Saving The Sugar Palace
Lily gets a call from the Queen of Candy Land and has to return again to save the Princess.
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The Chase
Chapter 8
I ran as fast as I could out of the forest and leaped across the peanut butter cups floating on top of chocolate river and then ran even faster through crops of candycorn and sugar pumpkins. I got lost and suddenly I was in the forest of swirly lollipops that I had first arrived in when I was 11. I tried to leave the forest and they cornered me near a tree! I looked all around me to find a way out and I remembered the quick gum from my first visit. If I could lead them to the quick gum, then I could escape and go back to the Sugar Palace to plan another assault. I shouted at them and I ran towards where the quick gum was. They followed me and I went right behind the gum. They tried to follow me and they ran right into the trap. The marshmallows struggled to get out but they could not. I had to go back to the Sugar Palace.