Just my diary
Not for you,its my own diary,just my personal own diary,but uhh,well,I dont mind if you read it.
Last Updated
Day 9
Chapter 11
Good Morning Diary,my morning is beautiful as I woke up to the flurry of an owl from Rose,who brought me a message from her saying that she read my book "Things To Know For First Year Students" all night at her dorm yesterday,after Astronomy class,and that she found my book amazing and loved reading it.I am excited to know that and send her owl back to her with a message saying thankyou for her appreciation.I dress myself up and head to the Great Hall for breakfast.The weather through the enchanted ceiling today is cloudy and a bit rainy with a few large drops of rain falling from the sky occassionally indicating that there may be heavy rainfall soon.I think about visiting my rose plant in the greenhouses,before the rain makes the grounds soggy and I find it difficult to get to the greenhouses.At first,I worry about my rose plant getting over-watered by the water falling as rain,then realise that the rain cannot enter the greenhouses.I quickly finish breakfast at the Great Hall,with my usual breakfast food from the Hogwarts Gryffindor house table,then slurp orange juice at the table while recieving the owl post for me,after which I head to the greenhouse first,without even reading the messages the owls brought.I find my rose plant healthy,caress it a little wearing dragon-hide gloves and then head back to the Hogwarts castle and enter the Great Hall again.Breakfast is still on,and a few owls are still bringing in owl posts.I then seat myself once again at the Gryffindor house table helping myself to a cup of coffee and open the message brought to me earlier at the breakfast table by one of the owls and read it.It is from my Charms Professor,who says I recieved a 100 marks on and 10 house points for Gryffindor for my Charms journal turn in for midterm evaluation.I feel very happy as that means I now have 419 house points to my name.The next three messages brought to me earlier are from my Astronomy Professor,the first one sends me my grades for the quiz assignment titled"Magical Astro Tools",which is full marks or 100 marks,with 10 house points awarded to me for Gryffindor for it.The second one sends my grades for the essay assignment,for which I had to describe how,where and of what model I bought my telescope,saying I recieved a 100 marks on the essay and got awarded 10 points for Gryffindor for it.The third one sends my grades for the quiz assignment titled "Intro to A.M.E.",saying I got a 100 marks on the assignment,and 10 points for Gryffindor for it.There are two more messages from Professor Robert Plumb,which were brought to me earlier,the first one answering my question regarding NES,saying that NES applies to me as well,as I am a non-native English speaker,though I dont use translation charms or any muggle translator tools,and writing NES prevents marks being deducted from my essays for grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes.He also says that I did make a grammatical mistake in my message to him,asking the question,therefore I may need to write NES at the top of my essay,to prevents marks from being deducted for grammatical mistakes.The second message from him says I recieved 100 marks on and 10 house points for Gryffindor for the quiz assignment titled "A.M.E in Depth".I am happy with my grades and calculate the total house points I earned for my house until now and my calculations yield 459.I check my magical social media profile and it shows 459 house points as well.I write back to Professor Plumb through one of the owls bringing the post at the Great Hall,thanking the Professor for answering my question regarding NES and telling him I will work on improving my English and fixing my grammatical mistakes.Professor Plumb almost immediately owls me back suggesting a magical grammar improving tool called "Grammarly" to help me do that.You can contact him to know about the tool he suggested.I owl back to him thanking him again.After that,I walk along the corridors between the four house tables in the Great Hall to find Lacey and Rose.A first year Hufflepuff student called Jade Rox waves to me,introduces himself and tells me that he saw me at the herbology greenhouse yesterday when I was first planting my rose plant,and he liked how I followed all the steps one by one with precision,for planting the plant,and how I followed the instructions to a tee,and appeared to remember all of the information about planting the rose plant taught in Herbology class.He says he is an herbology enthusiast.I smile and nod at him,shaking hands with him,and following him immediately on social media.I then find Lacey and Rose walking towards from their respective house tables,and we visit a bathroom together to freshen up and drink water.Following that,we head to our respective dorms to dress up,take parchments,quills and inkpots,and get ready for DADA class.We then meet again outside the DADA classroom and enter DADA class together to find Professor Jericho Penrose already present there,waiting for all his students to arrive.We seat ourselves and after awhile,the class fills up quite a lot more with students,and Professor Jericho Penrose starts class.Lacey nudges me and Rose saying that we will also have our DADA midterm examinations today.That makes me just a little bit nervous,but I decide to gear up and bear with it,because I have already written three first year midterm examinations for three different subjects,and that makes me feel more confident about DADA first year midterm exams now,and I dont let my nervousness take over me.Professor Jericho Penrose has started with the first of two lessons to be taught in today's class.This lesson is about imps and bowtruckles and starts with some information mostly about the current classification of creatures and the history of this classification,the definition and classification of beasts and the history of how this definition and classification was formed,and then goes on to give some information about imps and bowtruckles,an offensive dark creature and a defensive dark creature respectively,emphasizing how these two creatures represent the two different opposite approaches to Defense Against the Dark Arts-the offensive and the defensive.The lesson teaches us about the beast classification of,habitats,characteristics and magical powers of,bodily features of and how to deal with when faced by imps and bowtruckles,and more.At the end of the lesson,we are asked to solve a mandatory short answer quiz assignment titled "Imps and Bowtruckles" which I complete and submit.This is followed by Professor Penrose giving us an optional essay assignment titled "Trickery and Guardians",for which we are required to write an essay describing our encounter with any one of the creatures between imps and bowtruckles,explaining how we got into the situation,if we took any preventive measures,how we dealt with it,how we came out of it and what happened.I write the essay to the best of my ability choosing imps,as the creature among the two creatures given as choices,to feature in my essay.After completing the essay and submitting it,our DADA professor tells us that we have our first year DADA midterm examinations after the next lesson,which is why he will keep the next lesson short,so that we do not have too much last minute information to pack up into our brains before the midterm exam.He also gives us a short five-minute break to study and revise the lessons that were taught to us in DADA class until now.I utilise this short five-minute break as well as I can,revising the DADA lessons taught to me until now,to the best of my ability.Then,Professor Penrose starts the next lesson which is mostly about two more dark creatures,a little more dangerous than the two creatures we were taught about in the previous lesson,imps and bowtruckles.These two dark creatures are the gnomes and the doxies.The lesson mostly deals with the habitat,beast classification,bodily features and characteristics of,and how to deal with and clear an infestation of gnomes and doxies,and their bites and potential effects of their bites,doxycide,doxy venom and its effects and antidote,uses of doxy eggs and other information about gnomes and doxies.We are also told by our Professor during the lesson that we will be studying more dark creatures in our DADA classes in first year,after midterm.I find these lessons about dark creatures taught to me in DADA class until now very interesting,and look forward to learning about more dark creatures in the DADA classes after midterm.I also realise that Care of Magical Creatures classes will also probably be very interesting,especially since our DADA Professor,Professor Penrose mentioned during the lesson in which we were taught about gnomes and doxies,that we will be learning about jarveys in second year in Care of Magical Creatures class,if we choose to take it up as one of our electives.Then,Professor Penrose asks us to get up and move aside or move to the back of the classroom,as he arranges the desks and benches in the classroom,miles apart from each other,making sure no two benches or desks are close enough for students to talk to each other or peek into the content of each other's parchments on their respective desks.He then calls us one by one,and assigns us benches individually,on which we are made to sit alone,with a desk in front of us,segregating students in clever ways to make sure no two students from the same house are made to sit adjacent to each other or behind or in front of each other,and taking care to not keep students who usually sit together in groups anywhere close to each other.Then he hands over the question papers for the DADA First Year Midterm Examination,one each to each one of us,reminding us sternly that he will not tolerate any cheating and that we must not refer to our notes from the lessons taught to us in DADA class during the exam.Any of the DADA assignments given to us in DADA class have not been open book until now,and we have always been told to not refer to our notes from the lessons taught to us while solving the assignments given in DADA class.The trend continues in the midterm exam as well,and we are not allowed to refer to the notes from the lessons.We are handed over blank parchments to write our answers in,by the Professor,soon,and the exam begins.The First Year DADA midterm exam question paper contains a set of twenty questions,set from all the lessons taught to us in DADA class until now.It appears to me first that there are relatively more questions set from the lesson in which we were taught about jinxes,curses and hexes.Then I realise there are also quite a few questions from the lesson in which we were taught about static and dynamic spells.And then I realise that there are quite a few questions each from each one of the five lessons I was taught in DADA class until now.While I get confused on some questions,as I am unable to properly recall the answers from my memory,I end up answering all questions and remembering most answers properly and writing them to the best of my ability.I think I have done fairly well enough and hand over the parchment containing my answers when I finish.One peculiarity of the first year DADA midterm examinations is that there is no time limit,and we are told that we can submit the parchment containing our answers whenever we want to,as long as we follow the other rules of the examination.But we all have potions classes after this,so no one wants to stay too long writing the exam.Most students hand over the parchment as soon as they finish,and I hand over mine when I have answered everything and checked and rechecked my answers satisfactorily.Lacey and Rose finish writing their answers to their satisfaction and then submit their parchments and join me outside the DADA classroom.
We then take a deep breath,exhausted after the exam,and drink water,filling our drinking cups using the spell,Aguamenti,and then head to Potions class in the dungeons for today's Potions lessons and Potions midterm exam for first year.As we reach outside the potions dungeon,Lacey visits her dorm which is nearby to get ready for potions class.Standing outside the potions dungeon,Rose and I use Accio to summon the change of dresses and other protective gear and things we need for potions class such as brass scales,our potions knives and mortar and pestle.These things swoop towards us from our respective dorms and we change in a bathroom nearby the potions dungeon and then check and recheck the requirements for potions class outside the potions dungeon and then enter the class to find Professor Draekon busy arranging parchments and what looks like our potions midterm question papers on the Professor's table.I am a bit nervous about the midterm as for me,its about making an impression on Professor Draekon,and I need all the luck possible today,to make it work,along with everything else that everyone else needs for the exam.Lacey enters soon after and waves at us.Today,the potions dungeon has a lab setup,as we were promised in our previous potions class that today we will have our first potions lab,and be taught to brew the cure for boils.When its time for potions class to start,Professor Draekon looks up from his table and begins class.Today,in the dungeon,there are brewing stations instead of desks and benches and the Professor's table has his brewing station beside it.There is also an eye-rinsing station in the front of the classroom with a water tap and a shelf behind it containing some healing potions,some medicinal and first aid potions and a bottle of Ephesial's Eye-Saving Rinse.There are four different ingredients and a thickening agent arranged from left to right in order of adding to the Cure for Boils during brewing,on the working area which is part of each brewing station.There is also a parchment containing the detailed step-by-step brewing process for the Cure for Boils in Professor Draekon's own handwriting on the working area,and realising that since there is one each of such parchments for every one in their respective working areas,I can take mine to my dorm,makes my heart skip a beat.On the blackboard,is written the same thing as on the parchment.Professor Draekon first gives us a theoretical lesson discussing mostly about boils,muggle methods to deal with boils and how the magical methods are similar,how to go about brewing the Cure gor Boils in today's class,the different types of thermometers and their scales,safety precautions,how to use the Stirring Charm,the step-by-step detailed brewing process,how to use the potion and its effects and side effects and safe usage,storage of potions in general and the Cure for Boils in particular,and how to discard the potion.After the theoretical lesson,he brews the potion at his counter,simultaneously instructing us through the steps and coming over to our stations to check on our work from time to time,while we follow him from our stations.I am nervous at first brewing my first potion in the wizarding world,but eventually come round,feeling excited and elated at the prospect,and do really well.I have a query during the brewing,which is how exactly to regulate the heat source to bring it to the desired temperature,and ask the same to Professor Draekon,who readily answers me.He tells me a lot of extra information about the different types of heat sources,such as the more traditional direct exposure to a non-controlled flame,the ones used in his classes and the ones used in industrial applications and in his company(to know what company I am talking about,read his backstory on his magical social media profile),and their features,and the methods to regulate heat in each of them.I am delighted with my extra information and my heart skips a beat at having recieved extra information from him.I take some time to contain my excitement,and then continue brewing.After an eventful potions lab class,I finally have my own Cure for Boils,my first self-brewed potion in the wizarding world,stoppered in a labelled glass phial,on my brewing station.Glad,excited and elated,I clear up my working area,and clean my cauldron.The Professor appreciates the perfect sky blue color of my potion and its uniform consistency,and I am very happy.Not all students have successfully brewed potions on their brewing stations though,some witches and wizards messed up badly,but most of us fared well in making a proper Cure for Boils,including Rose,Lacey and myself.I decide to store my Cure for Boils in my trunk in my dorm,and keep my trunk locked at all times.Then,the Potions Professor gives us a mandatory quiz assignment on the lesson taught today in Potions class,to solve,which I complete to the best of my ability and turn in.He then gives us an optional essay assignment,asking us to write an essay describing our first potions lab,according to a provided rubric.I write the essay following the rubric,and though it turns out very long when I finish writing,I submit it.Then,after a short five-minute break,during which we walk around the corridor and visit the bathroom,as we are all exhausted from the potion-brewing,and Professor Draekon rearranges the Potions classroom in the dungeon,removing the brewing stations and putting back the desks and benches,we are asked to enter class again and seat ourselves on the desks and benches.Professor Draekon then gives us a short extra-credit lesson,explaining that this lesson is not part of the Potions first year syllabus and won't be asked in the first year Potions midterm exam.The lesson is some extra-credit information about some research on vaporous potions,and to know the information,you have to attend Professor Draekon's class.At the end of the extra-credit lesson,we are seated apart from each other,and handed the first year Potions midterm question papers and given blank parchments to write our answers on.The question paper contains questions from each lesson taught to us until now in Potions classes,except the extra-credit lesson.The Professor tells us that there is no time limit and we can submit our parchments with the answers at anytime we want.But we are all exhausted after the potions lab class,and want to go down to have lunch at the Great Hall,so almost everyone hands over their parchments quickly.I finish the paper to the best of my ability and hand over my parchment.Rose has already finished before me and Lacey is still writing,but soon all the parchments including Lacey's are submitted and the first part of the first year Potions midterm examination is over.The Professor then explains that there is a second part of the first year Potions midterm examination,which is optional and is for extra evaluation,and skipping this part of the exam altogether or getting failing grades in it will not prevent us from passing midterm.The Professor then announces that the second part of the first year Potions midterm examination involves writing an essay explaining the non-credibility of a given idea,related to vaporous potions,for research and trial.We are provided a rubric for writing the essay according to,and told to use the knowledge and concepts we gained from Potions class until now,to prove the point of the essay.I usually enjoy my essay assignments as I am good at writing essays,but I am so exhausted after the potions lab class and its essay assignment(which I wrote an extraordinarily long essay for,way above the minimum word limit,exerting myself and my mental capacities a lot) and the first year Potions midterm examination,that I feel too exhausted to write another essay,that too one requiring me to debate a point from a particular pre-fixed given side.I decide to give up and not do the essay,but then think about the house points,as any assignment,optional or mandatory,or any examination or test or its part,even if extra-credit or optional,yields house points on the basis of performance in it.Therefore,I gear up and decide to write the essay after all,as best as I can,even if I fail to write it well due to my exhaustion.I reassure myself that the house points I recieve on this essay will be a treat to my mind,even if I recieve less house points on this essay,thus I write the essay,without worrying about writing it too well.But,after a long time of exerting my brain really hard,I end up with another very long essay written by me.I hope I will get good enough grades for it.After writing and submitting the essay,I come out of the potions class into the corridor where I join Rose and Lacey asking about their experiences today in potions class.Lacey said she did not do very well,but will pass,while Rose says that the first part of her Potions midterm exam went quite well and she hopes she excelled in the first part of her Potions midterm exam and also managed to write the second part as well as she could,to the best of her ability.Rose is an aspiring healer and it is understandable why she takes the subject Potions seriously.
We then all head upstairs and to the Great Hall for lunch.Today for lunch we are served sandwiches,ketchup,soup,sphagetti bolognese and sphagetti sauce,porridge and treacle tart.
After having lunch at the Great Hall,we head to our dorms to freshen up.Though we are supposed to have Flying class now,we are informed by a notice via owl from the Hogwarts administrative staff,that as we have already sat our midterm examinations for Flying class,there will be no more Flying classes until after Christmas vacations,when the next half of term starts.But,since,we haven't sat our midterm examinations for Herbology yet,we will have Herbology as today's afternoon class instead of Flying classes.So,we prepare for Herbology instead of Flying and head to the greenhouses.The ground on the way to the greenhouses,near the vegetable patch which serves as the kitchen gardens for the Hogwarts kitchens,is soddy and covered with mud especially near the greenhouses and closer to the vegetable patch,due to the heavy rain that fell in the morning.Professor Aspen is already in the greenhouse and welcomes us.He tells us that the basic blooms covered in our first year herbology syllabus are divided into two lessons,the first lesson of which,with four basic blooms will be taught before midterm and the second lesson of which,with four more basic blooms will be taught in the second half of term.In today's class,we are taught the first lesson on basic blooms,and this is also the last Herbology lesson before the first year Herbology midterm examinations.The lesson deals with four basic blooms-Valerian,Lily,Asphodel and Knotgrass.The lesson is mostly about information about these four basic blooms and their habitat,varieties,requirements,properties and effects,and information about the Growth Starting Charm and its history and story of its invention,its spell block,effects and how to cast it.We are told it may be difficult for us to cast the charm,but we can get some results from it after some practice.At the end of the lesson,we are given a mandatory short answer quiz assignment with questions from this lesson,which we complete and turn in.Then,we are seated separately as far away from each other as possible and handed the first year Herbology Midterm question papers,and blank parchments to write our answers in.The question paper has questions from all the lessons we were taught in herbology until now,and after answering all the questions on the blank parchment provided to me and checking and rechecking the answers I wrote,I submit the parchment containing my answers to Professor Aspen.As all students finish doing so one by one,Professor Aspen gathers his things and our assignments and the parchments containing our answers and leaves the greenhouse.Relieved at finishing all classes and hence all midterms for today,I congratulate Lacey and Rose and they hug me and congratulate me.Then,we hang about around the greenhouses looking at each other's plots and deciding if we should plant one or more of the basic blooms we were taught about today in our respective greenhouse plots.We check the pH of the soil once again,though we had already checked it when planting the rose,and the soil appears to be neutral,suitable for the rose plant.Only two of the basic blooms taught today in class,can be grown in mildly acidic to neutral pH and they are Asphodel and Knotgrass.Asphodel can grow in mildly acidic or neutral pH and doesn't mind a bit of alkalinity either,whereas Knotgrass is a weed and can grow in mildly acidic or neutral pH but does not have too many specifications for its growth requirements.The remaining two blooms Valerian and Lily require acidic pH,Valerian requiring quite acidic pH in a range of 4.5 to 5.0 and Lily requiring pH in a range of 5.5 to 6.5,though there is a bit of wiggle room outside this range for Lily.We have not been taught how to correct the pH of the soil and make it acidic yet,so after a lot of speculation I decided to grow only the Asphodel and Knotgrass for now.Knotgrass being an ingredient of Polyjuice Potion,a potion I am very curious about,I am very excited to plant it.I plant the Asphodel and Knotgrass,while Rose plants the Lily,Asphodel and Knotgrass hoping for the wiggle room in the required pH range for Lily to help her plant thrive.Rose is also excited about the knotgrass being an ingredient of the polyjuice potion.Lacey plants the Asphodel and Knotgrass like me,also excited about planting the ingredient of the Polyjuice Potion.After we finish planting,we update the parchments with our respective names on the parchment board,which members of the greenhouse use to record their adventures in the greenhouse.I then updated on my magical social media that I planted my first plant that is an ingredient of one of the potions I am most interested in and curious about,the Polyjuice Potion,and that I am excited about having planted it.
After Herbology,I am extremely tired and since we have no more meetings in the library for the quest for the Marauder's Map,I decide to spend the evening relaxing.I go to the library to get the printed version of my diary updated with what I have written until now,and then go back to my dorm to spend the evening in a squashy armchair by the Gryffindor common room fireplace.While I am relaxing in the common room,a senior Gryffindor student Camomille Nott brings in some candies and introduces herself to me.She says she approves my request for joining her group "Honeydukes shop and markets",which Rose first told me about and which I requested for joining thereafter, by owling the group admin(that's where Rose gets her candies from) and which sells Hogsmeade candies at higher prices to students,especially to first years who are not allowed to visit Hogsmeade.Camomille also shows me some new candies to sample,candies that the members of the group invented and made themselves to sell,such as the house candies from their House Candy Series and sweet house lollipops from their series called the sweet lollipops "Power of the Faculty",each for five sickles each.The other new candies invented by the members of the group,that she displays to me for sampling are the Exploding Strawberry Drops,Fair Gummy Snakes,New Bertie Crouch,Disguising Mintmallows,Mystery Toffees and Candy Jams.All the new candies invented by the members of her group,from their description,have very interesting flavors and interesting effects as well.If you would like to sample or buy any new candies the members of the group invented or join Camomille's group to sell and/or buy candies or buy other candies from Hogsmeade,you can simply find her group called "Honeydukes shop and markets" listed in the Groups and Clubs section of the administrative office,found in the Hogwarts castle,and through there send a request via owl to the group admin to approve you into the group.Your request may get accepted,and then you get to buy candies from Camomille Nott or help her in inventing new candies,and buy and sell candies with her.She says that there are special discounts for students who suggest ideas for or invent new sweets and candies for the group to sell.I buy some Gryffindor house candies and Gryffindor house sweet lollipops "Power of the Faculty" for five sickles each,and then also suggest an idea for a new sweet to sell which I name "Daydreamswirlpop".I describe the "Daydreamswirlpop" to Camomille as follows:-
"It looks like a lollipop with two colors of swirls on it,each swirl is one of the favourite flavors of the eater(mine would be strawberry pink and white vanilla),and when put entirely in the mouth and sucked for a full second,bursts with a pop in the mouth releasing the eater's favourite flavors in the mouth like a bomb and gives the eater a pleasant daydream for a full minute.The candy may make the eyes of the eater look like it is in a swirl while the daydream is going on,but wont cause any other side effects."
Camomille says that she likes my choice among the candies she showed me for sampling,and says that she likes my idea for the new sweet I called "Daydreamswirlpop" too.She says she will submit my idea to the Honeydukes Factory.I look confused.
She says that I seem to have very good idea and asks me if I would like to join her group,"Honeydukes Factory".She explains that members of the "Honeydukes Factory" group suggest ideas for and make drawings of new candies invented by themselves,these ideas are then passed on to the real Honeydukes factory,who approve these ideas and make these candies for special sale,only by members of the "Honeydukes shop and markets",a students' group at Hogwarts,and also adds that some older students,in senior years at Hogwarts,who are allowed to go into Hogsmeade,also work in the real Honeydukes Factory.She also gives me an application form to fill in and post as a joining request letter via owl to the admin of the group,"Honeydukes Factory".I agree to join the group,filling in the form and owling it through Hedwig Two immediately,saying that I think I can handle being a part of the group,and saying that I would love it.As Hedwig flies back to her cage,an owl reaches me in about the next two minutes saying that the admin approves my request for joining the group "Honeydukes Factory".
Camomille Nott immediately welcomes me into the "Honeydukes Factory" group and briefs me on how it works.
I am so excited that I immediately conjure ideas for three new types of candies in my brain,and give her a long speech in exactly the same words as written below:-
"Thanks for accepting me.I immediately got the ideas for three candies in the excitement of being accepted.These are the:-
1.Mango Fight-This candy looks a lot like the muggle candy "Mango Bite",and is ripe mango flavored,the only difference from the muggle candy being,when eaten,it makes the eater uncontrollably spit out a mango seed with full force,which vanishes immediately as it touches the ground,and then also allows the eater to get better at calculating dueling moves beforehand and acquire better agility at countercharms during dueling,however,this effect lasts for only fifteen minutes after eating the candy.This candy comes with a warning to not be taken to DADA dueling exams,as if the warning is not heeded,the candy will cause the student to uncontrollably spit mango seeds continuously in front of the DADA professor until the real candy is spit out or the mouth is rinsed.On spitting out the real candy or rinsing the mouth,the heightened dueling abilities are also immediately lost.
2.Honey Bunny Hop-This is essentially a honey flavored bunny shaped golden colored candy with a honey filling and a nougat exterior,wrapped in edible gold foil.On eating this candy,the eater acquires an ability to hop like a bunny on his/her two legs and cover larger distances in shorter time by hopping,but this effect lasts for only five minutes.The only side effect is growing bunny ears after eating the candy,but the bunny ears can be vanished by standing still for thirty seconds.
3.Sticky Delights-Sticky Delights are delightful candies with a nougat and caramel flavoring,and are enchanted with the Sticking Charm and doused with the Sticking Potion,and stick to the roof of the mouth or the tongue,and stay stuck there until the entire candy bit by bit melts in the mouth and reaches the stomach.
I will be inventing more ideas for candies over time.For now this is all I could conjure,thankyou.".
Camomille approves my candies and says that I did a great job with my ideas for new candies.
Camomille asks me on behalf of the groups,"Honeydukes Factory" and "Honeydukes shop and markets",if I would like to recieve owls with notices and correspondences about the latest news about the group as well as messages specific to me from the group,without me having to contact the members of the group or visit the group's meeting place.I agree and Camomille notes down my choice for reference for the group.
I follow Camomille Nott on social media,who follows me back,and then takes my leave,leaving me to complete my evening rest.
Let me describe Camomille for you as she leaves.Camomille Nott is a wizened looking witch with an oval face,winged eyeliner around bright light blue eyes,thin black eyebrows,rosy skin and a bow shaped thin upper lip and thick lower lip pursed together.She has shoulder-length golden curly hair.She wore a Gryffindor house scarf,a Gryffindor Christmas sweater with the Hogwarts crest on it on the front above the chest,Gryffindor hand gloves and a dark brown pointed witch hat with a light brown buckled belt on it.She also wears tortoise-shell round framed spectacles,and carries her pet snowy owl on her shoulder,and often carries a white snowglobe in her right hand.
I soon head down to supper and wave to Lacey and Rose in the Great Hall.Dinner is served with roast chicken,lamb chops,baked potatoes,jacket potatoes,mashed potatoes,rice pudding,gravy and French onion soup.Rose hands me and Lacey yoghurt covered raisins,which are candies from Hogsmeade.After enjoying those,we play a round of Hogwartle each in the Hogwartle corridor and head back to our dorms to sleep.