Magicis Cantibus
A book of spells, first addition of 5. A book of spells that may be useful to any Witch or Wizard open to learning them. Over 100 spells contained. Some spells may appear to be missing, this is because they were either classified as Charms, Hexes, Jinxes, or Curses or were later entries and were added into the "New Additions" chapter of the book of curses, Verba Inprecatio. * I will be releasing a book every morning until Verba Inprecatio* Other Additions by this author: Incantamentis de Magia (Charms) Hexagonis Communi (Hexes) Ledictio Malum (Jinxes) Verba Inprecatio (Curses) Coming Soon from this author: Mixtonis Incantatoris (Potions) Bestiis et creatura Orbis Magicum (Creatures and Beasts) Flora de Peculiari (Plants) Wand Lore 101 (Wand Studies)
Last Updated
Spells J-K-L-M
Chapter 6
All Current J Incantations Resign in the book of Curses: Verba Inprecatio, and the book of Jinxes: Ledictio Malum.
All Current K Incantations Resign in the book of Hexes: Hexagonis Communi.
Lacarnum Inflamarae: Sends a ball of fire from the wand.
Langlock: Locks the victims tongue to the roof of their mouth.
Lapifors: Turns small objects into rabbits.
Legilimens: Allows the caster to explore the victims mind (memories, thoughts, emotions.)
Levicorpus: Victim is hung upside down from their ankles.
Librecorpus: Counteracts Levicorpus.
Magicus Extremos: Throw spell with more power.
Meteolojinx Recanto: Reverses effects of a weather jinx.
Mobiliarbus: Levitates and moves and object.
Mobilicorpus: Levitates and moves bodies.
Morsemordre: Conjures the dark mark to the sky.
Muffliato: Fills close peoples ears with a buzzing noise to prevent them from hearing nearby conversations.