The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #3

written by Lilia Le Fay

A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This third issue of the magazine features a new Serial Story from renown Fanfiction Writer Jamie Roballo and a feature article on the core students of 2015, voted for and presented as The Students of 2015!

Last Updated






Entertainment Section

Chapter 25

-Entertainment Section-

This section is a wonderfully entertaining jumble of things put together to hopefully amuse readers, containing Harry Potter jokes, funny columns, memes and more - there are changes made each week so that's why this introduction lacks a list. The writers for this section are:

Dean McCormick

Lilia Le Fay

Alyssa Ella Piper

Maria Fell

Debanessa Gilson

Tali Mere

Entertainment Column 1: Ah, Sweet Memories!

Written by Dean McCormick

I could call this story several things that would sound better than what I’m actually going to call it. Some of them are “nature disaster,” “physics failure,” “horrific accident,” and such. It was a disaster that had several things to do with nature, physics does hate me, and it was a fairly memorable accident. But I’m not going to call it any of those things, because it really is something else. No, I’m going to call it (drumroll please)...

Just another one of my stupid anecdotes.

So, on that fairly melodramatic note, we’ll dive into the story.

It happened around mid-November of 2015. I was at a nature preserve with several of my friends, because our younger siblings were doing some science project in the building. Being the main homeschooling community of Cincinnati Ohio, our younger generations did things like that a lot, so we took it as an opportunity to hang out. This usually amounted to board games and lunch in one of the other rooms in the building, but we felt a little energetic that day, so we went out into the large yard in the back of the building that separated it from the preserve itself, to play Sharks and Minnows.

It took a while to refresh everyone of the rules, as none of us had played in years. My friend Aidan eventually got everyone to agree on what the rules were, such as the fact that it didn’t matter at all which side the shark starts on and vice versa. I myself was leaning against a tree staring at my phone while they argued, not caring in the slightest. I don’t tend to care much. I let Aidan deal with the other people, and let me just say, he does a better job than I ever could.

So once everyone was either satisfied with the rules we settled on or frightened into cooperation (that had nothing to do with me, I swear!), we lined up to start. I believe Alex was the shark first. He only tagged a few people, including his brother, before Aidan’s sister brutally collided with another girl in a failed escape attempt, as one of them had been tagged, I can’t remember which. I think I was one of the only people who saw the crash (and I use that term lightly), but everyone in that huge yard was alerted by the ominous earsplitting crack that emitted from the center of the lawn when they collided. It was shocking, how loud it was. I still would’ve jumped out of my skin if I hadn’t seen both girls being thrown backward several feet. Aidan’s sister cried a little, but I didn’t hear any sound from the other girl. She might have been unconscious.

But, if you can believe it, that wasn’t the worst accident that happened that day.

We started over after that. I think Alex was the shark again, either him or his brother. That game went by exceptionally fast, considering Alex is one of the fastest people I know, and his brother is one of the biggest. I didn’t have as much trouble avoiding him though, as I’m one of the smallest people I know. The two of them recruited all of the players as sharks, except for me and Aidan, in about five minutes. Aidan and I managed to avoid the grand total of eight or nine sharks for another ten. I’m not the most athletic person I know by any stretch of the imagination, but I do run pretty fast. And my size gives me an advantage, to some extent.

Now, before I dive into the climax of this little story, there’s something you need to know. The game of Sharks and Minnows was taking place in a large, grassy yard, longer than it was wide, with a cluster of oak trees and park benches near the center. It was surrounded with thick woods on three sides, with a building on the non-woodsy (for lack of a better word) side that was available to the community at large, which just happened to be our younger siblings that day.

That’s not important, I’m just giving you the lay of the land. What’s important is that it had rained the day before.

What, you want me to tell you why that’s important? Why ever would I do that? Patience. You’ll see eventually.

I believe is was the thirteenth pass across the yard, and either the fifth or sixth pass since everyone had been tagged save me and Aidan. It was getting hard for the both of us, mainly because when Aidan and I probably should have been working against each other somehow, to try to win the game. But instead we were working as a team, planning routes before we ran across and childishly strategic things like that. And the sharks were getting smarter, getting used to our maneuvers.

Little did we know, the thirteenth pass was to be the one in which one of us would fall to the gnashing teeth of the sharks. (What? I can be melodramatic if I want to be).

We both started on the left side of the lawn facing the building. The plan was to both start running along the left side of the yard, and then Aidan would turn around and run back to the boundary, circling around to run across the middle of the yard, while I turned and ran to the right. We would meet somewhere in the middle of the yard and make a “V” shape, running to the other side while simultaneously running diagonally away from each other.

It started out fine. It was a relatively new strategy, so we succeeded in confusing the sharks up until the point where Aidan and I met up in the center of the yard. Aidan had Alex hot on his tail, so he had to ditch the plan and make a beeline for the other side from where we met up, and our friend James got between us somehow, so I had to turn around and run in the opposite direction - which I didn’t do, because Aidan’s brother was right behind me. I had to make a decision in the next couple of seconds.

So I did.

I already had momentum pushing me towards Aidan’s brother, which made the following maneuver exceedingly difficult. I basically attempted to throw myself into the small space that wasn’t occupied by the two sharks by pivoting sharply on my right foot, pointing my left foot so it would land on the ground, and springing off of my right.

Do you have that pictured in your brain? Good. Now stop it. Freeze the entire image. You should see me, hovering a foot in the air with one leg pointed at the ground in front of me, the other dangling behind me, and two sharks behind me. You have to picture every detail, crystal clear.

Now, wait a minute. That’s just grass underneath of me, isn’t it? Nope! Look again! It’s a gigantic mud puddle. Enormous. Gargantuan. Four inches deep.

And I use the term “puddle” very loosely. There isn’t really a name for it in the English language. It was about five feet long and four feet across. The main body, anyway. There were several little rivers of it branching off into the grass from all sides, the longest one being about three feet, not counting the twists and bends.

Now just imagine that. There’s James and Aidan’s brother, not quite close enough to me to be in the puddle. And there’s me, hovering directly above the center of it. And the worst part is, I didn’t know it was there at all. It was completely concealed in the grass, as no one had cut it in weeks. I thought about suing the staff, but that didn’t work for obvious reasons.

Anyway, let’s unfreeze that image and watch what happens.

I’m sure you can imagine what I thought when my foot sank deeper into the ground than it should have. But what might surprise you is that I didn’t have much time to think about that, much less the splash that soaked my pants. No, all I could do was yelp as my foot slid three feet across the puddle, causing the splash to elongate, and then my foot left the ground altogether. I swear, it felt like I hovered two feet off the ground, parallel to the ground for several seconds, but it was obviously less than one before my whole body collided with the mud.

The splash was huge. Everyone within ten feet of the puddle was splattered with muddy water. It looked like someone had taken a video of a nuclear explosion and edited it so the fire was brown and wet and the light radiating from the shockwave was gone. It was rather traumatic for poor little me, spread eagle on the ground. All I could see was muddy water for a disturbingly long time.

But that was only the first layer. After the muddy water had exploded into the atmosphere, the second layer classified as “goop,” rose up into the air. And I mean literally rose up into the air. It was like someone had filled the outline of the puddle with some kind of brown cement and propelled it upward. If you were on the far side of the yard, you’d be able to see the exact shape of the puddle in the air. And I had to be in the middle of it when it went up, and worse, right under it when it came back down. All I could see was brown muddy goop above me. I only time than he was, lying there, every inch of my body soaked in muddy water and covered from head to toe in goop. I just layed there for a while with my eyes closed, fuming.

Aidan won that game, if you haven’t guessed. James turned tail and ran after the explosion of muddy water, but Aidan’s brother somehow managed to tag me without getting too much mud on him. I’ll never understand how he did it. He has the best luck of anyone I’ve ever met.

That’s all, folks.


Entertainment Column 2: Everyday Instances

Written by Debannessa Gilson

So the other day, my friends and I were going to order Pizza, but we couldn't decide what kind we wanted, so we ordered the pizza and then... this is were it gets interesting. We decided that we would style the pizza with any kind that we wanted in particular, so we took out our wands, and started blasting the pizza.

In the end we had with:

combo toppings, pepperoni, chicken, cheese, bacon,and like 20 other toppings that I won't name.

basically we had a very yummy pizza, (4 to be exact. duplicating spell.)

I had like 4 slices....ahhhh


Knock knock.

Whos there?

You know.

You know who?

He's dead, you can say his name now.

How many snape's does it take to light up a wand?


Why did Potter cross the road?

No reason, but someone will write a book about it.

Why did Crabbe and Goyle cross the road?

Draco did.

Why did Barty Crouch Jr. quit drinking?

Because it was making him Moody.

-Lilia Le Fay

Entertainment Column 3: Muggle Gaming

(Written by Tali Mere)

This new found column is for all of my gaming enthusiasts. Or as society labels us, geeks. From Bethesda to EA, they’ll be crappy pick-up lines to game reviews. From Roblox to Minecraft, there will be inside jokes to hilarious memories aka trolling.

My main article here for you today will take place in the lovely Bloxian world of Roblox. It’s basically Minecraft with the crafting. Lots of blocks and mini-games to play.

The story begins 2 days ago on a city game where you basically drive around. My companion was Sebastian, a mere farm boy *RPer.

Carelessly driving around town to collect a bounty, I tried to get in my way of other drivers. On highway 84 I stopped sideways in the middle of the road right before a girl was about to pass me.

Her car flipped over me repeatedly and did not stop until she fell off the end of the world. Sometimes game glitches are the best things that can occur.

Later that evening I lost control of my car. Hitting the max speed limit, my car refused to stop. Trying to avoid my character’s death, I died. My car went engine-first into a lake which fell through to nothing (end of the world).

By this time, I had a little more experience in the game. However, I decided screwing things up seemed more fun.

Causing cars to spin off the road I recalled to a certain memory. Once when I was playing GTA5 I had made an oil line across a very busy street. Then I lit it on fire which made cars burn and crash into each other. It was actually quite amusing.

Running away from a cop, my friend Sebastian’s taxi was up ahead. I proceeded to jump out of my own car and jumped into his vehicle.

Now this is the best part, so read closely. We lost the cop and decided to troll people via chat. We certainly did not choose the right person to troll.

Sebastian stopped the car and ran up to some guy, of course I followed after him.

Sebastian kept calling the man his daddy, I went along with it. Well you know, until he pulled out a gun and killed Sebastian.

I ran for my life, which were unlimited but that was besides the point. Not in the direction I intended to though. My key got stuck so I started walking to him. The situation was not ideal whatsoever.

Luckily, he kept walking backwards threatening to kill me. There was a cop right behind him who arrested him.

I attempted to flee the scene because I was also wanted by the Police. But the guy shot me before I could, as well as the officer.

Eventually, Sebastian and I left the game to go troll some others. The true moral of the story is don't chase a guy with a gun.

Pick-up line from WoW (World of Warcraft): Why don't you seduce me? My resistance is low ;)

Which gaming system is better, Xbox or PlayStation? Vote here: <a href=""></a>

Thank you for your viewership, hope too see you the next time you flip onto this page! 

Guess the Second Generation Character:

Link to form here: <a href="">LINK</a>

-Lilia Le Fay

Wizarding War Families:

This issue we look at how one set of Weasleys have been getting on and it seems that fame still continues to follow them! Only last week father of the family and famed Auror Ronald Weasley caught two dark wizards while he was busy buying some owl treats for the Weasley’s family owl, Pigwidgeon. The two men were dressed in dark clothes and as one of them pulled their robe sleeve up, Mr. Weasley caught the glimpse of a Muggle tattoo – only shaped in the sign of the dark mark. Reacting immediately, Ronal Weasley whipped out his wand and took action just before the two wizards pulled out theirs and started to fire random spells everywhere. However, this only lasted a few seconds as Mr. Weasley soon stunned them and the only casualties were a few stunned and jinxed shoppers. The Wizards were later to have been identified as two supporters of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named views on society and have been sentenced to ten years in a humane prison (a prison without dementors) for wreaking havoc and expressing alarming views in several areas.

Meanwhile Ron Weasley’s beautiful wife, Hermione Granger, has decided to send her youngest child and only son, Hugo, to muggle primary school. When asked why, she expressed her views very logically and many others are latching onto the idea:

“I think it’s very important that our children receive a simple education in science and other core Muggle subjects before Hogwarts so they are not ignorant in any way if faced with living in the Muggle world. It also increases their practicality and confidence with socializing, and the headmaster of the school Hugo attends, who is actually a squib, watches out for any incidences with my son. Hugo, however, has had no problems so far and is really enjoying the socializing side of school, as well as learning more about the Muggle world as he goes along. This also gives me more time to work on my writing and teaching Rose the basics.”

Hermione Weasley’s new book, ‘Life after the wizarding war’, is soon to be published, and is expected to be a bestseller like her previous volume ‘My account of the wizarding war’.

- Alyssa Ella Piper

Harry Potter Scene - 'Riddikulus!':

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Harry Potter Character of the Issue: Myrtle Warren

Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, also known as Moaning Myrtle, was a Muggle-born witch born in 1929 and died in 1943 at the age of fourteen. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1939-1943 and was sorted in Ravenclaw House before her untimely death that caused her to haunt the school forever. She had the trouble of making friends because kids would bully and tease her all the time for her acne and glasses. Some time in Myrtle’s education the Chamber of Secrets opened and was built by Salazar Slytherin.


Within the Chamber of Secrets resided a Basilisk that could only be controlled by a parceltongue or the heir of Slytherin, its purpose to purge the school of Muggle-borns. However, Myrtle was the only one to be killed.

On the very last day that Myrtle was alive, a young girl Olive was teasing her about her glasses, and when she left Myrtle was in tears (having a tendency to overreact and cry at the slightest criticism). Myrtle went into a stall and began to cry after taking off her glasses, and Tom Riddle, the heir of Slytherin, had entered the bathroom and opened the chamber of secrets.

Myrtle walked out to yell at Riddle to get out but instead she ended up staring at the Basilisk that resulted in her death due to the monster's stare being fatal. It took them hours to find the body and Olive was the one who found her.

After her death Myrtle returned as a ghost to haunt Olive. But over the years the Ministry of Magic got involved and made her stay in the bathroom. But now no one uses that bathroom and it is used when people want to do bad things like illegal potion brewing. Myrtle constantly moans and still cries at most comments. The bathroom is mostly deserted because of this, and she is now nicknamed Moaning Myrtle.

Written by Maria Fell, citation to Harry Potter Wiki.


by Lilia Le Fay

Below is a link to a fun harry potter quiz for this issue, this time round themed on Magical Creatures of our world! tHE Link is here:

That's all for this Issue's entertainment section! Read next time for more amusing presentations!

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