Saving The Sugar Palace
written by Gwen Bowden
Lily gets a call from the Queen of Candy Land and has to return again to save the Princess.
Last Updated
The Adventure
Chapter 7
Ok, here we were in Candy Apple Forest. It was time to chase that monster out of the forest so that everyone in candy land could go candy apple picking again. "Shhh.... I hear the monster," I said. Thump, Thump, Thump. "Ok Jack," (that’s one of my gummy bears) "Get ready to scare him." We kept walking and we found a clearing. In the middle of it was the monster. It was HUGE and it was made entirely out of marshmallows. It looked like Wampa from Star Wars except it was a sugar coated marshmallow. I hoped it would go well!
It was time, we ran to defeat the monster but then all of the gummy bears chickened out and ran back to the Sugar Palace. I realized that I could not defeat it by myself so I ran out of the woods to try and get the gummy bears back. They were fast runners and they had already reached the Palace. But as I was trying to get the gummy bears, the monster was right behind me along with other marshmallow monsters. That’s when I realized that the monster must be the mother of the mini marshmallow monsters.