The Hogwarts Entertainment Magazine: Issue #1
A Magazine Suitable for all students; this fortnightly school newspaper contains all the best ways to entertain Hogwarts Students, from tempting recipes to amusing columns, there's something for everyone! This issue is the first of many, notably containing a kick-starter script that introduces new characters of the second generation characters and three experimental serial stories!
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Writer'S Advice And Book Reviews
Chapter 14
-Writer's Advice and Book Reviews-
Tip One - Don’t Wait For Inspiration to Come to You.
(Misty Swanson)
<table><tbody><tr><td>In my writing experience, real “Omg, this amazing idea about magic and this boy with glasses could become seven insanely popular bestselling books that will be read all over the world!” inspiration is very hard to come by. And when it does, it usually doesn't pop out of nowhere. You have to go and fight for it. You have to sit down at that computer (or open up that notebook, or wherever you like to write) and just write, put down words that become sentences, sentences that become paragraphs, paragraphs that become pages. Write it down as a jumbled mess at first if you have to, just WRITE. In my experience, when you just sit down and write regularly, inspiration usually finds you.
</td></tr></tbody></table>Tip Two – Any Idea is a Good Idea.
(Maria Fell)
<table><tbody><tr><td>Hello Young writers,
I am not a famous, writer just a small Wattpad author. I did get a budding offer to get it published but I was too scared of them destroying my work.
But this is not about my achievements. This is about me giving advice to young budding authors. Have you ever wanted to write? Well I will give one tip and expand on it for you. "No idea is dumb."
Most likely you are wondering why I say this. Well, I say this because the many things can be elaborated to become brilliant ideas.
When writing you need to focus on any idea you could have come up, watch or read other work and expand it to your own way. Or have you ever had a dream? Well if you had a really great one you can write it out into a novel.
Most of my books are parts of dreams that I elaborate. You need to focus on it also write any notes you can of the dream down on a piece of paper so when you get a chance you can transform it into a best seller.
So that’s my Writer’s Advice for the first issue. If you want to find more tips turn back here when the next issue comes!
</td></tr></tbody></table>BOOK REVIEWS:
Muggle Non-Fiction Books:
Book Chosen: Three Cups of Tea
Author: Greg Mortenson
(Rated by Luna Silverprint)
This inspirational book described Greg Mortenson’s journey to build a school. It was very exciting and I really enjoyed it. Though after researching it further, many critics accused Mortenson of stealing from the the charity he founded. Even if these accusations are true, it was still an exciting story to read and I sincerely recommend it.
</td></tr></tbody></table>Newest Books in the HiH library:
Book Chosen: The Great Egyptian Tombs
Author: Albus Dumbledore
(Rated by Luna Silverprint)
This is a great start for a wonderful book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Even though it only has one chapter so far I’m excited for where this book will go. Written by Albus Dumbledore, you can find this book in newest books section of the library.
Completed Books (in the HiH library):
Book Chosen: Jade (Snape’s Daughter)
Author: Jade Evans
(Rated by Lilia Le Fay)
This book is one of my all-time favorites and sadly also one of the few completed fiction books. It follows the storylines of the first Harry Potter but from the perspective of a new student – and not just any new student. This thrilling and interesting novel is really worth reading.
LINK: <a href="">JADE BOOK LINK</a>