Dark Creatures Of The Other World

written by Lilia Le Fay

Discover the facts about these Animalistic Monsters that haunt the Grimm's dreams and become living nightmares. Some friends, some foes, and all a mystery of the human race...

Last Updated






Wesen: H

Chapter 13

Wesen in the H category.


Heftigauroch (HEFF-tigh-ow-rohkh) is a bull-like Wesen. As a species, Heftigaurochs are very strong and are able to dent solid metal. Their hands are durable enough to repeatedly send out blows with no signs of pain or damage. Likewise, their bodies can take incredible amounts of punishment. However, it appears female Heftigaurochs are not as strong or durable as their male counterparts.

Heftigaurochs are normally laid-back and pacifistic. Heftigaurochs who find themselves caught up in violent sports such as boxing are borderline lackadaisical (carelessly lazy) about it. When pushed beyond their limit, Heftigaurochs will become violent. Once they enter a rage, it takes some time for them to go back to their normal personalities. Heftigaurochs are wary of Grimms, but if they are in a rage state, they are not afraid to attack them.


When they woge, Heftigaurochs gain small horns and their head becomes bare. They have very heavy brows and slightly sunken eyes below these brow ridges. Their nose also increases considerably in size and the nostril size also increases dramatically, but the nose does not become a snout. Heftigaurochs have hard heads and strong hands, making them great fighters despite the fact that it is not in their nature to fight. Like many other Wesen, Heftigaurochs can focus their woge on just their eyes, which glow yellow. Heftigaurochs frequently woge their eyes when in a state of rage.


Hexenbiest (HEK-sən-beest) is a witch-like (or warlock-like if it's male) Wesen that resembles a zombie, with visibly decaying flesh.

Seemingly concerned only about their own beauty and popularity, they have been known to do things, such as apply leeches to the face, to make their skin paler. They work at the command of royalty and are extremely loyal creatures, but they are only loyal to whomever they serve, as to others they are treacherous and manipulative, even to their own kind.

When dealing with Hexenbiests, it is important to not get on their bad side, as they do not forgive and are capable of exacting their revenge in multiple ways that never end well for their offender(s). It is not normal for a human to fall for a Hexenbiest. This implies that despite their attractive human forms, Hexenbiests either fail to maintain human behavior in their relationships, or humans are somehow able to sense their true nature unless the Hexenbiests use deliberate manipulation. However, they are able to reproduce with humans and have half-breed children (see Wesen: Z)

Hexenbiests are also shown to possess superhuman strength. They are able to casually overpower a grown man and rip him apart, but they can only access these powers in their Hexenbiest form and not their human one. They are not as strong as Grimms. However, Hexenbiests are physically powerful enough to give Grimms a degree of trouble.<small> </small>

They also possess other abilities, such as telekinesis, and some can be pyrotechnic. They can create illusions, images to certain people to decide them. Hexenbiests have a sixth sense: they can "smell" and identify magic using their noses, and also have the ability to harness seductive powers on others who are within their immediate proximity. They are known for their knowledge of Zaubertränke, chemical or alchemical concoctions and potions. These are used to many effects, such as bewitching a person, and have many highly emotive, compulsive, and deadly effects. However, their magical capabilities are not just limited to Zaubertränke, as they have been known to possess and bewitch magical objects. 

Hexenbiests can be created as side effects of certain, rare potions, and these 'created' Hexenbiests are usually much deadlier than the classic Hexenbiest, with stronger and darker powers.

If a Hexenbiest ingests the blood of a Grimm, their Wesen part will be destroyed and they will become a normal human. The weakness is common knowledge amongst Hexenbiests but seems to be closely guarded from outsiders. Hexenbiests have the ability to detect a former Hexenbiest who has had her powers removed this way as well. It seems that even Grimms generally don't know about this vulnerability. A Hexenbiest turned human in this way still retains her knowledge of Zaubertränke and can still create the most dangerous of concoctions. However, stripping their powers clearly has some affect on their ability to make Zaubertränke. 

The only known way to regain their lost powers involves the still beating heart of another Hexenbiest, after which a special ritual must be performed by the former Hexenbiest (The ritual being called Contaminatio Ritualis).

 They must cut off the hands and feet and pluck out the eyeballs of the dead Hexenbiest. Then, they must take them to a special field and bury everything in a certain place, the last bit being buried with their own hands. If they are accepted, all the flowers in the field in a large circle will die, and they must then pick all the dead flowers. After this, the flowers must be placed inside the dead Hexenbiest's body, and the body must then be sewn up. After a period of several hours, it must be slit open, and a red sludge will ooze out. Said sludge must be collected and then rubbed onto the stomach, and if the Hexenbiest performing this ritual is pregnant, it must be rubbed onto the abdomen throughout the remainder of her pregnancy.


When they woged, unlike many other Wesen, Hexenbiests still appear human; however, their skin decays so that it resembles a corpse, their teeth sharpen, and their hair turns gray (if blonde in human form). Their woged appearance becomes more decrepit-looking as they age. Interestingly, Hexenbiests find this decayed look sexy.

Woged or not, they can be identified by a dark U-shaped birthmark on the underside of their tongues.


Tongue of a Hexenbiest (mark shown - the tongue is upside-down):


A Höllentier (Ho-lehn-teer) is a hellhound-like Wesen. Höllentiers are dangerous and brutish Wesen that have an ancient lineage that descends all the way back to the ancient Egyptian empire. They are often too stupid to know what to be afraid of and, as a result, they were entombed with the pharaohs in an effort to get rid of them during Egyptian times. They believed this was a position of power, and only too late did they realize they would not escape. 

Today, this species as a whole is generally considered to be jerks and will often be recognized by a long criminal record. They are also known to be highly aggressive creatures. Another notable trait is that they do not have a fear of Grimms. However, they do seem to hate them.


When woged, their skin becomes leathery, almost scaly. Their face gains a more snout-like appearance due to the nose becoming pointed. Their teeth become sharp fangs, and their eyes turn a menacing red. Their ears migrate towards the top of their head and become pointed and canid.


Hundjäger (HOOND-yay-ger) is a vicious, hound dog-like Wesen. They are the Verrat's (see Chapter 3) main enforcers/workers. Hundjägers are fast, clever, cold, and calculating, making them ideal for professions like assassinations and bounty hunting.

Hundjägers are excellent trackers, as they have the ability to track prey over enormous distances and often hunt their prey across whole continents relentlessly. They're very tenacious when they are on the hunt; they will let nothing stop them from finding their target and will even randomly kill people if they believe it will help. However, they have a great belief in the sanctity of the rules.

Like several other canine Wesen, such as Blutbaden (see Wesen: B) and Fuchsias (see Wesen: F) , they possess an enhanced sense of smell, though not one as great as Blutbaden. Their enhanced sense of smell is stronger in their woged form than their human form.

They also appear to be somewhat faster than humans and can kill grown men with ease. Like Coyotl (see Wesen: C) and Fuchsbaus (see Wesen: F) , their teeth are sharp enough to sever flesh, and they sometimes kill with them.

However, Hundjägers don't seem to be nearly as strong since they generally rely on firearms to intimidate, subdue, or kill their targets, and the defeat of a Hundjäger in a fight with a Blutbad (the blutbad won) has been witnessed on several occasions. 

Because of their reputation, they are widely feared among Wesen, even by Blutbaden (see Wesen: B). 

Due to both having worked for the Verrat, Hundjägers regard Grimms not as friends but as convenient allies.


Hundjägers have a quite severe woge. They grow thick brown fur over their heads and bodies, long canine ears, a dog snout, and razor-sharp teeth. Although it becomes part of their fur, the imprint of their hairline is still visible. Unlike many Wesen, there doesn't appear to be any obvious differences in this form between both genders. However, there are some variations in the species, as some have black markings on grey fur and a pink nose. In addition, those variations include a less pronounced dog snout and longer, more visible, pointy ears.

Huntha Lami Muuaji:

Huntha Lami Muuaji (HOONT-uh LAH-mee moo-AH-zhi) is a flatworm-like Wesen. They are unique in many ways; for one they only possess one state of vogue that is visible to all. They also have the ability to switch between male and female genders at will with the woged form acting as a hormonally neutral state. 

However,  if a Huntha Lami Muuaji is injected with enough testosterone or estrogen while woged, it will be trapped as a male or female, respectively, unable to woge back to its neutral state. It is unknown if the effects are permanent.

Both the male and female forms exist as separate personalities and will communicate with each other, regardless of which one is physically manifesting itself at the time. In more heated arguments, Huntha Lami Muuaji will rapidly switch genders as one side of them speaks up. While existing as separate personalities, both the male and female counterparts are extremely close emotionally with one another, and each form considers its opposite as a lifelong companion.

Nick Burkhardt was the first Grimm to realise that Huntha Lami Muuaji had access to two gender forms; in all prior Grimm encounters with these Wesen when the Grimm had killed the Wesen individual, they had only ever thought to have killed either the male or female Huntha Lami Muuaji, not realising the two were the same.


When they woge, Huntha Lami Muuaji gain slimy bodies that are featureless, save for lines running across their bodies making them appear segmented. The topmost skin layer of the Huntha Lami Muuaji secretes a slime that contains enzymes which feed on its host's skin. Skin damage caused by the slime highly resembles acid burns.

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