Dark Creatures Of The Other World
Discover the facts about these Animalistic Monsters that haunt the Grimm's dreams and become living nightmares. Some friends, some foes, and all a mystery of the human race...
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Wesen: D
Chapter 9
Wesen in the D category.
A Dämonfeuer (DAY-muhn-fyoo-er) is a dragon-like Wesen.
Dämonfeuer are much stronger than humans and are at least as strong as Grimms. However, like humans, their strength seems to more or less differ by gender. Their strength and durability also seems to be greatly diminished in human form.
Dämonfeuer are treasure-mongers, though in modern times, they have abandoned gold and jewels, instead collecting large amounts of copper, of which they are very possessive. They have no qualms with stealing copper to increase their horde.
Due to their might, Dämonfeuer are not afraid of Grimms. Dämonfeuer also don't seem to harbor any hatred toward Grimms, despite the fact that Grimms have long hunted them. In fact, it appears Grimms are somewhat of a curiosity to Dämonfeuer.
When they woge, Dämonfeuer undergo one of the more extreme changes of any known Wesen. Their skin becomes a green and scaly hide, their nose becomes flat, their eyes take on a fire-like appearance, and most notably, they grow a large crown of horns on their heads. Males possess a larger set of horns and have more angular faces than females. Despite a rather extensive transformation, Dämonfeuer still retain physical traits of their humanity, mainly their ears. In females, their hair also remains largely unchanged.
A Dickfellig (DIK-fay-likh) is a rhinoceros-like Wesen. They are superhumanly strong and durable. Unlike the rhinoceros, which relies on its nose for navigation, the Dickfellig's vision is about the same as any other human. Like humans, it is diurnal, so seeing at night requires some time for adjustment. Unlike many Wesen, they don't fear Grimms, however, they are still wary of them
Dickfellig have a quite mild woge. Both sides of their faces gain hard bumpy skin, and they grow one or two rhinoceros-like horns, with the primary horn sprouting out of their nose. Some Dickfellig also have a secondary, smaller one that emerges out of their forehead when they woge.
A Drang-Zorn (drahng-tsorn) is a badger-like Wesen. Physically, Drang-Zorn are unimaginably powerful. Like actual badgers, a Drang-Zorn's main form of attack is a powerful bite; their jaws are strong enough to sever flesh and bone with ease.
A Drang-Zorn is capable of digging a hole in the earth for refuge. This hole is often compact enough that the Drang-Zorn cannot move in and out of the hole in his or her human form.
When they woge, Drang-Zorn gain black fur over their face, neck, and arms. Their features shift, becoming badger-like, and they gain razor sharp teeth. Their ears elongate, and they are sexually dimorphic. Their hands develop large claws suitable for digging. Males have a much more severe woge, growing hair all over their bodies, while females keep their normal hair, grow fur over their arms and hands, and just have the features change.
The eyes of the Drang-Zorn change color as well. In adults, the irises glow the same red color common to most Wesen,<small> </small> though the glowing eyes do not always show during the woge. In youth, the irises remain black, but the sclerae (the whites) turn green. Green sclerae have not been observed in all adults, however.