How To Be Like Hermione Granger.
This book will show you how to be like her. It will show you how to look, dress and act like her I will start from Year One and gradually move to year seven. This is my first book. Thanks for reading.
Last Updated
Year One Part Three. Books
Chapter 4
I thought I'd focus on the library and books in this chapter because library is like Hermione's favorite place in the books and the movies.
"I’ve learned all the course books by heart of course. I just hope it will be enough – I’m Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?”
“Harry — I think I’ve just understood something! I’ve got to go to the library!”
(a couple of Hermione Granger library quotes.)
Personally, I think that reading is one of the best ways to act like Hermione Granger.
She really likes books, which are one of the things that make her so smart. You don't have to read thick textbooks or anything, (though if you enjoy doing them.) you just have to read. A lot. And always have a book or two with you. span>
You should also try rereading the Harry Potter series to get a better idea on how to act like Hermione Granger.