warming Charm and the Chilling Charm,mainly to help practise concentration and also for other practical uses.Professor Cassandra has borrowed the efforts of our Potions Professor to obtain a grey liquid for the purpose of this lesson,and this liquid is going to stay until the end of the week,in the Charms classroom for students to practise the Warming Charm and the Chilling Charm.The Charms classroom is also going to be left open for a week for the same purpose.Assignments-"Create a Spell"(Essay assignment,asking us to create a spell,along with all the spellcasting components,theoretically,and write an essay naming,describing and explaining the spell components of,the spell we just created,according to the given instructions,bullet points and rubric.).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Final Examination-mostly a review of all the lessons taught to us in Charms class until now.It is the last Charms lesson taught to first years at Hogwarts.Professor Cassandra told us to study for the First Year Charms Final Exam and gave us tips for the First Year Charms Final Exam.The lesson ended with Professor Cassandra's closing words for Charms for first years.Assignments-"Final Journal Turn-In",(Essay Assignment,asking us to finally turn in our complete Charms journals,with all entries from Lesson Two to Lesson Eight,or from Lesson One to Lesson Eight).Completed my Charms journal,sitting in Charms class itself,for the assignment,and turned it in for grading.
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 8-Feathered Friends-mostly about flying creatures,ones that allow themselves to be ridden such as winged horses and their breeds and hippogriffs,along with some history and comparison with other forms of transport and a guest lecture from the Care of Magical Creatures Professor at Hogwarts,Professor Anne,mostly teaching us how to fly her Granian,Drake,and ones that cannot be flown such as dragons,auguries and griffins along with reasons why they can't be flown and some history.The fun part of today's entire class was that we were actually shown winged horses of all the three breeds during this lesson.Assignments-"Flying Fowl"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 9-Other Flights of Fancy-a lecture delivered by Professor Madame Eira Fox in a comical tone for the beginning part,to ease us into feeling less scared about the First Year Flying final exam,as according to her no matter what we do in the exam,we will do better than the inventors talked about in the lesson.The lesson was mostly about inventions and discoveries of other flying methods,ones that are not popular anymore or were not successful enough for various reasons,their inventors and reasons for failure.At the end of the lesson,the Professor bid us goodbye and gave us a closing speech for the first year Flying classes,informing us that we will not be having much in the way of classes with her anymore,until our Seventh year at Hogwarts,but we will still be seeing her during Quidditch games and if we want to borrow school brooms.Assignments-No assignments.The First Year Flying Final Term Exam was held today after Flying class.We were allowed a quarter of an hour to revise our notes from any Flying class lessons taught to us until now throughout the entire year,as the exam would consist questions set from all the Flying lessons taught to us until now.Since Flying class is a subject leaning more towards the practical,for which we do not require extra preparation in First year,we weren't given too much time to revise for the theory exam and the Flying First Year Final Term Exam was conducted on the same day after the last Flying lesson,which was the last lesson taught today.For all other subjects,the First Year Final Term Exam is conducted on a separate day designated for the exam,thus giving students enough time for preparation.After the time given to us for revision of our notes from all the lessons taught to us until now passed,we were made to sit separately,quite far apart from each other,on the grass.Then,the First Year Flying Final Term Exam began.It consisted of a theory part,and a practical part.The theory part required us to answer a question paper headed "FLY 101 Final" on the blank parchment provided along with the question paper.The question paper had questions set from all the lessons taught to us in Flying classes until now.The practical part involved Madame Eira Fox calling our names in small groups,then asking the group to perform some physical feats.I did quite well.I was called among a group of five which included Lacey,Rose,Bea,Ariel and me.We were asked to mount on our brooms,take-off and fly in a straight direction towards the Quidditch pitch upto a golden hoop in mid-air that the Professor had conjured for us,and then turn back and come back to the starting point and land,performing all of these individually.We were then told to fly in a small circle of a small diameter in the Hogwarts grounds,individually,then told to individually demonstrate rising and dipping on Professor Madame Eira Fox's cue.We were then asked to perform all of these once again individually,this time flying side saddle and one handed.Finally,we were told to individually perform a flying maneuver of our own choice,demonstrating it to Professor Madame Eira Fox,for which most of us performed weaving.I,too,chose to perform and performed,weaving,for the same.The Professor had conjured a series of hoops in mid-air in the Hogwarts grounds,for the purpose of making students demonstrate weaving,and thus,when we performed weaving,we were asked to do it around these hoops.We were allowed to repeat these performances and/or feats until we felt satisfied with our performance,and for each performance and/or feat performed,Professor Madame Eira Fox took only the one performance which we indicated that we thought was our best into consideration for the First Year Flying Final Term Exam marking and grading for the practical part.Almost all of us,including me,performed each of the performances and/or feats satisfactorily enough to pass the exam.This helped me overcome my fear of flying and feel ready to fly on my own broom from second year at Hogwarts onwards,as a witch.However,there was one last feat,to be graded and marked,left for the practical part of the First Year Flying Final Term Exam to conclude.This was flying in formation.The Professor asked us to demonstrate flying in wedge formation for the same,in any combination of students we liked.I was scared of flying with Lacey or Bea because they are both really good at it,and would make me look poor in comparison immediately,if they flew together with me for the demonstration of flying in the wedge formation.Therefore,I chose to fly with Ariel and Rose,who were almost just like me in terms of flying abilities,for the demonstration of flying in the wedge formation.Flying in wedge formation was the maneuver I found the hardest when we were being taught the different maneuvers in class,therefore,I was a little scared,but barely managed to scrape through,demonstrating the maneuver with Ariel and Rose in a manner atleast well enough to pass the exam.After us,Lacey and Bea demonstrated the same maneuver with another student from the next group of five who was none other than Everline Felice Mayhem,first year Hufflepuff student.After Lacey,Rose,Bea,Ariel and me completing the demonstration for the wedge formation,the group of five I was called among for the purpose of the practical part of the First Year Flying Final Term Exam,was dismissed,and told that the practical part of our Flying Final Term Exam was over for the five of us.I was elated at having finished the exam that I was scared about,though nervous about the results,but I somehow instinctively,know that I will pass this exam,even if I do not do well in it,and that will be enough to allow me to fly without supervision from second year at Hogwarts onwards,on my own broom.I decided to congratulate myself and did so,promising to myself to go to Diagon Alley and buy a Comet 340 during the first summer vacations after the end of this term,the broom I had earlier decided to buy for myself for my future as a witch in the wizarding world,and also to buy for myself a broom-servicing kit,for the purpose of keeping my broom serviced and in shape by myself with my own kit,without needing help.
Lessons Taught:-Lesson 6-How to Find the A.M.E. Components-mostly describes how to practically find or calculate the different A.M.E. components and apply them to obtain the A.M.E. quotient.Assignments-"More on A.M.E."(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Observing Planets"(Essay assignment,asking us to climb to the top of the Astronomy Tower,choosing a date and time of our choice,when the sun is set,but not close to midnight,and observe the planets Venus,Mars and Jupiter,then,after a good night's sleep and rest,write an essay describing the experience and how we observed the planets,giving the exact details and relevant information,including the time and date,how the planets looked through the telescope,and a good estimate of their angular size,and the phase of Venus.There were some requirements mentioned,to be fulfilled during and for the viewing,and for writing the essay.There were other requirements that could be fulfilled while writing the essay,for extra credit.There was a little something designed by Professor Mitchell to help us find the phase of Venus and other appropriate tips and help from Professor Robert Plumb,to aid us in viewing the planets and writing the essay,and we were encouraged to use other sources of information for extra credit,as long as we site the sources of information for the Astronomy Professor to verify their accuracy.Professor Robert Plumb left his celestial globe just near the door to the Astronomy Tower,to aid students in completing the assignment.There was also provided bullet points and the rubric for grading of the essay,to the students.There was also a source given to us to aid us in choosing the appropriate date and time of viewing according to the requirements for the assignment,and the latitude of the Astronomy Tower of Hogwarts was provided for students to use while trying to use the source to choose the date and time.The assignment required us to write the essay atleast 500 words long.The assignment suggested us to keep retaking the assignment until we recieved the maximum possible house points,that is 15 house points for it,as this would be helpful to us for studying the subject,Astronomy, in a later year at Hogwarts,for a certain mentioned reason).I chose to do the essay assignment today itself,using a time-turner borrowed from Professor Robert Plumb,to take myself to the required date and time for the purpose of the assignment.I,then,wrote the essay after a long and good night's sleep, on the day after that date and time,using the time-turner,then hid it in a secluded place in the Astronomy Tower,then came back to the present using the time-turner.Then,I located the essay from the same secluded place in the Astronomy Tower,in the present,and though the parchment on which I wrote the essay was a bit yellowed,subject to time and the elements of nature,I re-read the essay to check for the accuracy and the fulfilment of the correct requirements,and also for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes,and after correcting any of those I found in the essay,I proceeded to turn it in for grading.Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 7-The Sun and the Planets in the Solar System-mostly describing the Sun,and the sizes,features,moons and motions of the planets with relevant history of the discovery of their motions and the different models of the universe.Assignments-"Planets"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson).Assignment completed and submitted for grading.
Owls Recieved:-From Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my new journal entries submitted with the Charms journal turn in for the assignment titled,"Journal Progress Lessons 6-7".Feedback note for me from Professor Cassandra on my two newest journal entries for the assignment reads,"Excellent!".
From Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"A Smoky Quiz".Feedback note for me from Professor Mitchell for the assignment reads,"Good work! I am glad that you are enjoying your lessons. You are doing well!".
FromTransfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the assignment titled,"Got Your Quill?".Feedback note from Professor Mitchell for me for the assignment reads,"Brilliantly done!".
From Transfiguration Professor,Professor Mitchell-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the essay assignment "Smoke to Dagger Practice".Feedback note from Professor Mitchell for me on my essay for the assignment reads,"Perfect essay!".
From Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra-message saying that I recieved a 100 marks on and 10 house points for my essay for the assignment titled,"Create A Spell".The message contains no feedback note on my essay for the assignment for me from Professor Cassandra.
From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I recieved 88 marks on and 8 house points for my assignment titled,"Flying Fowl".Feedback note for me from Professor Madame Eira Fox for the assignment reads,"I'm glad you enjoyed this lesson!".
From Charms Professor,Professor Cassandra-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 15 house points for my complete Charms journal for the assignment titled,"Final Journal Turn-In".Feedback note from Professor Cassandra for me on my complete Charms journal for the assignment reads,"Excellent! And ten points to your Hogwarts House for including a journal entry for Lesson One!".
From Dibyarup James Potter-answering my last owl and saying that he added two more wands as trinkets to his collection of wizarding world antiques.I owled him back calling that cool.
From Flying Professor,Professor Madame Eira Fox-message saying that I passed my First Year Flying Final Term Exam with flying colors,explaining by saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for the theory part of the exam,that is,the question paper "FLY 101 Final",and also that I passed the practical exam.Feedback note for me from Professor Madame Eira Fox for the theory part of the exam reads,"I'm glad you enjoyed the course!
Congratulations on completing Flying!".The message also says that my Course Average in the subject,Flying,for my entire first year is 96% - O.I am elated and very happy,this owl,that is the rsspective one carrying the First Year Flying Final Term Exam results for each respective first year student,was the most awaited owl of this evening for other first years as well as me.
From Care of Magical Creatures Professor,Professor Anne-letter replying to my queries and doubts on the creature-design contest,"Design a Kneazle" being hosted by Professor Anne.She cleared my doubts and answered my queries through her letter,and also told me that I had nothing to worry about,as my entries had gone through to the right place and were recorded properly for judging.I replied back via owl thanking the Professor for answering me.
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-984.
Important Events Today:-The First Year Flying Final Term Exam was held today after Flying class.The First Year Final Term Exam of all subjects except Flying class are held together at the end of term.However,the First Year Flying Final Term Exam is held beforehand,in the Hogwarts grounds,once the first year Flying syllabus is completed.After the lessons taught in today's Flying class ended,we were allowed a quarter of an hour to revise our notes from any Flying class lessons taught to us until now throughout the entire year,as the exam would consist questions set from all the Flying lessons taught to us until now.Since Flying class is a subject leaning more towards the practical,for which we do not require extra preparation in First year,we weren't given too much time to revise for the theory exam and the Flying First Year Final Term Exam was conducted on the same day after the last Flying lesson,which was the last lesson taught today.For all other subjects,the First Year Final Term Exam is conducted on a separate day designated for the exam,thus giving students enough time for preparation.After the time given to us for revision of our notes from all the lessons taught to us until now passed,we were made to sit separately,quite far apart from each other,on the grass.Then,the First Year Flying Final Term Exam began.It consisted of a theory part,and a practical part.The theory part required us to answer a question paper headed "FLY 101 Final" on the blank parchment provided along with the question paper.The question paper had questions set from all the lessons taught to us in Flying classes until now.The practical part involved Madame Eira Fox calling our names in small groups,then asking the group to perform some physical feats.I did quite well.I was called among a group of five which included Lacey,Rose,Bea,Ariel and me.We were asked to mount on our brooms,take-off and fly in a straight direction towards the Quidditch pitch upto a golden hoop in mid-air that the Professor had conjured for us,and then turn back and come back to the starting point and land,performing all of these individually.We were then told to fly in a small circle of a small diameter in the Hogwarts grounds,individually,then told to individually demonstrate rising and dipping on Professor Madame Eira Fox's cue.We were then asked to perform all of these once again individually,this time flying side saddle and one handed.Finally,we were told to individually perform a flying maneuver of our own choice,demonstrating it to Professor Madame Eira Fox,for which most of us performed weaving.I,too,chose to perform and performed,weaving,for the same.The Professor had conjured a series of hoops in mid-air in the Hogwarts grounds,for the purpose of making students demonstrate weaving,and thus,when we performed weaving,we were asked to do it around these hoops.We were allowed to repeat these performances and/or feats until we felt satisfied with our performance,and for each performance and/or feat performed,Professor Madame Eira Fox took only the one performance which we indicated that we thought was our best into consideration for the First Year Flying Final Term Exam marking and grading for the practical part.Almost all of us,including me,performed each of the performances and/or feats satisfactorily enough to pass the exam.This helped me overcome my fear of flying and feel ready to fly on my own broom from second year at Hogwarts onwards,as a witch.However,there was one last feat,to be graded and marked,left for the practical part of the First Year Flying Final Term Exam to conclude.This was flying in formation.The Professor asked us to demonstrate flying in wedge formation for the same,in any combination of students we liked.I was scared of flying with Lacey or Bea because they are both really good at it,and would make me look poor in comparison immediately,if they flew together with me for the demonstration of flying in the wedge formation.Therefore,I chose to fly with Ariel and Rose,who were almost just like me in terms of flying abilities,for the demonstration of flying in the wedge formation.Flying in wedge formation was the maneuver I found the hardest when we were being taught the different maneuvers in class,therefore,I was a little scared,but barely managed to scrape through,demonstrating the maneuver with Ariel and Rose in a manner atleast well enough to pass the exam.After us,Lacey and Bea demonstrated the same maneuver with another student from the next group of five who was none other than Everline Felice Mayhem,first year Hufflepuff student.After Lacey,Rose,Bea,Ariel and me completing the demonstration for the wedge formation,the group of five I was called among for the purpose of the practical part of the First Year Flying Final Term Exam,was dismissed,and told that the practical part of our Flying Final Term Exam was over for the five of us.I was elated at having finished the exam that I was scared about,though nervous about the results,but I somehow instinctively,know that I will pass this exam,even if I do not do well in it,and that will be enough to allow me to fly without supervision from second year at Hogwarts onwards,on my own broom.I decided to congratulate myself and did so,promising to myself to go to Diagon Alley and buy a Comet 340 during the first summer vacations after the end of this term,the broom I had earlier decided to buy for myself for my future as a witch in the wizarding world,and also to buy for myself a broom-servicing kit,for the purpose of keeping my broom serviced and in shape by myself with my own kit,without needing help.
Passed my First Year Flying Final Term Exam with Flying Colors.I am very happy.I posted the following on my magical social media wall:-"I passed my First Year Flying Final Term Examination with flying colors,and so did many of my fellow first years.
My marks on the theoretical part of the First Year Flying Final Term Examination,that is the "FLY 101 Final" is 100 marks,and I recieved 10 points for my house for it.
My Course Average for the subject,Flying,for my entire first year at Hogwarts,is 96% - O.
I am elated and very happy and now I can say that I am definitely going to be allowed to bring and fly my own broom at Hogwarts in my next year at Hogwarts and therefore I can now buy my Comet 340,the next time I am at Diagon Alley, and also a nice broom servicing kit.I can also now fly without supervision in my next year at Hogwarts and play Quidditch if I want to,without supervision(though I am not a fan of Quidditch).My friend wanted to buy brooms together with me,so,hey,now we can go do it together,Rose,yay.".
Before Astronomy class,I had a few minutes to myself,so I posted my Hogwarts acceptance letter and both sides of it's envelope on my magical social media wall.
I liked some of Evony Senoj's comments on her magical social media profile.
Before going to bed at night,and before writing in my diary for the day,that is after Astronomy class tonight,I decided to share some of my cherished moments of my first year at Hogwarts on my magical social media wall,as I am feeling slightly sad and at the same time elated nowadays,at the realisation that I am going to be in second year at Hogwarts soon,leaving any unique quirks and circumstances of being a first year student at Hogwarts behind.I uploaded a post on my magical social media wall,with a magical photograph,showing me standing in front of the Hogwarts castle and the Black Lake in the background,just a few minutes before the time when I was first rowed across the Black Lake as a first year student of Hogwarts being taken to the Great Hall for the first time for the Sorting Ceremony.This picture was clicked by myself on my camera which I had brought along to Hogwarts,and developed into a magical photograph by the same magical photographers and portrait makers going by the name of Wizarding World.com,who clicked my profile picture on my magical social media profile for me.The post also contained,besides the magical photograph,the following writing by me:-"As first year at Hogwarts for me is about to end,I am feeling very nostalgic,slightly sad and elated at the same time about soon leaving behind first year and being a second year witch at Hogwarts.I will miss the unique quirks and circumstances of being a first year at Hogwarts such as not being allowed to fly without supervision and not being allowed to visit Hogsmeade and the "everything is still new" feeling of and learning experiences in first year at Hogwarts.However,I am looking forward to finally being a senior,and the experience of being a second year witch at Hogwarts.My feelings led me to decide to upload some magical photographs of mine,showing me during various occasions at Hogwarts until now.All of these are developed by the expert magical photographers and portrait makers,by the name of Wizarding World.com,who also clicked my magical profile picture,and developed a magical photograph of my patronus(without needing me to know how to cast it,they used their advanced magic to develop a photograph of what my patronus would likely be and look like) for my cover photo,and also photographed and developed the magical pictures of my wand and house crest for my cover photo.I have included a description of each magical photograph I upload and a short description of the occasion in which these photographs were taken and who clicked them,along with the photographs.The first photograph is included in this post.The remaining are uploaded in my upcoming posts.
The photograph uploaded in this post shows me standing with the Hogwarts castle and the Black lake in my background,a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour beans,my most favorite magical candy,that I had bought from the lady's trolley at the Hogwarts express,in my hand,waiting to be rowed across the Black Lake to the Hogwarts castle for the first time for the Sorting Ceremony in the Great Hall.My pet owl,Hedwig Two,or Queenie was perched on my shoulders,and I was ready for my destiny at Hogwarts.This was clicked by myself on my camera and developed by the magical photographers and portrait makers,by the name of Wizarding World.com.".I,then,uploaded more posts with magical photographs of me and their descriptions and the descriptions of the occassions when they were clicked and who clicked them.To see these posts and the magical photographs,please check my magical social media wall.