Unfogging The Future: A Guide To The Fine Art Of Divination
Unfogging the Future: A guide to the Fine Art of Divination is a book of instruction on the ancient practice of predicting the future. This book will help guide and prepare you through the different ways of divination.
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Conceiving The Future
Chapter 2
Conceiving the Future
To conceive the future one most open ones inner eye. To conceive the future one must open oneself to the universe, be willing to receive the knowledge and information that the universe has to offer you. However opening ones inner eye is only the first step in a journey in conceiving and understanding the future. Opening ones inner eye is not enough, one must learn to see and to recognize. Learn to recognize the signs written in the the physical world by the very fabric of magic itself. Physical signs like the tea leaves you will encounter in your divination art. Tea leaves shaped into signs by the universe that can only be read by those who possess the gift. Signs that can only be read by those who have an open inner eye and can see.