Unfogging The Future: A Guide To The Fine Art Of Divination
Unfogging the Future: A guide to the Fine Art of Divination is a book of instruction on the ancient practice of predicting the future. This book will help guide and prepare you through the different ways of divination.
Last Updated
Introduction To Divination
Chapter 1
Since the beginning of time
humans have had a fascination with the future.
Constantly pondering the unknown of what is to come, what
might be and what will be. But is the future for sure? Or is it ever
changing and how can you see the different paths the future may
take? How do you see which one is most likely to manifest itself
into the present? These are the questions that we will address
in these pages. However not every which or wizard
possesses the gift to see the future so your
success is not guaranteed but if you believe
that you might possess the git then read on and open
your inner eye.