Unfogging The Future: A Guide To The Fine Art Of Divination
Unfogging the Future: A guide to the Fine Art of Divination is a book of instruction on the ancient practice of predicting the future. This book will help guide and prepare you through the different ways of divination.
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Opening The Inner Eye
Chapter 3
Opening the Inner Eye
Opening ones inner eye is the first step into seeing the future. The first step in opening your inner eye is to relax your body, your whole body. You can't work on opening your inner eye when your body is distracting you. So first start by concentrating on relaxing your body. Relax your muscles, and focus on your breath. Focus on even deep breathing. This may take a while and don't try to move on until you have mastered this step. Once you have relaxed your body, focus on your mind. Broaden your mind. Open your mind to the universe. When you are attempting to look into the beyond you must open your mind. Picture your mind like a third eye. Learn to see with your mind. Imagine the information in the universe waiting to be received. Opening your inner eye is a process, a process that takes time and concentration. However this step may not be possible for everybody since not everyone possesses the gift of foresight.