Reunion In Legio I

A roman fiction serial by Centurion Cone. New episode every Saturday.

Last Updated






The Departure

Chapter 11

Aeneas woke up to the morning trumpets. He got up and groggily made his way to the briefing tent. Inside the tent he found that his four men had already arrived. They all stood to attention as he entered.

“At ease.” said Aeneas.

The four soldiers took their seats.

“Alright then.” said Aeneas. “As you may know three days ago after a raid two Praetorian guardsmen disappeared leaving behind an encoded document giving directions to an uncharted area of the forest a few days march from here. The five of us have been selected this mission because we have all proven to be exceptionally skilled. Aeneas paused for a moment. “Our assignment is to march to this location find the soldiers, beyond that it’s unclear. Are there any questions?”

One of the Legionarys raised his hand.

“Legionary Carvilius?” said Aeneas.

“When do we march?” asked Dean Carvilius.

“As soon as all of you are packed up.” said Aeneas. “You will bring full kit. We will be provided with a mule to carry our tent and extra rations. Anymore questions?”

“No sir” said the four soldiers in unison.

“Alright, get packed up. We’ll meet at the east sally port at noon. Don’t be late.” said Aeneas.

The five Romans exited the tent and made their way to the barracks to gear up. Aeneas entered the barracks and made his way to his bunk. He grabbed his few personal belongings and stuffed them in a small sack which he tucked into his belt.

He next stopped at the armory. He walked up to the stand which held his armor. First he put on the thick padded vest that was worn underneath the armor to absorb the shock of an impact. He ran his fingers over the steel bands of his lorica segmentata armor. It had just been oiled and was slick to his touch. He lifted it off its stand and hoisted it onto his shoulders, then laced up the front. He then slung the strap of his gladius’ scabbard over left shoulder so that it would hang at his right hip. He drew the blade and ran his nail over both edges to make certain they were sharp. After replacing the sword in its scabbard he buckled his pugio to his belt on the left side, this small dagger would be his last resort weapon.

Next he removed his galea helmet from its stand and folded the cheek guards inwards. Then he slung its carrying strap around his neck. The helmet lay on his chest like a medallion. He covered his scutum in its leather bag to protect the large curved rectangular shield from the elements. He then strapped the scutum in its case to his back like a backpack. He picked up his heavy pilum and his light pilum and rested the two javelins against his right shoulder. He slung his bag of tools including a pickaxe, a hatchet, and a shovel over his left shoulder. He strapped his bedroll to his back along with his scutum. Finally he placed his small bag of personal possessions, his water canteen, and his week of rations in a sack which his tied to the end of a poll which he then rested against his left shoulder. Aeneas was now ready for the long march ahead. He made his way to the east sally port.

The east sally port was a small gate in the east wall of the legion’s fortress only wide enough for three men walking abreast. It was barricaded by three sets of heavy iron reinforced wooden doors each one barred with a thick log. The doors where guarded with two dozen Legionarys. Within a few moments his four comrades arrived with a mule in tow. Aeneas walked up to the head guard.

“I request the port be opened for my squad.” said Aeneas.

“Your name?” asked the head guard.

“Aeneas Flavius, I’m on orders from the Legate.” answered Aeneas.

“Ah yes, I’ve been told about this.” Replied the head guard.

The head guard signaled to open the gates. One after another, the heavy doors creaked open. Aeneas and his squad walked through the gates. The doors clanged shut behind them. Aeneas and his squad listened as the last log was replaced with a loud and ominous clunk. Aeneas, Dean, Tiberius, Krys, and Gaius were on their own now.

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