Triton'S Tome Of Creatures
A book of the creatures that inhabit the lochs, lakes, ponds, wells, and oceans of Britain and Ireland.
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Chapter 1
ound in weed beds at the bottom of lakes and some large ponds in the British Isles and Ireland grindylows are aquatic creatures that strangle and drown their victims. Sickly green in color grindylows have tentacles for legs and long thin fingers and arms that they use to strangle their victims. Ranging from three to five feet in height taking on one grindylow is not particularly difficult but it is rare that you will find a grindylow on its own preferring to travel and attack inĀ packs. When attempting to defend oneself against a grindylow a preferred spell is the revulsion jinx or "relashio." The spell will shock the grindylows by sending a fiery jet of sparks or boiling water when used underwater. While the grindylow is still in shock it is important to break their fingers which is usually not to difficult considering how long and fragile they are. However this spell may prove ineffective when facing a large amount of grindylows but "Immobulus" the freezing charm would work well being able to provide you with more time to break their fingers and freeze a larger group of grindylows. While mostly wild mer-people have been known to tame grindylows. Grindylows will drown wizards, witches and muggles alike but actually eat a diet of fish.