Diary Of A First Year

We are all as confused as I am about Hogwarts having its first ever year of open enrollment. This is an artfully gripping tale of my adventures henceforth.

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The First Day Funk

Chapter 3


The first day of school, the day that decides what type of student you will be for your entire year, and how many friends you will have. Today is sorting day, and what is to be expected except for stress and prayers. Hundreds of new faces to meet and stories to be told, among the crowd several faces stand out to my eyes, and I wonder who is friend and who will be foe?

 Staring into the crowd I fail to notice a bright-eyed young lad with a huge smile plastered on his face walking in my direction. I finally see him when he is no more than three feet in front of me, babbling about the excitement of it all and how much he is looking forward to his studies here this year. I smile kindly back at the boy and tell him that he is not the only one who is excited for these years’ adventures. Among the small talk I learn his name is MC and that he is a pureblood who was raised among muggles just as I give him my name our attention is called to the front of the room as we are told the sorting is soon to commence. 

Many things cross my mind, about to be sorted into the house I will spend the rest of my time at Hogwarts in, I wonder if I will approve of my sorting choice and if I have what it takes to live up to the house name; Yes, you're brave, but are you brave enough to be sorted into Gryffindor, or are you to cunning and instead destined to be sorted into Slytherin. The smartest and most peculiar always get into Ravenclaw and Hulfflepuff gets the loyal friends. Waiting to be sorted is the worst feeling ever as you look around the great hall and realize this is the first year this institution is open, it is a clean slate, and everyone is just as lost as you are. As we fumble around getting our houses sorted we make friends and come to see that we all really want to be here. It is hard to find anyone who is not as excited as you are to be a part of this beautiful experience.

 Once sorted we all hurry off to our dorms, Eager to claim our rooms. I, being in Ravenclaw, wanted to begin my own dorm, dorm #690 The Resourceful Ravens, focusing on finding the most efficient ways to get to classes on time and make homework easier. As I extracted myself from the common room it occurred to me that I needed to sign up for classes! I had all these books and no place to use them! I rushed to the class enrolment on the 2nd floor and hurried to sign up for Potions, Charms, and Transfiguration. Yes, a full class load in 4 courses, but I had my heart set on Herbology, an unopened class, and was placed on the wait list until it becomes available. Now it is time to look over my class syllabus and see what homework I can complete.

Ready to study, 

The First Year Witch

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