Dada First Year Notes
These are my notes from Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am mainly putting it up because it will help me stay organized better.
Last Updated
Lesson 2
Chapter 2
Verdimillious Charm
-Shoots out green sparks or electrical energy
-When used for defense, the sparks will surround your foe and cause them slight pain
-The pain feels like stinging
-You must mmediately cast another spell or be able to remove oneself
-To cast:
- Carefully pronounce vur-duh-MILL-ee-us
- Move wand forward in a slashing motion
- End notion with wand pointed at target
-To cast:
- Carefully pronounce vur-duh-MILL-ee-us
- Move wand above one's head in a circular motion-carefully not to aim at anything other than the air
-Blinding emerald light will light up room for a few minutes
-Reveals any hidden objects(ex: doors or platforms) that have been hidden by dark magic
-Once the spell has ended, they will not be revealed any longer
-Also known as the Softening Charm
-When casted properly, the target will soften
-Will develop a rubbery texture and become lighter-will not become pillowly
-Doesn't work well with metals, rocks, living creatures or food
-If casted on a person, the hair and skin may become softer
-To cast:
- Carefully pronoun SPUN-jee-fye
- Move wand in an S motion
-Works best on small, handheld objects
-As the spell charges, the color will change from a pink to a purpleish-ish pink
-Will last from a minute to an hour depending on how long the charge lasted