Coming Soon To The Hih Library

written by Lilia Le Fay

A catalogue of teasers and recommended reading from author Lilia Le Fay, this gives readers an idea of what is to come in the way of fan fiction in the HiH library.

Last Updated






An Addition To Thorin'S Company

Chapter 5

An Addition to Thorin's Company

On the night of the meeting in bag end, an untimely disturbance arouses the company as two young companions fall into Middle Earth; one an old face forgotten by time, the other a new being curious to those unsure. Lilaeven Evenstar has returned to her home with an intriguing wizard by the name of Albus Potter...

The sequel to A Triwizard TournamentAn Addition to Thorin's Company follows the journey of the unlikely couple of Lilaeven and Albus as they brave their biggest fears yet.

Estimated Release Date: May 20th 2016

Chapter 1 ~ Disturbance.

The minute their lips touched Albus and Lily began to fall. There was that feeling in their stomachs, when you're on a muggle roller coaster and completely out of control. That was what Albus felt like, anyway, as he tumbled through the dark. Only sometimes would his mind become really conscious, most of the time it was in some sort of delirium, half awake, running on mad, random thoughts that would drift in and out of his mind. 

What he felt was different, there was pain, searing pain that wracked his body as it burst forth, burning in his chest, his legs, his head. Blinding light hurt his eyes, green flames that he couldn't tell were real or not crept up his arms, and a voice boomed in his ears. Whose it was he did not know, what they said, he did not know, but these terrible sounds raged through his head throughout the fall. 

Albus didn't know where Lily was, all he knew was that he was alone, he did not touch anything but these nightmarish visions of the void, and he did not hear anything other than the agonising sounds of the night.

It was only when he hit hard, weathered ground that he realised he had escaped the darkness.

The first thing Albus felt as he regained his consciousness was the bile rising in his throat, bitter and rancid as it reached the back of his tongue. A second later, it was on in grass upon which he lay. Coughing, Albus tried dizzily to sit up, vision blurred and unclear. But already he could feel senses coming back to him; he could smell the fresh soil beneath him, he could see faint golden lights in the darkness around him, he could feel his stomach churning , he could taste thin, sour saliva and he could hear...

Albus turned round at a fast speed to see someone, or something, lying on the ground behind him, breathing heavily, and he was pretty sure it was the first guess...

‘’Lily?’’ Albus crawled over to the lying figure woozily, vision swooping about him, in and out of focus. It was only when she raised her head, blinking rapidly, that he could heave a sigh of relief and close his eyes again in an attempt to relax his senses once more. Lily also seemed to be struggling, but she regained her mentality and body control at a much faster rate than he, for after a minute or so Albus opened his eyes to find her gazing around at their surroundings, which were now clearer to view for him. Strangely, she was smiling, a look of joy dawning upon her face. 

Albus, however, did not feel joy or relief. The pain in his body had nearly gone, but now his head had began to ache as a flood of thoughts entered his mind. Last night… was it ‘’last night’’? When he had hung onto Lily and entered the darkness of the void? How long had it been in his world? His world…

He had subconsciously guessed that he was no longer on earth; taking one look at their surroundings one would know they were not in the wizarding, or muggle world. 

They were on a grassy bank, overlooking a small decent that rolled into fields and a few more mossy hills, though a more suitable term would be ‘’bumps’’, as even the highest piece of ground was not the size of a hill. Albus could make out a forest beyond the plains and fields, a stream. The soft lights around him that had been so blurred when he had first opened his eyes turned out to be the lanterns that were hung in various places outside the little homes that were set into the grass banks around, round, low doors marking the entrances to these dwellings, accompanied by the odd miniature round window. It was then Albus realised that they were in fact above one of these homes, on the grassy bank above it. Albus could see the doorway was set in the drop a few feet away, shedding more light.

Turning back to Lily, his brain was now awake enough to question her joy. They were in Middle Earth, yes, but surely this wasn't the home of her people? Albus couldn't picture the elegant, exotic elves living somewhere as friendly and humble as this little vale. Swallowing again to as to ease his dry throat, Albus put the question to her.

''Lily - where are we?''

Her head turned rapidly in a fluid movement to acknowledge him, green eyes smiling with her mouth. ''Middle Earth, my home. In a place called The Shire.'' She diverted her attentions back to the homely view once more but then creased her brow. ''At least I think it's The Shire.''

There came more silence as Albus, thoughts now clear, began to recall the moments of the night before the void, the flood of information, the kiss...

And with that came the thought that dawned on him not golden and bright like twilight but dark and foreboding like the night. He was never going back.

Not only had he lost his world forever, he had lost all the people dear to him - and they had lost him. A small choking sound escaped his lips and Lily turned, her smile fading as she realised that, whilst she was wallowing in the joy of her return, Albus was facing the realisation that he might never return to his world, never see his family or friends again.

Albus didn't notice her attention, he was asking himself in agony why he did it. For her, you did it for her. Those words echoed throughout his mind and yet he now questioned them. That last act of daring recklessness had cost him a lot. Too much.

And then came even darker thoughts, thoughts that questioned his whole duty in this new world, his cause for sacrifice of the old. What if the love he had felt in those last moments on earth wasn't real? What if she shad just accepted it in the moment and now stood alone, a beautiful elf in her native lands? A kiss didn't symbolise anything. He'd kissed girls before and it hadn't meant binding romance that caused the recipient to fall madly in love with you and remain loyal till the end of time. It didn't mean a life-long bond. Sometimes it simply marked a fleeting relationship that was fun and fast. Albus felt his insides crumple at the thought. What had he done? Had he done it for nothing?

He looked up at her glowing green eyes, hopelessly searching for affection. There was pity, concern and-

Albus had found it. That love that he'd glimpsed a few time during the messed up complications of the Triwizard Tournament. Vlad Malfoy, Albus and Lily. The classic love triangle that none of them had ever admitted to exist. 

Without a word, their lips touched and Lily wrapped her arms around him, as if trying to draw the sadness and the memories. But that would take time. Time and a new skill. Albus needed to learn how to forget.

Feeling a wet droplet on her nose, Lily pulled out and wiped Albus' fresh tears away, smiling reassuringly. He himself seemed ashamed; that Gryffindor pride still remained. Albus blinked several times, shaking his head as if to throw off the feeling.

''I'm sorry.'' He apologises unnecessarily. ''It's just...Rob and Fred - my family..''

''You needn't say sorry, Albus. I've been through this before too, though I had a choice. I know what it feels like.'' Lily shook her head sadly, guilt filling her heart. ''But now you've lost a family - and I've gained one.''

Albus looked at her in surprise. ''You have a family?'' He'd never imagined Lily with brothers and sisters..parents. His heart quaked. She wasn't going to tell him she was married, was she? In his shaken mind ludicrous thoughts began to flow.

Half guessing his thoughts, she laughed, though there was a hint of bitterness there. ''Yes Albus, I did have a family. Though no lover to help me alone, I had a father, and a mother - well, stepmother. And m little sister, though she was only a babe when I left.''

''Aren't they still alive though? Aren't they elves, like you?'' 

''Yes, but elves can still die from injury.'' She answered sadly. ''We are only immortal by age, Albus.''

Albus smiled self-consciously, feeling so ignorant in the conversation. On the whole he would seem the most ignorant being in this new land. He knew nothing, nothing at all. Still, he could learn. He wanted to meet everyone, everything.

''Will I be meeting you're parents?'' He asked with a hint of humour, trying to lighten the darker mood. The loss of his friends and family still lingered in his head, but he hd to turn away from them. They were too painful, too fresh to feel at the moment.

Lily smiled. ''As I said, they have to be alive.''

Albus grinned and opened his mouth to comment - then closed it again. As if by reflex he had been going to mention his parents in this classic conversation topic.

Lily saw the sadness return and grasped his hand tighter. ''It's best to forget, Albus. It's the best thing you can do. Honour them, but turn away from the memories and keep them away.''

He nodded, knowing she was right. Taking a moment, he forced the thoughts away and tried to smile. ''I have a lot to learn, though. You'll have to help me.''

Lily smiled back, though hers had a more comforting feel. ''Believe me, I can hardly remember myself, it's been so long. You'll soon get the hang of it though.'' 

There was a short silence before Albus finally addressed the question that could not be avoided. ''So...Are we going to stay on top of someone's roof all night.'' 

She sighed, flopping down onto the grass and turning to look up at stars. ''I wish we could stay here all night.'' With another exhalation, she sat up again. ''But you're right, we just-''

Her words stopped suddenly, leaving the hoot of an owl to fill in the gap in their talk. Her expression had suddenly changed intense, concentration creasing her brow. She tilted her head to the side and back, as if trying to hear something. Albus frowned, concerned.

''Lily wha-''

She moved like a bolt of lightening to clamp her hand over his mouth, taking her other hand up to put a finger to her lips. It was then that Albus heard the faint hum of voices that continued to rise until they became audible - very.

''We can't just attack them, Bofur! They could just be innocent, eavesdropping hobbits for all we know!''

''No eavesdropper is innocent. I say we give them a bit of a bashing, whoever they are.''

''Er - hang on - they could be my friends - my neighbours! Even though Mrs. Paddifoot talks too much and once threw pie at my face, and her husband...

''As I was saying, let's show them what we're made of!''

'', and her husband took that nice gold patterned plate off the shelf and shoved it up his jumper, yes, but even then, I do not want them ''bashed up'', not at all.''

''Maybe a little roll down the hill would do them some good...''

''Ahem! Didn't you hear me just now? Not at all, not - at - all. Never never never...''

''Why would we even fight a few hobbits? Just concuss them and drag them back. They'll be fine-''

''- Concu- did you you say concuss? Oh no, no, no, no, if you dare-''

''What is going on here?''

A booming voice silenced the talkers, seeming to have stumbled across their conversation. ''Who is talking of concussing Hobbits?''

''Well - not - maybe not knocking them out - just driving them away, perhaps...''

''You said you were going to concuss them!''

''Mr. Baggin's, I wouldn't  dream of doing such a thing? But then, you could have dreamed me saying that...''

''I - did - not! I heard you , you said-''

''I think we should show these eavesdroppers what's what. Teach them to listen in on our most private conversations.'' A grimy little voice piped up.

''They won't be hobbits, you idiots! Have you no brains? Pride has made you savage towards creatures who do nothing to threaten us. Keep this drive for a fight, for out there will be men, elves, or even orcs. We must-''

''Thorin, much as I understand your fear, I really think-''

''Elves, Wizard, that is my conclusion. You can taste it in the air. I knew that if Thranduil caught so much as a whiff of our secrets he'd be on our trail, or it could be Elrond. We will face them and use them as a warning to him.''

''You always had a hot temper, Thorin, but do not let it get the better of you. You are acting rashly, readying attack when the others may be right, it could simply be a few nosy hobbits.''

''Then what do you suppose we do?''

''I am with the idea of sending a scout out, let us-''

''I'll go! I have my sword and my-''

''I can take down an orc with the swing of my axe, I'll get rid of them!''

''Two of us go, we're good together, me and Kili, he has his bow and-''

''Silence, you fools! Do you want to wake up half of The Shire, as well as warn them of our awareness?''

''Er- it may be to late for that, I mean-''

''What do you mean?!''

''Well - we were shouting before this...'''

''Get a scout out there, now. I think-''

''Wait, Thorin, wait, I think I know who is suitable.'' 

''And who would that be?''

''Mr. Baggins, the owner of this home. He does not arouse suspicions upon sight, he is simply a hobbit and hobbits live in The Shire. Let him see who it is, call us if they are attackers and if they aren't, see them off and then return to our company.''

''Ah well - no - you see - I don't know if I can go. It's not orcs or anything I'm afraid of - it's if it's my neighbours, you see, they're a bit sensitive about-''

''Bilbo, my friend, you are simply protecting your property. Now, off you go.''

There was a slam as the door flew open then shut, pulling Albus back to his senses. Jumping up, he retrieved his wand from his pocket, though didn't hold it out. They just had to say they meant no harm, and would be on their way, that was it. He reached out to push down Lily's loaded bow as well, whispering to her; ''We can't attack him or even threaten him, Lily.  Don't arm your bow.''

She nodded after a moment of thought, moving her weapon to hang in her hand by her thigh and stowing the arrow safely back in her quiver. They heard muttering and few huffs as the head, then torso, and finally whole body of the ''scout'' appeared over the ridge of the grass bank roof. Albus couldn't help but stare, the creature before him doing the same as he clapped eyes on his two ''trespassers''. 

He resembled a small man in appearance, but Albus guessed there was a catch, as he was at least a head and a half lower in height than Albus though looked to be middle-aged. it wasn't just his height either, for though his face was perfectly pleasant and his hair a normal, curly dark blonde mop, his ears were squat and pointed slightly, though not very similar to Lily's. His feet were also very large - and very hairy.

The man (was it a man?) gulped heavily and spluttered, trying to regain his voice after the shock of meeting an elf - which, in his mind, did not exist.

''Well - you, you know I would prefer it if people didn't walk on my roof, it's very impolite.'' 

''We are deeply sorry, Mr. Baggins, and beg your forgiveness.'' Lily answered humbly, taking a step forward. She hadn't felt shock, only delight at the sight of a hobbit once more, but now gained an apologetic demeanour. Mr. Baggins  promptly jumped back and gave a twitch.

''How - how do you know my name?''

Lily blushed, knowing she'd tripped up. ''We heard it, sir, but not purposefully, I'm very sorry.''

Surprisingly, he relaxed, rubbing his nose carefully before continuing. ''Well, I am very glad I can forgive you, just don't do it again.'' It consoled him that he could treat this strange being who had to be an elf but couldn't be like a naughty young hobbit. ''Now, what are your names, before you take leave?''

Once again Lily answered for Albus, who was watching tensely, unsure of what to do and only to glad to let Lily sort it out. 

''My companion here is a man of - a man of Gondor - by the name of Albus Potter - and I am an Elf of Rivendell-''

Her words were cut off as a defining yell accompanied a man who raced up the slope at them, crying ''ELF SCUM! HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE WITH MY BUSINESS!''

Lily's bow was up in an instant, loaded and ready to find a target. Albus himself whipped his wand outing an instant and fired a knockback jinx at the man by reflex, for he was carrying a large, lethal-looking axe that seemed to be heading for the two of them, particularly Lily, at whom he had yelled the abuse. 

The attacker was thrown back at once, axe flying from his hand, but it was caught by one of the men in the following stampede as they poured out of the home below them and up the slope, yelling more obscenities. Mr Baggins was trying to stop them half-heartedly, but it was the booming voice that had echoed in the home below them that both silenced and called them back, though the one who had received Albus' knockback glared at the tall man who now made his way through the quiet crowd. 

His head was bent as he walked but you even then you could the see the long grey beard that grew from his face. Upon his head he wore a pointed hat - like a wizard’s hat, the colour matching his grey robes. Albus' heart quaked again as he saw the man was holding a staff. A wizard? Surely not, lily would have told him, Lily would have...

Albus froze as he saw the look on Lily's face - a look of recognition as she squinted at the man. But then joy swept over her face, a red smile dawned and she took an eager step forward. ''Gandalf?" She asked in both disbelief and the happiness that filled her expression. ''Gandalf the Grey?''

The old man lifted his head with a jerk, revealing a wizened, wrinkled old face and bright blue eyes that promptly grew wide, though a slight smile also played his lips as he gasped. ''Lilvaen? Oh, my dear, it really is you! After all this time...''

He pushed past the agape men who formed the throng around him and reached to to hug Lily with all his might, Albus also gasping in confusion as much a shock. But the man's words once he had pulled out of the embrace didn't help Albus any further. In fact, he almost fainted from surprise.

''It worked, it worked! Oh, Saruman will be so pleased, and your father, and oh my goodness, and everyone! The princess of Rivendell has returned!''

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