The Handy Guide to Defence Against the Dark Arts
This is a guide to help you with some defensive and offensive spells
Last Updated
Full Body-Bind Curse
Chapter 4
Incantation: 'Petrificus Totalus' (PE-TRI-FI CUS TO-TAH-LUS)
Wand movement: Loop wand down and to the left, making a three-quarters circle, before swishing your wand to the left and then straight downward.
When the spell is used on a living subject, the victim's arms and legs snap together, and then they will fall down, stiff as a board. However, the persons ability to hear, see (only forwards), feel and think properly still works. The spell technically still works on inanimate objects, but its effects are imperceptible, because the object was not moving in the forst place. The effects of the spell can be undone by a General Counter-Spell, the healing spell 'Episkey', an Anti-Paralysis Potion or the Reparifors spell and the effects can also be undone by the death of the caster. Despite the incantation, the Full Body-Bind Curse is fundamentally different to 'Petrification', which is highly advanced Dark Magic and which cannot be stopped by a simple counter-curse