Wicca; The Craft.
A book concerning Wicca and witchcraft. Not specific to Harry Potter, but more concerning the real life practices.
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The Sabbats
Chapter 6
The Sabbats are displayed on the wheel of the year, and are basically the wiccan holidays, or holy days. Here is a little bit about each;
Yule (yuletide)- This falls on December 19-22 (the winter solstice) The Christian equivalent to this is Christmas.
Imbolc- February 1st. Celebrating new life- the coming of spring. The midpoint between winter solstice and spring equinox.
Ostara- March 19-22 (the spring equinox). The Christian equivalent to this is Easter.
Beltane- May 1. The midpoint between spring equinox and summer solstice.
Litha- June 19-22 (the summer solstice).
Lugnasadh or Lammas- August 1st. The midpoint between summer solstice and autumn equinox.
Mabon- September 19-22 (the autumn equinox). Similar to thanksgiving.
Samhain- October 31st. Similar to all hallows eve, Halloween, and the day of the dead. This is a time for honoring the dead and the time the veil between this world and the spirit world is thinnest.