The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter 14 ~ Christmas is Coming
''Now, as many of you already know, each of you may ask a student of any age, house or school to the upcoming Yule Ball.'' Professor Mcgongall watched the usual reactions of the students; Boys groaning theatrically and girls flickering their eyes eagerly over their male housemates. ''Now, if you bring a date, you will need to know how to waltz.'' The students of Griffindoor house either laughed, shook their heads wildly or looked confused. She sighed. ''The waltz is a simple three step dance. All students with dates, especially the champions-'' She cast a stern glance towards Lily and Albus ''-should know how to waltz. I will show you.'' She ran her eyes over the crowd of boys, all of whom were shifting uncomfortably. ''Ah, Robert, come up here.'' Rob blushed furiously, but steadily rose to join the headmistress. She directed him into position and nodded to Professor Longbottom, who was manning the large gramophone. He moved to start the record playing.
''Ok, now, let us start. Like so - one two three, one two three, one two three...''
''Oh god, now comes the torture of finding dates.'' Rob groaned, walking down the corridoor after the dance session. Fred grinned.
''Not that bad.'' Rob looked at him, eyes nearly popping out of his head.
''Not that bad! Fred, we've got one week to find a decent looking girl that doesn't resemble a troll!'' He choked. Albus said nothing, but he agreed with his friend. Still, hopefully a few would ask him. He hated the process of asking a girl out, it involved so much giggling.
''Hey Fred, Rob, Al.'' Lily Potter appeared, accompanied by Rose. ''You got your dates for the ball sorted yet?''
Rob blushed, then his face lit up. ''Ummm, Lily, you found anyone to go with yet?''
She shrugged. ''No, why?''
Rob took a deep breath. ''Well, you wanna go with me?''
She grinned.''Yeah, alright.''
Rob breathed a sigh of relief and she turned to walk off with Rose. Fred laughed.
''See, isn't that hard, is it?'' Rob smiled a slightly dazed smile at his friend. Fred chuckled again and looked at Albus. ''Who're you planning on going with mate?'' Albus shrugged, but Fred wasn't that easy to shake off. ''Come on, got anyone in mind.'' He took a sidelong glance at his friend and suggested; ''Lily Archeron, perhaps?''
Albus grinned at his friend and gave him a light punch on the shoulder. ''Don't be stupid Fred, she's my fellow champion. I can't go with her!'' He tried to say this light heartedly but towards the end it rang a little regretful. Fred saw this.
''Come on man, you really like her. And she really likes you.''
Albus forget himself for a moment and looked at his friend excitedly. ''You really think so?''
Fred grinned. ''It's obvious mate, you and her are ''meant to be'', as Rob would say. Oh wait, I forgot Rob was here, didn't I?'' He looked at his friend teasingly, earning a kick this time.
''Don't you worry, I'm over her. I now have other priorities.'' Rob's mind flickered back to Lily Potter before he turned to Fred. ''Who you going with anyway.''
''Yeah Fred, who you going with?'' Albus joined Rob in giving Fred the same treatment they'd just received, laughing as Fred himself blushed.
''Well, I'm going with Nina Macmillan for your information, and don't say anything about it.'' Fred looked at his friends, almost embarassed. They laughed, and he joined in.
''Tinsel Elf.'' Rob said to the Fat Lady as they drew up to the painting. She swung forward and they climbed through the hole in the wall.
''Seriously though Al, you need to ask Lily Archeron to the Ball.'' Fred told his friend as he entered. Albus walked to sit down on an armchair next to the fire. ''Alright then.'' He thought to himself. ''I will.''