The Essential Guide to Hogwarts Portraiture, Ed. II
written by Professor Rosenquist
The second edition of The Essential Guide to Hogwarts Portraiture includes updated versions of the entries in the first edition, along with additional portraits that were not included in the original. This textbook is to be used in conjunction with Magical Art 601.
Last Updated
Chapter 1 -
Albus Dumbledore
Chapter 2 -
Ambrose Swott
Chapter 3 -
Anne Boleyn
Chapter 4 -
Antonia Creaseworthy
Chapter 5 -
Ariana Dumbledore
Chapter 6 -
Armando Dippet
Chapter 7 -
Barnabas the Barmy
Chapter 8 -
Basil Fronsac
Chapter 9 -
Bertie Bott
Chapter 10 -
Bloody Baron
Chapter 11 -
Brian Gagwilde III
Chapter 12 -
Brutus Scrimgeour
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 -
Cottismore Croyne
Chapter 16 -
Damara Dodderidge
Chapter 17 -
Dexter Fortescue
Chapter 18 -
Dilys Derwent
Chapter 19 -
Edessa Skanderberg
Chapter 20 -
Edward Rabnott
Chapter 21 -
Elizabeth Burke
Chapter 22 -
Emeric Switch
Chapter 23 -
Chapter 24 -
Fat Friar
Chapter 25 -
Fat Lady
Chapter 26 -
Fytherley Undercliffe
Chapter 27 -
George von Rheticus
Chapter 28 -
Giffard Abbott
Chapter 29 -
Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter 30 -
Godric Gryffindor
Chapter 31 -
Google Flange
Chapter 32 -
Google Stump
Chapter 33 -
Günther der Gewalttätige ist der Gewinner
Chapter 34 -
Helena Ravenclaw
Chapter 35 -
Helga Hufflepuff
Chapter 36 -
Heliotrope Wilkins
Chapter 37 -
Hengist Rawkes
Chapter 38 -
Iris Pius
Chapter 39 -
Mordicus Egg
Chapter 40 -
Newton Scamander
Chapter 41 -
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
Chapter 42 -
Nivalis Swoopstikes
Chapter 43 -
Percival Pratt
Chapter 44 -
Phineas Nigellus Black
Chapter 45 -
Phyllida Spore
Chapter 46 -
Quentin Trimble
Chapter 47 -
Rowena Ravenclaw
Chapter 48 -
Salazar Slytherin
Chapter 49 -
Selina Sapworthy
Chapter 50 -
Severus Snape
Chapter 51 -
Sidley Smirk Platter
Chapter 52 -
Sir Cadogan
Chapter 53 -
Temeritus Shanks
Chapter 54 -
Timothy the Timid
Chapter 55 -
Tobias Misslethorpe
Chapter 56 -
Vindictus Viridian
Chapter 57 -
Violet Tillyman
Chapter 58 -
Chapter 59 -
Walter Aragon
Chapter 60
Google Stump
Chapter 33
Image credit: here
Google Stump was a very intelligent, but shy wizard. He died some time after 1700 and not much is known about his life. Other portraits have cryptically described him as “the man with answers”. There is also some speculation that he is related to the former Minister of Magic, Grogan Stump, however it hasn't been confirmed as Google Stump died before Grogan Stump was born.
Google Stump's portrait is hung in two different areas. In 1994, his portrait was spotted in the Tapestry Corridor. In 1995 his portrait was found in the Viaduct Entrance, hiding a secret passage to the first floor corridor. According to Google, he had been guarding the passage for many years and not one student has passed through. Even though he can be shy, Google won’t turn away someone who wants to befriend him. Next time you're passing by his portrait at the Viaduct Entrance, be sure to stop by and say hello. When socializing with Google, you will notice that he is not the most talkative of the portraits and has a tendency to stutter. Yet he is probably one of the best portraits to go to when seeking answers. Google is quite well-informed of the goings-on and secrets at Hogwarts. He may or may not help depending on how the topic is approached. Remember, he is timid, so do not start demanding answers angrily if you need his help.