Dark Creatures Of The Other World

written by Lilia Le Fay

Discover the facts about these Animalistic Monsters that haunt the Grimm's dreams and become living nightmares. Some friends, some foes, and all a mystery of the human race...

Last Updated






Wesen: S

Chapter 24

Wesen in the S category.


A Schakal (SHAAK-aal) is a jackal-like Wesen that is notorious for jewel thievery and eating human infants.

Much like fellow canine Wesen, Schakal are both stronger and faster than humans. One was able to easily escape a pursuing policeman and jump over a fence to avoid him. He was later able to overpower a grown man with one hand. They also possess very quick reflexes, as one was able to dodge a crossbow bolt at short range. Physically, they are able to hold out in a fight with a Grimm, much longer than most Wesen manage. They also possess much greater durability than humans but can still be killed by handguns.

Over the centuries, they have proven to be naturally aggressive, cruel, and violent, and they will let nothing stand in the way of their goals. Grimms have executed Schakal by beheading like they have with so many other Wesen. In this case, an iron-wrought Schakal Axe is most often used to commit the beheadings. Schakal are seemingly social Wesen and are commonly seen working with groups of their own kind, though there is often an air of mistrust and hostility amongst them.


Upon woge, Schakal features shift, adopting more canid characteristics, a short wide nose, a heavy brow, and large canine ears. They grow fur across their bodies and also gain a large, thick mane under their chins that extends to their sideburns. While this fur growth does not usually continue to the back of their hands, it is possible. They also possess a prognathism (or underbite) and sharp, thin teeth, which are strong enough to rip a man's throat out.


Scharfblicke (SHAARF-blik-uh) is an owl-like Wesen.

They have extremely powerful vision and can still see in magnificent detail in a low-light environment.

In woged  form, they possess incredibly powerful vision, able to see incredible details such as the tumblers inside a lock, even in low light. However, this vision is only possible in their Wesen form, as in human form it is significantly less.

Not much is known about their behavior, other than they are willing to do secret small jobs for people and to never talk about the job afterwards. Also like many Wesen, they are afraid of Grimms.


Upon woge, they grow an owl-like plumage around their face and down their neck, and their hair becomes a part of the plumage. Their nose extends into an owl-like beak, and their eyes grow larger, gaining a bright orange iris. In addition, their eyes do not appear to have the limited movement of a true owl's. 


Schinderdiv (SHIN-ter-dihv) is a warthog-like Wesen who possess both great size and durability, and they are incredibly strong creatures as well, able to throw around grown men with ease. Their physical prowess does not appear to be tempered by age.

A Schinderdiv is ruthless and selfish and is not to be trusted. They only act for themselves and will do anything to achieve a goal. They use their brute force strength to pin victims and their tusks to inflict damage. They appear to be unafraid of Grimms and are hostile towards them. As a very powerful Wesen, they are not above taking them on in a fight. One way to deal with this Wesen in a fight is to jump on its back and use its tusks as leverage to break its neck.


Schinderdiv have a fairly extreme woge, growing large tusks protruding from their chins and cheeks. Their ears enlarge and become pig-like.


Seelengut (ZAY-luhn-goot) is a sheep-like Wesen.

 Seelengut are timid and peaceful creatures who are almost never violent. They are also a highly social species that tend to congregate in large groups. However, they often are considered timidly irritating creatures - whether most are is unclear.

Like Bauerschwein (see Wesen: B), Seelenguter are normally considered by Blutbaden to be prey. They are very weak Wesen. However when they are in a herd mentality, they are much braver, though even then, they're still skittish in the face of sudden shocks.

Seelengutter do not appear to gain any enhanced physical attributes when wooed or otherwise.


Seelenguter gain hoof-like hands when they woge, which they use for blunt weapons in the extremely rare event they attack. They grow white fur over their whole bodies and gain sheep-like ears. The white, wool-like fur on their head is sufficient to overgrow short hair but not longer hair. 

The eyes of the female Seelengut become bright blue, and the pupils become rectangular. The male Seelengut's eyes are mostly brown or hazel. Also, along with fellow Wesen like Coyotls (see Wesen: C), they can focus their woge to just their eyes.


Seltenvogel  ZEL-ten-voh-gel) is an extremely rare, bird-like Wesen. Seltenvogels are so rare in the Wesen community that they were thought to be extinct in most circles.

Seltenvogel are prized for developing a brittle, egg-shaped stone made mostly of gold, called an Unbezahlbar, and were enslaved or imprisoned in earlier times and force-fed to produce them.

The stone develops in a sac in the Seltenvogel's throat, and if it is not removed, the Seltenvogel can suffocate and die. It can be safely removed by making an incision vertically along the stone's widest point, taking care to avoid the major blood-vessels of the throat, detaching it from the membrane containing it, and gently lifting the Unbezahlbar out. 

They appear to be a naturally timid race, and like many Wesen species, Seltenvogels are afraid of Grimms. However, they are willing to trust them if they prove trustworthy, or if they have no other choice. Seltenvogels are not very strong, given their long history of captivity, and easy prey for stronger Wesen.


When woged, they have a multi-colored head and beak, and and they gain glittering golden eyes. The pluage that replaces their hair is usually golden.


Siegbarste (ZEEG-bars-tuh) is an ogre-like Wesen. 

They possess dense bones, thick skin, and a high tolerance for pain, making them extremely difficult to kill. They are incredibly strong creatures and are able to easily overpower humans, Grimms, or Wesen. Their high pain threshold is medically described as congenital analgesia, and they are also known for their potent body odor and tendency to carry on vendettas "to the grave."

Despite being incredibly hard to kill, Siegbarstes are not completely invincible. Certain things, such as bullets from a hand gun and boiling water, can damage and hurt them but not kill or do enough damage to stop them. They also seem to be prone to infections.

Aside from being notoriously hard to kill, Siegbarstes are also notorious for holding grudges to the grave and will not stop until either they're dead or the person who offended them is dead. Siegbarstes will use unspeakably brutal methods to kill their offenders. Tight, enclosed spaces make them irritable.<small> </small>

Due to their great power, Siegbarstes don't fear Grimms, but they hate them with an intense passion.


When they woge, they gain rough, pale yellow, leather-like skin, a distorted ogre-like face with a long nose, larger ears, slightly pronounced teeth, and a short, scraggly beard. They also lose their hair and become more bulky.

Killing a Siegbarste:

Due to their durability, Siegbarstes are difficult creatures to kill, however there are a few ways:

  • High-powered elephant guns known as Siegbarste Gewehr with bullets coated in Siegbarste Gift (poison) will calcify the bones, essentially shattering the whole Ogre from the inside out.
  • One Grimm was able to tranquilize a Siegbarste using a crossbow and a single bolt to the neck filled with Schlaftrunk, a strong sedative. The Siegbarste was the drawn and quartered.
  • It is possible to kill them with significant force, although the chances of doing so are incredibly unlikely.
  • It is possible that Siegbarstes can die from infections.
  • Siegbarstes can be suffocated.


Skalenzahne (SKAA-lin-tsaa-neh) is a crocodile-like Wesen.

They are incredibly strong and durable creatures having thick crocodile-like skin, and they are described as having no weaknesses. They are at least as strong as Blutbaden (see Wesen: B), and one was able to briefly fight a Grimm on equal ground. 

They are described as being natural fighters and also heal a lot faster, and can take much more serious wounds than humans can.

Typically, these creatures exist peacefully among the human population, but they can become barbaric when introduced to the taste of human or Wesen flesh. In this state, they will savagely kill all, even their friends. Once entering this state, they become incredibly carnivorous, devouring meat like a starving animal, regardless of what sort of meat it is.


Like many other reptilian Wesen, Skalenzahne have a severe woge. They grow crocodilian scutes all over their body, rather than the scales of other reptilian Wesen. Depending on the lighting, they range from a greenish yellow to a yellowy brown. 

They lose their ears, which are replaced by two holes, one on either side of their head, and they lose their hair. They gain a short snout, and their mouth contains razor sharp teeth, which they can use to rip their food to pieces. Their scales go over their whole body. They also gain sharp reptilian claws, which can also casually rip humans to pieces.


Skalengeck (SKA-lan-gek) or Lungnan (lung-nan) is a lizard-like Wesen. 

They are stronger than humans, but they are still somewhat weaker than Grimms. They are also very fast. Interestingly, however, they obviously don't have the regenerative power that many actual lizards have. 

As a defense mechanism, the Skalengeck secretes a foul odor from its skin. This odor is pungent, but harmless.<small> </small>


<small><small>Skalengecks usually intimidate their prey by greeting them with a hostile grin and their tongues hanging out. They are a species not renowned for their intelligence or width of knowledge. </small></small>

<small><small>They are often aggressive, irrational, and violent. This can lead them to try and take on far superior opponents. The majority of them are criminals, ranging from addicts and sexual abusers to robbers and murderers. However, there are more intelligent and competent Skalengecks. They're stereotypically drug addicts or involved with drug possession.</small></small>


<small><small>When they woge, they gain pale yellow, scaly skin over their face, forked tongues, and sharp, pointy teeth. They also have three gills on both sides of their neck. The exact purpose of these gills are unknown, but it is clear that the gills are part of the Skalengeck respiratory system</small></small>





<small>A Spinnetod (SPIN-nuh-tod) is a spider-like Wesen. They have been called the Black Widows of the Wesen world and apparently there aren't many Spinnetods around.

<small>Spinnetods exhibit autonomy; that is, they can "drop" a segment of a limb (such as a finger) and regenerate it within a matter of days. Much like when an actual spider loses a leg, the lost segment of a Spinnetod's limb can still "twitch."</small>

<small>They, or at least female Spinnetods, are also extremely agile and fast. They can climb vertically with ease. Females are strong, stronger than both male Spinnetods and humans, and also appear to be as strong as Grimms.

Females are known to kill their mates shortly after copulation. They have an attraction to shiny objects, such as watches, and dislike water. It is not known why Spinnetods are attracted to shiny objects, and even Spinnetods themselves do not understand the attraction.

Le retour d'age:

Female Spinnetods are known to molt their skin every five years from an age presumably as early as 13, a process known as le retour d'age (the return of age). Before molting, they must devour a male's (Wesen or human) insides in order to expand enough to crack their outermost layer of skin.

Because Wesen (like humans) have three layers of skin, this molting must occur daily for a period of three days. If molting does not occur, the skin ages quite rapidly. The biological imperative is extremely difficult to resist, and a Spinnetod who manages to resist will be condemned to premature ageing. 

There is no evidence that female Spinnetods enjoy killing men (they usually show signs of remorse before and after the kill), yet it is rare that one should be able to resist it.

The feeding process involves vomiting a sort of digestive juice into the victims mouth, liquefying their innards, then biting the abdomen of the victim and sucking out the newly digested material (dégueulasse - "disgusting"). This is most commonly done immediately following the seduction of a man. Monroe referred to dégueulasse as "gut butter."


When they woge, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/chelicerae">chelicerae</a> (link in word if you are confused) emerge from their mouth, their eyes grow black or bright blue, including the sclera and iris, and their hands become gray and wrinkled, as well as clawed.



Stangebär (SHTAA-nguh-bair) is a porcupine-like Wesen.

Stangebären are generally peaceful and docile, similar in nature to their fellow rodent Wesen, such as Eisbibers (see Wesen: E). Unlike Mauzhertz and Eisbibers, Stangebärs are not cowardly and will resort to violence, but only when they have to. They tend to find work in areas that allow them to be outdoors.


When woged, Stangebärs gain an impressively thick coat of colored quills, or spines, used both for armor as well as camouflage. The color of these quills seems to fluctuate between black and grey. Even between woges, they have been observed to change color. 

Stangebärs have quills similar to those of porcupines when they woge.  These quills cover up the majority of their limbs and also sprout out of the top of their heads, interspersing their hair. The spines' consistency seems to be adjustable, since they visibly don't damage any clothes or items that the Stangebär might be wearing. They also gain large sharp black claws and dark eyes, and their skin turns slightly more reddish in color. Like many Wesen, they are stronger in their Wesen form than they are in the human form, as one was only able to throw off his attacker after he woged. However, they do not appear to be superhuman in strength.


Steinadler (STINE-ad-lur) is a hawk-like Wesen.

Steinadlers are renowned for their exceptional vision. Their superior vision is a result of having five times more visual sensory cells per millimeter of the retina than humans. They also have special colored oils in their eyes that reflect certain wavelengths of light. These special ocular biological factors endow them with near perfect night vision and a whole host of other ocular abilities.

Steinadlers are incredibly fast creatures, appearing as a blur when they run. They seem to be stronger than humans, but  when it comes to Grimms they are vastly inferior. 

Steinadlers are known for their ability to poker-facedly exhibit simultaneous friendliness and sternness, so it is impossible to tell whose side one is on. The ability to sternly influence others as though they were subordinate friends makes the Steinadler excellent military figures. They have a reputation for being heroes and adventurers as well as having high intellect and good intuition.

Steinadler Knife is used by Grimms to kill only Steinadlers. The blade is smithed from platinum and dipped in nightshade. A single stab to the heart is often enough to dispatch them.

The Garde Nationale, an army recruited by Paris to defend it from the Prussians, was led by Steinadler officers.


When woged, Steinadlers gain a muzzle-like face and a beak-like nose. They have sparse, feather-like hair all over their body. They retain their human hair color. Their eyes are an extremely pale yellowish-green color. Like a few Wesen, they can localize their woge in their eyes without altering the rest of their body.

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