One Thousand Magical Herbs And Fungi

written by Emily

Herbology Textbook, Written by Aylarah Scale, Tarma Black, Rorey Padfoot, Adeliene Cromwell, Kim Alting, and Bianca Delacroix Whether for use in potions, cooking, CHARMS or decoration, herbs and fungi play a vital role in our lives. A simple sprig of a herb or fungus that was not meant to be included could turn a purifying potion into a poison, and herbs used for decoration can in fact influence your life with their magical properties, whether by bringing luck or maintaining health. In this book are listed one thousand of the most common magical herbs and fungi, their properties and some common uses. Aiming to be helpful to both brewer and baker, I hope that this is a book that you will come to cherish and keep as an everyday aid.

Last Updated






A List Of 150 Herbs Commonly Used In Potions

Chapter 4

Aghada: Achyranthes aspera. Also known as Rough Chaff Tree. Use the leaves, seeds and root. Used in large doses for poisons or small doses fo wound-cleaning potions.

Agrimony: Agrimonia Eupatoria. Also known as Sticklewort, Church Steeples. Use the whole herb. Used in color changing potions.

Akarakara: Anacyclus pyrethrum. Also known as Pellitory, Spanish Camomile. Use the root. Used in hiccuping solution and hate potions.

Akebia: Akebia quinata. Also called Chocolate Vine. Use the stem. Used in love potions.

Alder Buckthorn: Rhamnus Frangula. Also known as Black Dogwood, and Persian Berries. Use the bark. Used in aging potions and skele-gro. 

Alfalfa: Medicago Saliva. Also known as Father of All Foods, Purple Medic, and Lucerne. Use the stem, leaves, and sprouts from the seeds. Used to aid hearing.

Arjuna: Termminalia Arjuna. Also known as Kahu, or Billimatti. Use the bark. Used in potions to help with heart break, and to sooth stress or being overly emotional.

Arka: Calotropis gigantea. Also known as Madar, Mudar, and Yercum. Use the root, root-bark, flowers and leaves. Used in memory potions and potion to help ease the pain of Crucio.

Arnica: Arnica Montana. Also known as Leopard's Bane and Wolfsbane. Use flowers and rootstock. Used in Swelling Solution and Shrinking Solution.

Asafetida: Ferula foetida. Also known as Food of the Gods, and Hing. Use the root. Used in cough potions and Confusing and Befuddlement Draught.

Ashoka: Sarca indica. Also known as Thawgabo, and Asupala. Use the bark and flowers. Used in truth serums.

Asthma Weed: Lobelia inflata. Also known as Gagroot, Vomitwot, and Bladderpod. Use the herb and its seeds. Used in coughing potions.

Atibala: Sida Rhombifolia. Also known as Country mallow, Sap-devi. Use the root and stem. Used in the Elixir of Life.

Atmagupta: Mucuna pruriens. Also known as kavach, cowitch. Use the seeds, roots and legumes. Used in calming draughts.

Autumn Crocus: Colchicum autumnale Also known as Meadow Saffron. Use the root and seeds. Used in the Draught of Living Death.

BarberryBerberidaceae. Use the bark of the root or the stem for best results. Gather the root in Spring or Fall. Only use the berries when ripe. Used in potions for healing

BasilOcimum basilicum. Use the leaf. This herb is used in many different ways throughout the world. Usually it is used to cure headaches, coughs, or other illnesses. 

BalmMelissa officinalis. Use the leaf. The volatile oil and polyphenols can be used as well. Is best known for it’s calming agents. This is a good herb to put in teas when one is ill.

BelladonaAtropa belladonna. Use the leaves, tops, and berries. This is a poisonous plant. If ingested it can cause paralysis by affecting the central nervous system.

BetonyStachys officinalis. A flowering herb. The juice of this herb can be used to heal cuts, sprains, or external ulcers. 

BirthrootTrillium Pendulum. Use the rootstock. This herb is used as an antiseptic.

BlackberryRubus Villosu. Use the bark of the root or the rhizome. This helps with diarrhea and has been know to help treat Gout.

BladderwrackFucus vesiculosus. Use the entire plant. Healers use this herb for witch or wizards with under active thyroids. It helps produce a more active thyroid. 

BonesetEupatorium perfoliatum. Use the dried aerial parts. When mixed into a tea form this herbs help reduce aches and pains. It is also known to break down a high fever.

ChamomileMatricaria chamomilla. Use the flowers. The oils of the flowers are used for medicinal purposes. It is especially good for the kidneys.

Cinnamon TwigRamulus cinnamomum. Use the branches or twigs. This twig helps promote the circulation of the blood for better brain power.

CloveCaryophyllus aromaticus. Use the flower buds. Healers use this for indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. It can also help with the occasion toothache. 

CoixCoicis lachryma-jobi. Use the seed and squeeze out the juice. The juice helps to regulate fluid retention and counteract inflammation.

ComfreySymphytum officinale. Use the root or the leaf. This is an excellent wound healer. It cleans the wound inside and out. It is also known to speed the healing up process.

Corn SilkZea mays. Use the stigmas from the female flowers. The silk can also be collect for other non potion type uses. This when mixed properly can help hydrate the skin and make it smooth and soft.

Daisy: Bellis perennis. Use these fresh or dried. Daisies may be used safely and freely. Daisy can be used for stiffness in the body or for coughs. Daisies work best with boiling water.

Dandelion: Taraxacum officinale. Use the roots or the leaves. Dandelions are rich with vitamins and minerals. The leaves are rich in potassium. Dandelions can also help reduce cholesterol and boost the metabolism. 

Dianthus: Herba dianthis. The whole plant can be used. This is used for fevers. This plant can also help cure diseases that attack the blood. This works best when the plant is dampened with warm water.

Dill: Anethum graveolens. Using the seeds is best. Dill is the herb of choice to calm colicky children. It can also be made into a tea mixed with water or white wine for upset stomachs.

Dogbane: Apocynum androsaemiolium. It is best to use the rootstock. Warning; eating the leaves of this herb can kill livestock and cause severe illness in human. All parts of this plant contain a milky juice that is used in medicines. This is a complex plant and it is recommended not to use it unless you have the supervision of a Healer. 

Echinacea: Echinacea purpurea. You can use the roots of this plant. This is a plant that can used by to treat venomous bites and wounds. It is also recommend for blood poisoning and fevers.

Elderberry: Sambucus nigra. You can use the young shoots, bark, leaves, flowers, root, and the fruit. This is an edible plant and can be used as food, when necessary. This plant highly promotes speedy healing in injuries. 

Eluthero: Elutherococcus senticosus. You can use the root. This plant can induce physical endurance. It can stretch your muscles out to allow more oxygen to them. Of course you need to use this plant sparingly as the side effect is radiation exposure. 

Ephedra: Ephedra sinica. This is an active ingredient in alkaloid ephedrine. It became a popular herb in the early 20th century as having the properties for helping decongestion. 

Eyebright: Euphrasia officinalis. This herb Is primarily used for eye fatigue and eye inflammations. It also helps with relief from swelling, redness, and visual disturbances. Make sure it have it in a drop or thin cream form before applying to eyes.

Feverfew: Tanacetrum parthenium. Use the leaves. This plant helps with increased clumping of platelets and helps release certain chemicals when ingested. Can help with migraine headaches and improve blood vessel tone. 

Fennel: Foeniculum vulgare. Can used for the seeds or root. It is know for a fever and pain reducer. It attacks a fever faster then any other herb and works best used in children. It can also be calming and soothe aches in your muscles. 

Fenugreek: Trigonella foenum-graecum. Use the seeds. This herb is used for kidney problems and can be helpful in treating abscesses, bronchitis, arthritis, and wounds. It is high in dietary fiber and can be injected by itself as a spice.

Five-finger grass: Potentilla canadensis. Use the leaves and root. When made as a tea this herb can stop nosebleeds almost instantly. The bark works well on internal bleeding as well, but it must be ingested without adding any other substances. 

Fumitory: Fumaria offinalis. This herb is used to treat skin problems such as acne or eczema. Used as an eye wash it can also ease the discomfort of conjunctivitis. This is usually made into some sort of soap or lotion form. 

Gentin: Gentiana lutea. You would use the root of this plant. This plant is used for digestive problems and can help protect your liver from unwanted pesticides and germs. 

Ginseng: Panax ginseng. You use the root from this plant. Ginseng is an herb that is known for its healing powers. It is also good for prevention from many diseases that can take over the body. It is known to be put in teas and best absorbed when in liquid form.

Golden Rod: Solidago virgaurea. Use the dried aerial parts of this plant. You would use this plant when having respiratory. The amount of the herb to use depends on whether the issue is acute or chronic. 

Gravel Root: Eupatorium purpureum. Use the root mashed into a liquid form. This is used for accidental gravel swallowing, believe it or not. Yes, you use this herb if you eat gravel.

Green Tea: Camellia sinensis. The leaves are used for this herb and mashed into liquid form. This herb is extremely used for cardiovascular disease. It also lowers cholesterol and can reduce agitation. 

Grindelia: Grindelia. Use the dried aerial parts of this herb. When drank this herbs helps with muscle relaxation. It is especially helpful when you have overworked muscles or tension in certain areas.

Guar Gum: Cyanopsis tetragonoloba. The seeds are used in this herb. When enough is ingested this herb works as an appetite suppressant. This herb is also used in hand lotions and washable creams.

Guarana: Paullinia cupana. Use the seeds from this plant. This plant is as potent as caffeine. This herb acts as a stimulate and ups ones metabolism. As a warning this herb does not affect brain function, so it does not help you learn more. 

Gymnema: Gymnema sylvestre. Use the leaves from this plant. The leaves are mixed to form powerful hypoglycemia medicines. This is very helpful with controlling ones blood sugars. 

Gypsum: Gypsum fibrosum. This works best in a liquid form. The herb helps with toothaches. Mouth sores, and gum pains. It needs to be served warm, and chilled will worsen symptoms. 

Hawthorn: crataegus oxyacantha. For this herb use the flower or leaves. This herb is good for strengthening the action of the heart. When drank in a liquid form it can help nervousness or tension and in some cases sleepiness.

Heartsease: viola tricolor. You would use the entire herb. Heartsease, when crushed into a paste form helps with skin diseases. It is for external use only, do not ingest this herb. You are to rub in on your skin and let your body soak it in naturally.

Horehound: marrubium vulgare. Use the leaves of this plant, but make sure to dry them out first. This herb is best when the dry leaves are mixed with hot water as a tea. The tea, like many others, can help with cold-like symptoms, and digestive system issues.

Horseradish: cochlearia armoracia. Use the root of this plant. This herb is very edible. In fact muggles use it as a add on to many dishes. It is on the spicy side so its best known for clearing out sinus and head cold. 

Hydrangea: hydrangea arborescens. Use the roots (dried). This herb should be digested in liquid form and helps the body hydrated when fluids are being decomposed by the body, while fighting an infection. 

Indian Atees: aconitum hetrophyllum. Use the roots when dried out. This herb is used in a number of healing potions. It is one of the most common ingredients in a Healer’s standard potion ingredients box.

Indian Bedellium: balsamodendron mukul. Use the resin of this herb. You need to make the herb almost into a gum type form. It is best known for serving as a patch or bandage over abscesses or cuts.

Indian Madder: rubia cordifolia Use the fruit and root of this herb. When mixed into a potion this herb helps to stop internal bleeding from a ruptured organ. It is often used when a person is harmed by Dark magic.

Isatis: isatidis tinctoria. Use the leaf or the root. This herb is used mostly when epidemics happen as it helps retain the potions life longer. It is used for other reasons of course, but this the main one.

Ipecacuanha: cephaelis ipecacuanha. The root is to be used. When used in as a higher dose this herb is used against poisoning. It helps the body fight against toxins that have entered the body. 

Juniper: Juniperus communis. Use the fruit in a dried form from this plant. It works well for digestion issues or can help ease colic in the little ones.

Kantkari: Solanum xanthocarpum. Mainly found in India you can use the roots, flower, or stem of this plant. Healers use this herb in potions for those who have enlarged spleens or livers.

Katuka: Picrorrhiza kurroa. This is an extremely bitter herb. Thankfully, it is mainly used as a lotion or scrub for those nasty boil hexes. 

Kava: Piper methysticum. You need to peel the roots and used them boiled into a drinkable solution; usually a tea. Healers use this herb for helping calm down patients who are frantic, nervous, or stressed. This is a calming herb.

Kola: Cola vera. This plant’s seeds are used mainly in dark magic. When mixed into a potion the seeds help slow down one's nervous system, making it easier to be attacked or be captured.

Kudzu: Pueranria iobata. You would use the roots of this plant, though Healers have kept the use of this plant very secretive. We know it was used in old Chinese remedies, but if you ask a Healer now they quickly excuse themselves and refused to answer the question.

Lavender: Lavandula offcinalis. The flowers are the most used of this plant. Lavender is usually used for external use in lotions to help calm and relax people. It has been know to help wizards with depression as well.

Ledebouriella: Ledebouriellae divaricatae. This entire herb is usually cut and made into a potion to help with joint or muscle pain. Instead of a Healer rubbing this herb into the skin one drinks the potion and the herb works from the inside out. 

Licorice: Glycyzrrhiza glabra. The root is used. Now this is not the sweet treat that children grow to love. This herb is boiled into a liquid form. It one of the best used herbs for calming. Of course it is extremely rare and known to cost a small fortune to purchase it. 

Linden: Tilia europea. You need to pick the flowers from the plant at the exact right time during the month of October. It can only be harvested once per year. It is known to last for only six months if preserved properly. The scent of the flowers can cause instant relaxation, but if you smell it too often and for prolong periods you are at risk of forgetting what is going on and can go mad without having the scent near you at all times. This plant has been banned from many Hospitals in the world due to the risks. 

Lungwort - You would used the leaves of this plant. This plant is exceptionally helpful when a person has bronchitis or any other upper respiratory conditions. 

Magnolia - This flower is used in potions or teas for women who are having issues becoming pregnant. 

Maitake - This is more in the fungi class and can help lower many of the most popular medical conditions in the Muggle world today. 

Mandrake - You would use the entire root of this plant which is said to give a household protection. Many magical families place the root of this plant on their mantel for safe keeping. It can also be hung over ones bed while sleeping for protecting

Marshmallow - You will use the leaf and root of this plant. This plant when consumed, is said to bring beauty to those that consume it. I’m guessing it brightens the skin and shines the hair.

Meadowsweet - This flower is smashed down to be made into a power for tea. When drank it will rid the body of any excess fluid it made be holding onto; must be used sparsely. 

Mint - The leaves in this plant are very powerful. Besides making one have good smelling breath, they are also highly recommended for those with sore throats.

Mistletoe - Again the leaves from this plant are used. Ironically this popular Christmas plant is used for women who are trying to induce their contractions while in labor. 

Mugwort - The leaves and roots are used of this plant. This is mostly used for as a laxative; mainly for those who are having digestive issues.

Mullein It is said you can wear this plant to prevent animals from smelling you while hiking or walking in wood like areas. It is also used in potions to help protect people from evil spirits or magic. 

Musk - No, this isn’t a cologne, for this plant you would use the root. When soaked in warm water and drank, it can help with your self-esteem.

Mustard - The most common part of this herb that is used are the seeds. It can been used for making many different type of food products and spices, but they also help with increasing your mental agility. 

Myrrh - You will use this herb in a different way. Instead of ingesting it you will burn it and inhale the scent. This is often used in ceremonies to bless the burners magical tools and items.

Neem - This herb can be used for many different aliments and because of it all of it can be used in some way or another. It can help with bronchitis, diarrhea, vomiting, and so much more. It’s almost like a Healer’s dream plant.

Neroli - This herb is best drank in a warm liquid version. It can help soothe the nerves and calm a person down. This would be a perfect solution for those students who are nervous about their exams.

Nettle - This herb contains a very high magic quality and has been used in magical potions for many hundreds of years. It has protective powers to it. It can help remove an evil curse for a person or object. It is often give to a person who is sick and placed right next to them for healing purposes. 

Niaouli - Healers use this herb a lot in its paste form. It is helps with minor cuts and scrapes. It can also be taken in a liquid form for sore throats.

Nightshade - You would use the bark or the root of this plant. This is a very bitter plant, but when taken it can bring down the swelling of an area within seconds. 

Oak - This trees bark can be used in many different protection and healing type potions. It can also help with money, but those type of potions are hard to find and are considered illegal in the Wizarding world. 

Oats - When you hear of oats you don’t typically think of an herb, but alas it is a plant. You would use the seeds or you could use the entire plant depending on your need. This can be made into a paste and gives soothing to someone with eczema. 

Okra - Though you can cook with this plant the health benefits it has is amazing. This plant has so much fiber in it, t can regulate one’s blood sugar in an emergency situation. This plant is one of the most health sufficient plants in the world.

Onion - Onion is one of those plants that adds flavor to whatever it is added to; food, potions, and healing methods. On it’s own it doesn’t do too much, but when combined with the right ingredients it can pack a punch. 

Orange - The orange is best known for its fast amounts of Vitamin-C, but the peels/skim are used in a multitude of ways in potions. They can bring a calming odor and give a potion a gentle taste that encouraged emotional expression. 

Orris - This herb is mainly used in love potions. Oddly enough it is good for treating acne as well. I don’t know if it is possible these two things can be linked together, but you never know. 

Palma Rosa - This herb is best used in a drinkable form. It is used when calming a patient down, as it can “wake up” the mind for better self control. When used in a paste form it is extremely helpful for skin rashes and irritations. 

Papaya - You might be thinking, wait this is a fruit not an herb, well the twigs and branches that make a papaya tree actually are used to ward off evil spirits. It says that you should hang these over your door-sill and it will protect you from people who enter yourself, whatever their intentions. 

Parsley - This plant can nave two means. It is associated with both love and death. Some state if you cut parsley when you are in love you will be cutting your love away; some say it is a good herb for protection. It just depends what you need it for.

Passion Flower - Though the name of this plant would lead you to believe it has one meaning, it is truly used for calming ones troubles or problems. It is also used for attracting popularity. 

Patchouli - This is a wonderful herb for woman. When in a drinkable form this can balance her feminine aspects out during those rough times. It can help purify the body and cleanse the skin.

Pennyroyal - This herb is one of the best used for protection potions. The herb itself literally repels negativity. You could put some into your tea and it an even clear of the negativity in your body, meaning it works well on colds and flues. 

Phellodendron: phellodendron amurense – This is a good plant to use when one has a fever. The bark is used in liquid form to help purge away from the body. Healers use this on patients who have night sweat from a high fever.

Phragmites: phagmites communis or gramineae – This plant resembles bamboo and is also used for fevers, but of the lower grade variety. You would use the rhizome of the plant in a healing potion. It is said to also soothe the stomach of nausea. 

Phytolacca: phytolaca esculenta – One would use the root of this plant and it needs to be ingested, either in liquid or solid form. The herb can help with congestion. The herb is most potent when freshly picked, but can still give some effect when picked a day or two ago. The herb can also me created in a paste form and used on inflames sores of the skin. 

Pinellia: pinelliae ternatae – Another herb that is used for cold related symptoms. The rhizome is used of the herb in a liquid form to help clear phlegm from a person who has a cold. It is best to use some citrus when drinking to give it a better flavor. It is said to also work with swollen glands.

Playycodon: playycodi grandiflori – This herb is also used to help relief phlegm. The root from this is plant is more powerful than the above herb. This herb should be used for more severe cases of throat inflammation. 

Poke: Phytolacca americana – You can use the berries, leaves, and roots from this plant. Cook all ingredients thoroughly as this plant should not be consumed raw or undercooked. You must boil the parts at least twice to make sure it is fully cooked. This can be used for the illness called mumps. It is also possible to make the parts into a paste and use it externally for scabies. 

Polyporus: polypori umbellate – The fruit from this plant is used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It also works wonders for diarrhea. Chinese herbalists believe strongly that this makes a good cancer treatment. 

Primrose: oenothffa bionnis – This entire plant can be used and is typically used for those with mental health issues, mainly depression. It has a stimulating effect on the liver and spleen. This is a very edible plant.

Psyllium: plantago ispagula – Use only the seeds of this plant. It only grows in India and Iran. This is used as an intensive laxative and is known to be rich in fiber. It works even better when it encounters water. 

Pyrgeum: Pygeum africanum – Use the bark of this plant. The bark of this plant has three active effects. It can be used as a decongestive agent, anti-inflammatory, and can increase the uptake of testosterone. The bark is crushed into a powder and used as a tea. This is typically found in central and southern Africa. 

Quassia Quassia amara - Also known as bitter wood, the bark of the Quassia is said to be one of the best stomach bitters. It is therefore especially useful for cases of lack of appetite. Quassia bark is used by traditional healers of Brazil for malaria fevers and it is also used to treat liver and gallbladder problems, as a digestive aid and as an insecticide. Quassia wood is whitish, becoming yellow on exposure to air. 

Quercus Quercus infectoria - Also known as Aleppo oak. Abnormal growth of this tree (produced by insects) also known as nutgall, produces tannic acids which can be used as a topical preparation for cold sores. 

Raspberry Rubus idaeus - The leaves can be used to treat diarrhea, colds and stomach complaints. The leaves have been used in folk remedies, due to its rich content in vitamins and minerals. The fruit is said to protect the liver from all kinds of toxins . 

Ravensara Ravensara aromatica - The oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of this tree has a majority of health benefits. The benefits can be attributed to its analgesic, antibacterial, antibacterial and antidepressant properties. 

Red Clover Trifolium pretense - It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals in synergy with for example isoflavones. Isoflavonses act like estrogen and red clover is therefore used as a reliever of menopause symptoms. It also provides protection against osteoporosis. 

Red Root Ceanothus americanus - The root is proven useful in mouthwashes to relieve sore throat and to help reduce dental plaque. It is also used in the treatment of asthma complaints, bronchitis and coughs. 

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis - This herb stimulates the central nervous system and circulation, making it beneficial for low bloodpressure. It can also be used as an oil to alleviate pain of arthritis. Besides its medicinal uses it is commonly used in cooking.

Rue Ruta graveolens L. - Also known as Herb of Grace, is used as a whole to improve eyesight. In small amounts it can ease headaches. In large doses it is toxic. 

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