The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #3
A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This third issue of the magazine features a new Serial Story from renown Fanfiction Writer Jamie Roballo and a feature article on the core students of 2015, voted for and presented as The Students of 2015!
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British League Quidditch Match – Kent Kings Vs. Gwynedd Giants
Chapter 7
-British League Quidditch Match – Kent Kings vs. Gwynedd Giants*-
Usually any match involving the Gwynedd Giants or the Kent Kings wouldn't be of much interest to the avid Quidditch fan, as they are both teams that find themselves towards the bottom of the Quidditch league. However, when they play each other, it is guaranteed to be an interesting game. In this case, both Gwynedd and Kent are fighting to stay in the league, and so a win here for both of them was crucial. It was a tight match that lasted just over four hours, however the Kent Kings came out on top in the end, with a final score of 460-310.
Kent Chaser Caroline Hardy was back on the pitch after taking a long time off after the birth of her daughter last year. Remarkably, Hardy seemed to be back to her good form pretty much straight away and managed to score two goals within the first ten minutes. The other two chasers for Kent; Jamie Lawson and Chloe Reece certainly tried hard, but struggled with their set plays; Reece especially seemed rather uncertain about where she was supposed to be. The Gwynedd Chasers; Ciara Bradley, Amy Fox and Michael O'Reilly struggled in the first hour with a few dropped balls and badly-aimed passes, but managed to improve as the game went on and, especially in the last half hour, their teamwork was exceptional.
Kent Keeper Jacob Harris played a stunning game, making a number of saves that looked unreachable. He even managed to improve as the game went on - stirred on by the crowd's cheers - and even made a catch upside down on his broom in the last hour of the game which had the crowd cheering even louder.
"I had an amazing time out there," he said after the game finished. "The crowd were going wild, and it really helped to keep me motivated. Their chasers played a great game, and I'm really surprised at the amount of saves I managed to make."
The opposing keeper; Mervyn Wright, was abysmal in comparison to Harris, and this allowed Kent to score just as many goals as Gwynedd, despite their Chasers' all-over-the-place play. The crowd groaned as Wright dropped multiple balls, and even scored an own goal about halfway through the match. Gwynedd Captain and Beater, Owen Bates, said;
"Meryvn didn't have his best day today on the pitch. But that's okay - everyone has off days, and in training he has shown himself to be up to a great standard. We will see how he plays in our next match, and if his performance is the same, we might give one of our reserves a go."
Bates himself played a decent, but not outstanding game, as was the case with all of the beaters on both teams. The other Gwynedd beater; Sean Williams managed to make a few good hits, but suffered a blow to the arm pretty early on in the game. Although not serious, it seemed to knock Williams's confidence and he didn't get involved as much as he could have. The Kent beaters; twins Annabel and Erin Rhodes were back after a few months off suffering from Splattergroit, and so weren't on their usually excellent form.
The Seekers had a tough game as, for the latter half of the match, the pitch was covered in fog. Gwynedd Seeker George Baldwin narrowly missed a serious injury in a badly executed Wronski Feint, and Kent Seeker Abigail Smith seemed to have some trouble controlling her broom. However, it was Smith who managed to catch the snitch in the end, winning the game for the Kent Kings.
Next match will be the highly anticipated match between the London Lions and the Cornwall Cobras - it is sure to be an interesting game, so be sure to come back and read about that!
-Written by Grace Waterson
*Gwynedd is an area in north-west Wales, well known for being the home of the Snowdonia National Park. Kent is a county in the south east of England, bordering Greater London to the North West.