Tiny Battles: A History Of Gnome Wars
We all know gnomes as the annoying creatures that live in our gardens, this book details the Gnome Wars, a little known war that was fought hundreds of years before wizards came into powerful prominence.
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The Cloaked March
Chapter 6
After almost two weeks of marching the Red army reached the border of Blue territory. At nightfall high general Liledoff called a meeting in his war tent. By the conclusion it had been decided that the Cloak regiment would enter first at the next sundown and scout the enemy forces, how they were grouped, and if they were, and how many they numbered.
At the allotted time the Cloak set off, as silent as leaves in the wind the fifty or so highly elite soldiers crossed the Blue border and crossed the field of tall grass and through a rock strewn valley until they came upon the Blue army. The Cloak was shocked, the Blue army was more than twice the size the Red and the Blue gnomes carried firepower that far bested anything the Red carried.
The commander of the Cloak, a very small gnome named Grokta commanded a full retreat. When they reached Liledoff the high general ordered messengers to head for queen Tilia the Green, the Red would need help in the war.