Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 1 after Christmas vacations
Chapter 14
Good Morning,my Diary.Today is the first day after the Christmas vacations,and all the students who went home arrived yesterday.It's next morning and my first morning for the start of the second half of term in my first year at Hogwarts.It's going to be all back to classes and all,soon,from this very morning.It's Monday morning.Though I am slightly disappointed at the Christmas holidays ending,I am excited to be able to start my magical studies again.However,I am going to be a little more conscious about my studies this time and spend more time and mental energy on my classes and spend most of the evenings studying my lessons taught until that time at any time for the final examination,in the Gryffindor common room or in the dorm on my four poster bed,as it is now the second half of term and I need to get more serious about my studies.However,I will be writing my diary still,though sparingly,and as very concise.I will update it's printed version every morning in the library,and spend my mornings as usual,having breakfast,attending classes,and having lunch and then going for the afternoon classes,and then gathering in the library for an hour under the students' Group "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner" with Rose,Bea,Everline and Lacey if she will join us,and then spend the rest of most evenings in my dorm studying for the first year final examinations of all subjects as I mentioned earlier,and on the very few other evenings I will play wizard's chess or gobstones or Hogwartle with Rose or practise charms and spells and other practical magic that I have learnt in class until that time at any particular time.I will also make a daily visit to the greenhouse in the afternoon,to take care of my plants in the greenhouse.I will spend the weekends studying as well for the first year final examinations of all subjects and practising all the practical magic taught in class until that time at any particular time.Thus,I will have to try to use less of my time and mental energy to write my diary.Therefore,I will not be mentioning any mundane details of my daily life at Hogwarts or any obvious parts of my daily routine such as freshening up and having breakfast or meals at the Great Hall,or visiting the greenhouses,or studying,or updating the printed version of my diary in the library or meeting for our "Our Own Cosy Little Library Corner" group in the library,or playing Hogwartle with anyone in the Hogwartle corridor occassionally.I will not be mentioning any chit chat I engage in with Rose and/or Lacey or anyone else and any daily conversations I engage in with any of the students,or any regular owls I recieve from my family as a routine matter of fact.I will also not be mentioning the menus or any other related descriptions of or during the meals or breakfast I have at Hogwarts or any other treats or candies I eat at Hogwarts or any treats I take for my pet owl.I will also not be mentioning things like cleaning my dorm,taking a bath or cleaning my owl's cage or sleeping or looking out of the windows into the Hogwarts castle grounds for that matter,though I will be doing each and every of the things I mentioned in my diary in today's entry until now,at Hogwarts,to some degree.I will not mention any of the same things for any of my friends or anyone else either,though they may be doing some or more of these things too,to some or more degree,from now until the end of my first year at Hogwarts.However,I will still be writing my diary everynight,only mentioning the classes I take at Hogwarts from now onwards until the end of my first year,along with the broad time of the classes such as morning or afternoon or night for Astronomy.I will mention the lessons taught on that day and what was taught in the lessons,and the assignments,and any owls with grades in detail,though I will exclude the time at which I recieved the owls.I will not be describing the content of the lessons much though,I will only be mentioning like a small heading,what the lesson is about,and occassionally some small feelings or observations related to the lesson in short phrases or short sentences.I will not describe the assignments I am given in detail,but only give a brief summary like a small heading of each assignment,except occassionally or never.I may occassionally mention my correspondences via owls or in class with the Professors at Hogwarts.I will also mention any important events or any important incidents that happen to me throughout that day,and I may also mention the new people I meet and a few of my correspondences with them.I will also mention the total house points for Gryffindor earned by me,to my name until the end of that day.I may occassionally mention my feelings related to a particular something that happened that day,even if I otherwise would not mention that something in my diary in it's entry for that day.And whatever I write in my diary will from now onwards be brief and concise,with only some headings and text in a brief,concise,way,in an understandable manner.And I will always mention the day of the week.My diary in this manner starts from below,from after this writing.
Lessons taught:-Lesson 6-'Cause I Come from the Land of Lizards (Dragons!)-about dragons and their history in muggle and wizarding world,it's powerful magic,source of it's magic,magical uses,theories and research on its magic and evolution.Assignments-"Dragons, Dragons, Dragons!"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson),immediately graded,I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for it and "Genetic Inquiries"(Essay assignment,asking me to imagine myself as a researcher on the source of a dragon's magical immunity and write an essay describing various aspects of the research according to some given bullet points and a rubric ).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 7-Back to the Start (Ingredients: Magical, Mundane, and Transitional)-discusses the three different types of ingredients with their advantages,disadvantages,examples and more.Assignments-"Back to the Start"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson).Completed the assignment and submitted for grading.
Lessons taught:-Lesson 6-Gargoyles and Hags-discusses about two creatures,the gargoyles and the hags,and relates about them to the muggles,also teaches about grotesques,the differences between grotesques and gargoyles,and the difference between muggle and magical uses of gargoyles,gives the Ministry of Magic categorization and classification,food,habits and habitat wherever applicable.Assignments-"Hags and Gargoyles"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Build a Statue Workshop"(Essay assignment,asking to design the statue of a grotesque and accompany it with an essay describing the designed statue and why it qualifies as a grotesque in atleast 150 words).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson 7-Ghosts,Poltergeists and Gytrashes-talks about the Ministry of Magic categorization and classification,food,habits,habitat and other information about these three creatures.I am intrigued and excited to learn about these three,as all these three are found at Hogwarts.Assignments-"Spectres"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Interview with a Ghost"(Essay assignment,asking to write an essay describing my interview with any of the five Hogwarts resident ghosts given in the essay prompt).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lessons taught:-Lesson6-Flashy Flying-teaches us information about and practically teaches and allows us to perform some basic flying maneuvers and flying skills,along with some tips and tricks and some common pitfalls for some of them.Assignments-"High-Flying Fun"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "The Sky's the Limit"(Essay assignment,asking to invent a new broomstick flying maneuver and write an essay naming and describing the maneuver along with tips and tricks and common pitfalls for the maneuver,according to some given bullet points and a given rubric).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Lesson7-Magic Carpet Ride-was an intriguing and interesting lesson on magic carpets and their history including the history of their invention and some legal history and a lot of fun things about magic carpets including their utility,legal factors and how to fly them,followed by practically being taught to fly on them.After the lesson,we were taken to the Quidditch pitch for an optional extra practice,through which we got to practise teamwork and competition and flying on magic carpets.This optional extra practice was fun and in the form of a game,held in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch,in which we were divided equally into two teams,Team Hoggy and Team Warty,and the members of each team were asked to place themselves five each on magical flying carpets(I was put into Team Hoggy and Lacey,Rose,Bea,Ariel and myself were on my magic carpet with Ariel in the front and Bea next to me at the back,and Lacey and Rose next to each other,in front of Bea and me and just behind Ariel.) and we were given a Quidditch Quaffle and asked to use only half of the Quidditch pitch and try to score goals by putting the Quaffle through the goal hoops in the half of the Quidditch pitch we were playing in.We were told that the first team to score five goals will win the game and recieve a special surprise from Madame Eira Fox,which we soon discovered to be a Honeydukes chocolate in a pink and green wrapper for each member of the winning team,as my team,Team Hoggy won the game at 5-3 and got the surprise from Madame Eira Fox.The Honeydukes chocolate was delicious,and contributing to the victory of my team required successfully going through a few difficult decision-making challenges on my part during the game,in which I had interesting choices to choose from among options that followed the magic carpet flying rules and options that went against the magic carpet flying rules but seemed to be the best option for the given situation.I thankfully managed to choose the correct option leading to the best possible outcome in all the cases and successfully did my part in contributing towards my team achieving victory.I feel proud of myself and the Honeydukes chocolate I recieved tasted like victory to me and I learnt important lessons for the future about following rules.Assignments-"Riding Some Runners"(Quiz assignment with a quiz based on the lesson) and "Trying out Tapestries"(Essay assignment,asking to mention the exact choices we made for the different difficult decision-making challenges we faced during the game we played and then to write no less than 100 words below it describing our feelings about the game we played and what,if anything,we would have wanted to do differently,according to a given rubric).Both assignments completed and submitted for grading.
Owls Recieved:-From DADA Professor-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for assignment titled,"Hags and Gargoyles".No feedback note.
From DADA Professor-message saying that I recieved 93 marks on and 9 house points for assignment titled,"Spectres".No feedback note.
From DADA Professor-message saying that I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for essay for assignment titled "Build a Statue Workshop".Feedback note from Professor on my essay for me for the assignment reads,"Great work!".
From DADA Professor-message saying that I recieved 70 marks on and 7 house points for essay for assignment titled " Interview with a Ghost".Feedback note from Professor on my essay for me for the assignment reads,"A very great story, but it does not fully fit the format of an interview that is required for this assignment. You barely ask any questions to professor Binns and therefore could not conduct a proper interview. (-30)".
From Dibyarup James Potter,a Gryffindor first year boy who I followed earlier on magical social media and who claims to be the youngest son of Harry Potter-letter asking me how I have been.I owled back saying that I have been good and asking him how he has been.
House points recieved until now at Hogwarts by me for Gryffindor:-761.
Important Events today:-A Ravenclaw fourth year girl named Lurkelly Leikeze followed me on my magical social media and I followed her back.She describes herself on her magical social media profile as a grain picker(?,grain picker?).
Today in the greenhouse,as I was tending to my plants,particularly Asphodel,as my Asphodel needs much more care ever since I used the charm 'Virenesco' on it(Plants on which the Virenesco charm is cast,require much more pruning,watering or compost,due to their increased growth rate,as taught to us in our Herbology classes.),a brown-haired,red cheeked round faced girl with large dreamy eyes came up to me and said that she was planting Asphodel too,and asked me if it was my first time planting it,with a big slightly crooked smile,and pointing at a tiny green stem poking out from the soil in her greenhouse plot.Then,she introduced herself as Ariel,saying that she had forgotten to introduce herself earlier and adding that she believed we were in the same Herbology class.I told her that I had planted asphodel for the first time and that I had been nervous and trying my best to get everything right but was still worried if I messed up.I noticed her features and told her that she reminded me a lot of the mermaid Ariel from the fairytale about a little mermaid,in the muggle world.I told her that I seemed to have seen her in the herbology classes as well as in the Gryffindor common room.We could not talk further as she had friends who dragged her away to do something important that they were supposed to do.Then,I followed her on magical social media and read her magical social media backstory.From the backstory,it seemed that she had already broken or burnt in potions class,three wands,and was now using her fourth wand.This made me giggle a little as I found it funny.Her backstory on her magical social media also says that she is just an average muggle-born girl who is a Hufflepuff at heart,but got sorted into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat.At that point,she reminded me of Neville Longbottom from the story of Harry Potter,who was an almost Hatstall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor,and I found it a bit funny that I also met her in the greenhouses(Neville Longbottom was good at Herbology,and that was the only subject Neville was really good at.).The slightly intriguing thing to me was that she was female,and funnily felt to me like the female version of Neville Longbottom.Her patronus also seemed to have changed once,which also,I cannot explain even to myself why,felt a little funny but interesting to me.Her magical social media profile gave me a glimpse of a few more interesting things about her.You can stalk her on magical social media if you wish to get to know more things about her.Ariel is a first year Gryffindor by the way,which explains why I seemed to have seen her earlier in Herbology classes and the Gryffindor common room.On her magical social media wall,I found a post from another Gryffindor girl named Ava Lilianna Snape posted quite some time ago.The post said that Ava was doing a poll on favorite Harry Potter characters(people who are mentioned in the story of Harry Potter as portrayed in the Harry Potter books and movies) and asked everyone who their favorite Harry Potter character was.The post had no comments as of then.I commented,"It's always Harry Potter and I have a crush on him.Besides that,my next favorite character and most favorite female character is Hermione Granger,as I believe I am quite like Hermione Granger." on the post because I felt like I had to.I seem to have seen Ava Lilianna Snape in some Gryffindor dorm while searching for a suitable dorm to live in,when I came to the Hogwarts castle earlier.I followed Ava on magical social media and stalked her in it.I found that her magical social media profile says that she is a Gryffindor first year girl and that she claims to love Draco Malfoy(If you read the Harry Potter books and/or watch the Harry Potter movies,you will find out who Draco Malfoy is.I believe Draco Malfoy married someone named Astoria Greengrass.That somehow sounds funny to me because Draco was a Slytherin and the Slytherin house is related to snakes in many ways,and snakes often crawl on grass.Also,I seem to be in a good mood today as I am drawing a lot of comparisons and seem to find a lot of things funny.).
This afternoon in the Hogwarts library,I proof read the printed version of the book written and published by me in the library known as "Things To Know For First Year Students".I found some mistakes and after correcting them on one copy of the book,I gave the corrected copy to the Hogwarts administrative staff for the library section who edited all the printed copies of the book available in the Hogwarts library.