Dark Creatures Of The Other World
Discover the facts about these Animalistic Monsters that haunt the Grimm's dreams and become living nightmares. Some friends, some foes, and all a mystery of the human race...
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Wesen: P
Chapter 21
Wesen in the P category.
These sacrifices take place in front of a giant idol built in the Phansigar's image. Phansigars consider the ground on which they commit these sacrifices sacred and will kill anyone who trespasses upon it. They also leave similar, smaller idols behind at the sites where they kidnap their victims.
Features:Phansigars look similar to their cousin, the Skalengeck (see Wesen: S), but they have a long, retractable tongue that they use to choke their victims. When they woge, they lose all of their hair and have yellowish-green scales that cover their whole body. They also possess sharp teeth and claws, which they will use in combat.