Dark Creatures Of The Other World
written by Lilia Le Fay
Discover the facts about these Animalistic Monsters that haunt the Grimm's dreams and become living nightmares. Some friends, some foes, and all a mystery of the human race...
Last Updated
Author'S Note
Chapter 1
Author's Note.
This is an informative, non-fiction guide to the creatures, or "Wesen" of the TV Series Grimm. The main function of this book is to help non-grimm enthusiasts understand my Grimm/Harry Potter crossover "The Hidden Girl" which features, or will feature as the story progresses, many different kinds of Wesen.
This book will feature an A-Z index of most of the Wesen that have already featured in the TV series, with descriptions, pictures and other info. There will also be an overview of Grimms and the Royal family's history.
Please note that none of these creatures were created by me, and I do not claim it to be so. They are the creations of the crew behind the TV series and I am simply displaying them to help my readers understand or remember the details.
If you would like to read "The Hidden Girl", see the link and description in the following chapter.
-Lilia Pendragon