Magick Moste Evile
A book, found buried with Herpo the Foul, detailing the most despicable kinds of Dark Magic, ranging from Horcruxes and Inferi, to Legilimency and dark potions involving unicorn blood, to spells that can even tear through the fabric of space and time.
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The Inferius
Chapter 1
An inferius (pl. inferi) is a moste foul being, born when an accomplished Dark Wizard reanimates a corpse to do his bidding. Historically, there has been no record of any witch creating an inferius. An inferius is created through a combination of murder, alchemy, and dark magic. Although creating an inferius requires only rudimentary alchemical skills, it is very difficult to control an inferius once it spawns. The only known substance known to destroy inferi is Fiendfyre, which is again very difficult to control. Creating an army of inferi is even less advisable, since it takes a lot of energy to control even a single inferius. However, the general procedure is outlined below:
1. Murder a human being, and drive a wooden stake infused with three measures of the Draught of Living Death.
2. Draw a transmutation circle, using rusted iron mixed with two measures of human blood, as shown in the given figure.
3. Lay the body supine on the longer arrow of the cross of the transmutation circle, such that the arms make a T-shape, overlapping with the two arms of the shorter arrow.
4. Activate the transmutation circle by slamming your hands onto the two bottom ends of the star.
5. Enunciate 'Imperio necrotis' three times, while branding the star shape on the forehead, chest and genitals, respectively, using your wand.
6. Sweep your wand in an inverted semicircle, and shout, 'VIVUM FINITE!'
7. If you wish for the inferius to do the bidding even after you die, drop three drops of your own blood down its throat, and carve the transmutation circle onto its body, using your wand.