Temporary Novel Form
Because I have no email I can't use Google Forms so this is a questionare for anyone interested in being featured in my new novel "My Journey to Hogwarts". Fill the questions out on a Word document, copy and paste and send me an owl if you would like to be included. Thanks to all that participate!
Last Updated
Chapter 1
1. What's your username on hih?
2. What's your preferred character name for the novel?
3. What's your character's house?
4. What's your character's year?
5. What's your character's relationship to my character?
6. What's your character's personality?
7. What's your character's appearance?
8. What's your character interested in?
9. What kind of student is your character? (trouble-maker, nerd, popular, nice, mean, hardworking, etc.)
10. How well and how often do our characters get along?
11. Any other information you would like to add.