The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #4
A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This issue features another thrilling new serial from writers Grace Waterson and Lilia Le Fay, as well as more additions to the HiH section and a welcoming interview to our new chefs!
Last Updated
Chapter 26
Come all, come one, to the HiH Valentine’s Dance! It will be held on the 6th of February at 5:30 p.m. EST on an off-site chat room. Some circumstances have not yet been decided, but it is definitely going ahead! There is also the option to bring a date, so get busy! There is also going to be a Dance King and Queen that will be voted out of nominees! Be sure to pop in for a memorable evening!
(Owl Tali Mere for more)
Lilia Le Fay has begun to update her Grimm/HP crossover again and things are starting to get exciting! Rated well with feedback, it is said to be an excellent read!
LINK TO BOOK: <a href=""></a>
Every Saturday, Jamie Pevensie holds a Roleplay for a Hogsmeade Trip on her feed. Want to join in the fun! Visit at around 10p.m. EST and join in with the shoping, visiting Zonko’s, Honeyduke’s and the Hogs Head!
LINK TO JAMIE’S PAGE: <a href=""></a>
HiH now has an off-site student room for chats and posts – a great way for students to socialise! Simply click on the link below and log in with your HiH details and you can access another world of Roleplay, discussions and more!