The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
Chapter Eight
Chapter 9
Chapter Eight ~ The Three Teams
Above the second deafening roar from the Griffindoor table, Albus' eyes were locked on Lily as she smiled that numb smile he still wore. They were a team! Both Griffindoor's! He could skip, jump for joy, but for now, he was watching Lily. He couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from her.
She rose elegantly and began to walk down the hall. Her face was now wearing that expression from that meeting on the train, the one he'd seen on her quiet days when she seemed to drift away from the world. He gathered his senses and followed her into the room, heart bursting with joy. If only he - they could win it, like his father did all that time ago.
They were not so much welcomed among the other champions, though the red-headed french girl smiled at them when they entered, the two Durmstrang boys muttered among themselves with sneering expressions and the dark-haired Beabaxtons girl didn't even seem to notice when they came in. Luckily the silence didn't last for long because a minute later the three heads swept in, followed by Percy Weasley, Katie Bell and Professor Silvers.
Professor Mcgonagall smiled her rare but warm smile as she surveyed her champions, hugging them with pride. ''Two Griffindoors!'' She exclaimed. ''Now how did I know that would be the case.?'' Albus smiled back, but Lily wanted to know more.
''When do they weigh our wands?'' She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. Why?
Katie Bell stepped forward. ''Tomorrow afternoon Lily. Mr Ollivander will check your wand's condition.'' Lily blinked.
''I'm sorry, who is Mr Ollivander?'' Professor Mcgonagall, Katie Bell and Albus all stared at her in surprise. No British witch or Wizard could fail to know who Garrick Ollivander was. Then Albus remembered her accent, how much stronger it was a month ago.
''He's a very famous wandmaker, I think nearly all British Witches and Wizards buy their wands from him.'' Lily nodded hurridly, but after the silence and disbelief from her question, she wanted to move on.
''When is the first task?''
Professor Mcgonagall laughed. ''You're certainly keen! The date hasn't been set yet, but it will be sometime in early December, I think.'' She turned to look at the clock seated upon the marble mantle piece. ''Ok you two, off to bed. You need to be up early tomorrow. Mr Ollivander will be here at nine.'' She Albus and Lily a slight push and they hurried out of the chamber, taking another exit rather than going back through the great hall. There was more silence as the two of them finally began to take in all that had happened in the half hour.
Halfway to the Griffindoor Commonroom, however, Lily's face broke into a determined look. She had got over the fact that she was in the tournament, now all they needed to do was - win it.
''So, first task.'' She turned to Albus. ''I'm sure that the others Heads have sources from which they can find ou what their champions will face. We need some of our own.''
Albus, though a little taken aback by the sudden determined approach, nodded. ''From my experience they always use some sort of animal for the first one.'' He said. ''So watch out for Hagrid. Maybe he'll feature them in a lesson.''
Lily nodded and Albus muttered the password to the Fat Lady as they drew up beside the entrance to the commonroom.
''Well, 'night then.'' Albus made ready to climb the stairs up to the boy's dormitory. Before he could reach the first step, however, the air was knocked out of him by a bear hug from Lily. She smiled, eyes flickering in the firelight.
''Goodnight Albus.''