Creature Journal Comc-301 Kitty Keim
Last Updated
Entry #2
Chapter 2
Creature Journal #2
Today, I am journaling about Cornish Pixies. I find them interesting because they seem to have a great deal of magic for such a small creature. The fact that they can fly with no wings and can lift a wizard who is very many times larger and heavier than them, implies a great deal of magical strength. They also seem to be rather intelligent given that they can organize in groups to kidnap a witch and that they determine their mating partners through discussion. It seems to be quite a good thing that they aim their magical abilities and intellect toward mischief rather than outright malice. If they were seriously angered by a human, I'm sure they could to quite a bit of damage.
While visiting a friend in Cornwall, I was warned to only go down a certain road if I have an adult witch or wizard with me. Apparently, they'd been dealing with a group of Pixies that had taken up residence in a local park and were tormenting anyone who came too close to the fountain. I begged to be taken there, and someone went with me so I could see the Pixies. Their bright blue coloring made them almost easy to spot in the sparse winter trees, and though I had to stand outside the park to see them, I did see a muggle wander into the park. The witch I was with cast a freezing charm on the Pixies before they could harass the muggle and then insisted that we go back home.