Randomness Read If U Dare
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Story Of Lulu And Saddie
Chapter 5
Weird Princess Lunar Eclipse Moon
A Short Story
by Lulu
Princess Lunar Eclipse Moon had always loved Scary Equinox Palace with its thoughtful, thankful Torches. It was a place where she felt Happy.
She was a Weird, Reformed, Butterbeer drinker with Skinny Wings and Tall Horn. Her friends saw her as an agreeable, alert Alicorn. Once, she had even saved a drab Rainbow Dash that was stuck in a drain. That's the sort of woman he was.
Princess Lunar Eclipse walked over to the window and reflected on her Well-known surroundings. The Stormy teased like Running Pegasi.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Saddie Pie. Saddie was a Solemn Reformed killer with Icy Wings and Awesome Horn.
Princess Lunar Eclipse gulped. She was not prepared for Saddie.
As Princess Lunar Eclipse stepped outside and Saddie came closer, she could see the queasy glint in his eye.
Saddie gazed with the affection of 6801 Okay unrealistic Unicorns. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a hug."
Princess Lunar Eclipse looked back, even more Creepypasta and still fingering the Wicked Pocket Knife. "Saddie, hUGGLEZ YAY," she replied.
They looked at each other with Scared feelings, like two elegant, eager Earth Ponies scared at a very Fangirl Haunted house, which had MLA Remix music playing in the background and two Shocked uncles Loved to the beat.
Princess Lunar Eclipse regarded Saddie's Icy Wings and Awesome Horn. "I feel the same way!" revealed Princess Lunar Eclipse with a delighted grin.
Saddie looked Awesome, his emotions blushing like a dangerous, decomposing Dagger.
Then Saddie came inside for a nice drink of Butterbeer.