How To Avoid Maiming By Accidental Charms
written by Eddara Wrinklespell
A quick guide on how to avoid self-maim when performing charms that go a bit wonky and come off not exactly as planned.
[OOC - Out Of Character: this is a very quick written book for fun. It's short so it won't take too much of your time. Enjoy!]
Last Updated
Spellcast Gone Haywire: Reasons Behind It
Chapter 2
There are several reasons that can cause any decent spell to go wonky and threaten your body parts, and on this chapter we'll talk quickly about them.
Reason #1: Mispronunciation
As the notorious witch Hermione Weasley wrote several times throughout her career, in order to cast a good spell you must ENUNCIATE THE WORDS. Which means no stutter, sniffing, chuckling, tickling, whimpering, gagging, swallowing, whispering while trying to cast a spell. Any mispronunciation can turn a harmless charm into a hex. Anything less than a clear throat, a strong voice and perfect pronunciation won't do.
Reason #2: Mishandling of the Wand
This is the second most common reason behind accidental self-maiming among witches and wizards. A sleight of hand in the wrong direction and you might not have that hand to sleight in any direction at all. Mishandling is also a common cause of explosions, missing teeth and black holes in general.
Reason #3: Broken Wand
Not as common as the above, a broken wand can cause, however, a whole lot more damage than one can imagine. It is commonly accepted amidst the greatest Spell Inventors of our time that a Broken Wand Won't Do. If you have one, please... Don't. Just don't.
Reason #4: Force majeure
This could be inserted into "Mishandling of the Wand", but it was agreed in the Spellcasters Convention of 1111 that a reason of force majeure is, well, major than a mere wrong sleight of hand -- since the latter is caused by incompetence, while a very strong urge to sneeze is a force majeure that no spell undo. So in short: do not attempt to cast a spell while sneezing or something of the sorts.