Feel The Pain Until It Hurts Nomore
totally bad !!
Last Updated
The Soul
Chapter 2
There's Three kind of souls in this life , the soul which makes you look just for the bad
things to do " bad person", And the other soul is ofcource opposit to this One since it force you to do good Things " prophet"
.But what i'd like The last kind of souls , d kind that always blame the person if he did any bad thing even a good thing .
Unfortunately There' re not many , but we should try hard to have this kind of soul . Having doubts or questions ain't a
bad Thing , but what's bad is how to deal with it , because many find no answers to their questions and they make the
worse thing which suicide looking for their answers in d afterlife . The human brain can'T unfortunately resolt any problem ;
everything has a limit in this earth , but the only thing i advice the people to do is to travel , discover the world ..... Try to see
everything , and don't keep yourself prisonner to your perfect world . When you meet others culture u'll be astounded of
what you'll see i promise you , but i need you to focus of what i'll tell you . Be open minded , and Use the third eye to see
hidden things And not what appears to you . Find your souls in what you like in any culture you find your self in it . And
please don't prejudge any culture just of what you heared of it . Try to live it first than Judge it !!